In spite of the fact that development of the Concept of the new program urged to develop IT in Kazakhstan is still discussed, supposed that "Digital Kazakhstan" will use public-private partnership and private investments, the chairman of the board of national infocommunication holding "Zerde" Bikesh Kurmangaliyeva said during the report of the World bank, correspondent reports.
"Loading will not be on the state budget. You know, during the world crisis, the budget is reduced. Therefore private investments will be attracted here. The large companies, such as "Kazaktelekom" and "Transtelekom", are ready to invest now in new projects, for example, the "broadband access to the village".
Also large IT companies are ready to invest through service model to create services and to provide them in rent to the state and corporate sector.
The vendor companies also want to participate. It is Cisco and Microsoft. They expressed desire to invest and participate in the Digital Kazakhstan program," the chairman shared with their plans.