Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the United Nations

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Principal, BCG

Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the W. Boyce Professor and Chair of Urology at Wake Forest University

Kyrgyzstan's Deputy Prime Minister

PwC Advisory Director

Managing Director for Business Transformation and IT, ERG

Deputy Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Scientist, Professor at Haifa University

Candidate of Science City Design and Development Group in the Department of Urban Research and Planning, researcher with Senseable City Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Armenia's Deputy Prime Minister

Internet researcher at King's College, lecturer, new media consultant

architect and partner, light+space

Chairman, Baiterek JSC

Program director, Lumenora

Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Vice President of the Alageum Group of Companies

Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairwoman of the National Commission for Women's Affairs and Family and Demographics Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Director of the Center for Analysis and Information of the Republic Kazakhstan

Executive Director (The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia)

Global Innovation Leader, Earthport

Global Chairman at BCG