26/05/2016 09:00 26/05/2016 11:00 Asia/Almaty Regional Think Tank Summit Palace of Independence, The Economist Hall, 2 floor Astana Economic Forum false DD/MM/YYYY
26 May
09:00-12:15     Palace of Independence, The Economist Hall, 2 floor
Knowledge economy
25/05/2016 09:00 25/05/2016 11:00 Asia/Almaty Eurasian Integration: Mission of the Universities Samruk-Kazyna Conference Hall, 8, Kunaev Str. (45 floor) Astana Economic Forum false DD/MM/YYYY
25 May
16:30-18:00     Samruk-Kazyna Conference Hall, 8, Kunaev Str. (45 floor)
Knowledge economy
26/05/2016 09:00 26/05/2016 11:00 Asia/Almaty A Professional Civil Service for the Successful Implementation of Institutional Reforms Palace of Independence, Ceremonial Hall, 1 floor Astana Economic Forum false DD/MM/YYYY
26 May
09:00-12:15     Palace of Independence, Ceremonial Hall, 1 floor
Knowledge economy
26/05/2016 09:00 26/05/2016 11:00 Asia/Almaty Higher Education and Modernization of the Economy: Innovative and Entrepreneurial Universities Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave. Astana Economic Forum false DD/MM/YYYY
26 May
09:00-11:00     Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave.
Knowledge economy

Regional Think Tank Summit

Organized by:
JSC “Economic Research Institute”;
University of Pennsylvania.
