
Since 2008, the Astana Economic Forum brings together representatives from the world`s economic community, current and former heads of states, Nobel Prize laureates, outstanding figures from the scientific world and businessmen to consider the major global challenges of the day and brainstorm on solutions to address such challenges. For more detailed information concerning speakers, participants, programs and sponsors of the forums held since 2008 please click here.

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund" Damu ".

Born on November 7, 1972 in Akmola region.

In 1994 she graduated from Akmola Agricultural Institute with honors in “Economics and management in the sectors of agriculture "in 2003 - Eurasian Humanitarian Institute with honors in law. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

She began her career in 1995 as a professor of economic faculty of the Gumilev Eurasian State University. In 2004 she worked as a national expert on economic development project of UNDP Kazakhstan. From August 2004 to January 2009 she headed the department of analysis and strategy development, training and consulting, corporate development of JSC “Entrepreneurship Development Fund”. Since January 2009 she worked as general manager of the department of special programs, the Directorate on financial institutions and development institutes management JSC “Samruk-Kazyna”.

Senior research officer of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences

In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University. In 1996 he defended his thesis in the field of probability theory and stochastic processes. In the period from 1997 to 2001 he worked at the Computing Center named after Dorodnitsin A.A., Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2002, conducts research in the field of information technology at the Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences. He has participated in projects for the federal ministries of the Russian Federation.

Head of department of mathematical modeling of economic systems, Dorodnitsyn Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Head of department of mathematical modeling of complex processes and systems of MIPT. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Mathematical Sciences, Moscow. Our department for over 30 years develops macromodels of the Russian economy and its regions by the orders of various government organizations. Our models are based on the principles of modern economic theory, but take into account the particular institutions established in this economy in this period. As a result it was created by a series of models, describing the history of Russian economic reforms over the years 1985-2010. In 2011, we built the model of Kazakh economy successfully describing its dynamics during the global crisis.

Research officer of the state scientific-technical program (Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev)

He graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, currently graduate student of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov. He has experience in the investment portfolio management, risk management. Currently, the range of interests includes development of macroeconomic and financial models

The deputy director of Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Corresponding member of the RAS, Dr. Sci. Tech., the professor.

Novikov D.A. is the known scientist in the field of the control theory. He has more than 400 scientific papers, among which there are more than 100 articles in leading reviewed journals, more than 20 monographs and textbooks (on multi-agents systems and control of the decentralized systems; economic-mathematical models; the theory and mechanisms of functioning of hierarchical organizational systems; project management, reflective games and network structures, information management and confrontation). He created theoretical bases of development and research of theoretic-game and optimizing models of control of systems of the interdisciplinary nature (organizational-technical, social-economic, ecologic-economic, etc.). He developed complexes of applied mechanisms of control which efficiency is confirmed by development and realization of projects of federal, regional and corporate levels.

Deputy Director of “Company of System Studies Factor” ltd

Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, Deals with problems of mathematical modeling of physical and economic processes.

He has published over 50 scientific papers and manuals. Since 1999, systematically began to deal with the problems of information technology and the economy. He is the author of the modeling techniques and monitoring of complex systems TOFI, based on which several national information systems were developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan , such as the analytical complex of the Presidential Administration, the system of real-time monitoring of socio-economic indicators, information-analytical system of regional management, etc. He co-developed factor-balance method for calculating the cost of products and services, which is implemented at JSC "National Company" Kazakhstan TemirZholy" and JSC"KazTransGaz".

Supervisor of the state scientific-technical program (Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev)

Аcademician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Academy of Informatization, doctor of technical sciences, professor.

Ashimov A.A. - founder of the national research school in the theory of control systems and technical cybernetics.

Research interests: systems analysis, applied theory of dynamical systems and control theory, theory of parametrical regulation of nonlinear dynamical systems evolution. He is the author of over 400 scientific papers.

State awards and honors: Medal "For Valiant Labor", 1970; the title of "Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR", 1980; Order of "People’s Friendship", 1981; Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, 1984; Prize of the Council Ministers of the Kazakh SSR in the field of science and technology, 1989; Order "Parasat", 2006.

The award "The Outstanding Paper" of Kybernetesjournal for the best paper presented at the 15 International Congress on Cybernetics and Systems (WOSC 2011) in the city of Nanjing (China).

President of the Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

He graduated Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, he worked Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics KazSU; rector of the National Institute of Professional Development for cultural workers; chairman of the Creative Union of Workers of Culture of Kazakhstan; deputy Director, Center for Foreign Economy of Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences; Rector of the University "Turan".

President of the Association of educational institutions of the RK. President of the International Public Academy of Tourism.

He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, medals and Diploma of the Supreme Council KazSSR, the RK Education high achiever, he was awarded the honorary title of "Kazakhstannyn enbek sinirgen kairatkeri".

Author of books: “Our address – Kazakh State University” (coauthor), "The method of research of economic contradictions in" Capital "Marx", "The formation of the Marxist theory of economic contradictions", Dialectics of economic contradictions dialectic cycles of economic development", "The theory of contradictions and problems of its development".

Research officer of the state scientific-technical program, the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev

Research interests: analysis and forecasting of time series, applied theory of dynamical systems and control theory, theory of parametrical regulation of evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems.

Education: He graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. A specialist in mathematical and computer modeling.He has experience in the development and application of information-analytical systems: SAS Institute, Lotus Notes, Lotus Notes/Domino, Eviews, participated in the development of an information subsystem for the Administration of the President to support decision-making in economic policy.

Head of Department "Economics and Logistics," International Academy of Business

Doctor of Economic Sciences. Research interests: econometric modeling and forecasting, macroeconomic analysis, systems analysis of financial statements, analysis of investment projects, models and methods of decision making.

Published over 40 papers of scientific and methodical nature, including a monograph and 2 textbooks.

Chief Scientific Supervisor of the “Economic Research Institute” JSC.

Mr. Baizakov graduated from Kazakh State University after S.Kirov with diploma in “Computer science”. In 1964 he joined Economic Research Institute as Head of CM software department. From 1985 he was appointed as deputy Head of the Economic Research Institute. He has been Chairman of the Kazakhstan Economists Union. He took part in government programs and kazakhstani national economy’s programs development from 1991 to 1997. Sailau Baizakovich worked as Head of Management Research Institute from 1986 to 1993. In 1994 he joined the National Commission on Derivatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1996 he was appointed Head Civil Service Personnel Training Institute of the Government of the RK. In 2003 he became Head of Macroeconomic group at climate change coordination center. From 2004 to 2008 he was appointed Research Vice President of the “Economic Research Institute” JSC. From 2008 he has been Chief Scientific Supervisor of the “Economic Research Institute” JSC.

Director of Macroeconomic analysis and strategic research Center of Macroeconomic analysis and Strategic research at the “Economic Research Institute” JSC, Doctor in economic science, professor

Mrs. Alpysbayeva graduated from Karagandy polytechnical Institute with diploma in “Economics and organization of machine building industry”. From 1976 to 1981 she served as engineer at a factory - producer of heating equipment. From 1981 to 1992 she worked as academician, senior academician at TSKO Public science center of the Academy of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1993 to 2000 – deputy Head on Research at Market relations Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. From 2000 to 2004 – deputy Head, Head of the NOK on economic specialities at the Karagandy University after E.A.Buketov. From 2004 to 2008 – Head of the Market relations Institute at the Karagandy University after E.A. Buketov. Member of dissertation board at the Economics Institute of the Ministry of Education of the RK (Almaty). International research expert of the Postcrisis World Institute. Honored with “The best high school teacher” award by the Ministry of Education of the RK in 2007 for accomplishments and contribution in domestic science and education. Member of consultative board of economists under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In 1993 has graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, specialty – mathematician. In 1996 he graduated from Market Institute of Kazakh Management Academy, National School of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1998, Georgetown University of Washington, the United States of America. He began working in 1993 as a graduate student, assistant to the Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi. In 1996 he worked as Senior expert of the Supreme Economic Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan In 1997 he took the position of Deputy Director, Director of Department at the Agency for Strategic Planning. In 1998 was appointed Head of Social and Economic Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1999 - 2001 served as Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning, In 2001 - 2002 - First Vice-Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2002 to 2006 served as Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2006 to 2008 served as CEO of Kazyna Sustainable Development Fund. From January to October 2008 served as Head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. October 2008 – April 2011 - CEO of the Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC. Since January 2012 he is Deputy Prime-Minister.

Director of the Higher Party School of the "Nur Otan", Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor Yessekina B.K. is the famous expert in the field of governance and sustainable development not only in Kazakhstan but also in Central Asia and CIS. In 1999 to 2001 she was the National coordinator of the First Inter-State Report on indicators testing of sustainable development for the Aral Sea basin, which was successfully presented by Kazakhstan at 9-th UN CSD (2001). In 2000-2002 she was a Member of the Working group of the preparation UNDP report (National Agenda -21), which was presented during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. In 2003-2010 she was National Coordinator of projects by support Government of Kazakhstan, including “Development Strategy for the formation of competitive clusters in natural-resource sector”, “Improving Governance and Strategic Planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Environmental- economic problems in the mineral resources sector” and many international Projects by support ESCAP - “Problems of reducing poverty”; OSCE- “Consequences of WTO accession for Sustainable Development ”; EU- “Formation of system of sustainable development indicators” ; ECOSOC- « Achievement of MDGs in Kazakhstan”; UNESCAP - “National report on integrating of the “Green growth" principals in the strategic planning system”, etc. In 2008 to 2009 – Prof. Yessekina as Vice – Rector and Rector leaded by process of the opening the National School of Public Policy in the framework of Academy of Public Administration under President of Kazakhstan with cooperation of LKY Public Policy School, ENA,LSE and others. She has over 100 publications, including 4 monographs, 6-brochures in Kazakh, Russian, English. Prof. Bakhyt Yessekina was the Consultant for 6 –th PhD students. In 2010 she was awarded by Medal of Ministry Education and Science of Kazakhstan "For the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

Director General of National center of intellectual property SAKPATENTI of Georgia

Served before in the Ministry of management of state property and economy on various posts.

Previous posts: Deputy Minister of protection of environment and natural resources of Georgia; First Deputy Minister of the same Ministry; Minister of protection of environment and natural resources of Georgia; Deputy Minister of Finance of Georgia – Parliament Secretary; Also served as Legal Counselor for the programs of World Bank, International Finance Organization, TASIC Agency of Development. Member of Tbilisi Municipal Community. Has graduated Tbilisi State University Legal faculty named after I.Dzhavakhishvili.

Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property

From 2003 before his appointment of Head of Federal Service on intellectual property, patents and trademarks Mr.Simonov served as Head of Innovation development Department of the Ministry of industry, science and technologies of Russian Federation.

Before served in Moscow Energy Institute, from an engineer of Division to Senior Lecturer of Dynamics and durability of machines Department; Director General of Non – commercial partnership “Innovation agency” which aimed to create conditions for rendering commercialization services of results of intellectual property activity of the scientific organizations and innovative companies.

Winner of award of the Government of Russian Federation for introduction new technologies. Was awarded by “The Honor Sign”.

Program Officer of Division for Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, World Intellectual Property

Had graduated Moscow State University (Legal faculty)

Candidate of juridical sciences. Served at Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Switzerland. From 1999 works in World Intellectual Property Organization. Family: Married, two children

Director of the Division for certain countries in Europe and Asia at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

From February 2009 Director of the Division for certain countries in Europe and Asia at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Before served as Senior lawyer; Head at abovementioned Division; as High Commissioner for Refugees, as Program Coordinator in Tajikistan; as diplomat at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia. Theological Faculty of the University in Geneva, WIPO Academy - Course on Intellectual Property, Geneva, Management of Emergencies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Ph.D. – JUDr, University of Charles, Prague graduated in 1981 from the Institute of International Relations.

Consultant in intellectual property and Innovation support.

During 1989 to 2009 served at World Intellectual Property Organization. Diplomatic service. Previous posts includes activity as Executive of licensing, Project manager and Director of World Intellectual Property Organization, where he worked on issues of development of national and regional information of intellectual property and system of promotion of innovations in the countries of Africa, Asia, the Eastern Europe, the Central Asia and the Caribbean region. Vladimir Yossifov an Expert in the field of intellectual property and member of Executive Society of Licensing. Master degree in the field of Civil building of the University of mining industry and geology of Sofia. 

Assistant Chief Economist and director of the Development Indicators and Policy Research Division at the Asian Development Bank

His research focuses mostly on the areas of international trade and investment. He has also worked as the Acting Director of Research and a Senior Research Fellow at the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo, as Director in the Country Economic Analysis Department of the Export-Import Bank of Japan and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and as an economist in the United Nations system, US government and academia.

His recent books include Trade Facilitation and Regional Cooperation in Asia, edited with Susan F. Stone (2010), Infrastructure’s Role in Reducing Asia’s Trade Costs: Building for Trade, with David Hummels (2009), and Infrastructure and Trade in Asia, with Jayant Menon (2008). He is also the author of numerous articles in professional journals.

Head of statistics division of UN Economic commission for Europe

Ms. Bratanova, who joined the UNECE in 1996, had been Secretary of the Conference of European Statisticians and Deputy Director since 2003. She was also the Head of the National Accounts Section.

Prior to joining UNECE, she worked for three years with the Statistics Directorate of Economic Co-operation Organization and Development in Paris, specializing in economies in transition and in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Ms. Bratanova is the author of numerous publications, presentations and papers on technical issues in the area of national accounts (exhaustiveness of GDP, non-observed economy), price statistics, the measurement of capital, and more recently on the impact of globalization on economic statistics and on the measurement of sustainable development.

Deputy scientific director of the state scientific-technical program, the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization.

Research interests: systems analysis, applied theory of dynamical systems and control theory, theory of parametrical regulation of evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems.Published over 150 papers of scientific and methodical nature, including 4 monographs (coauthor). The owner of the state grant "The best teacher of high school" in 2007. The award "The Outstanding Paper" of Kybernetesjournal for the best paper presented at the 15 International Congress on Cybernetics and Systems (WOSC 2011) in the city of Nanjing (China).

Senior Researcher - Head of state scientific and technical programs, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev

Research interests: economic modeling, computational mathematics, the theory of parametrical regulation of nonlinear dynamical systems evolution. He published over 10 papers of scientific and methodical nature (co-author). The award "The Outstanding Paper" of Kybernetes journal for the best paper presented at the 15 International Congress on Cybernetics and Systems (WOSC 2011) in the city of Nanjing (China).

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, IEA and NEA RK, professor, general director “Ecoenergomash”

Engineer - electrician, HPS engineer on duty, head of the plasma processes laboratory, he carried out the work on the most important topics of the SCST of the USSR. He is the Principal and the founder of Almaty University of Energy and Communications, First Vice-President of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the electricity industry faculty. He is the author of more than one hundred inventor's certificates and patents, of textbooks and manuals for electro-energy-efficient processes many of which have been successfully implemented in the industrial production. He has grown over 40 candidates and 10 doctors of engineering sciences, and he is a co-author of monographs and more than 300 scientific articles. In carrying out the research work provides an active and effective interaction with the industry. He worked in the Management Committee of the UNDP / GEF-Kazakhstan project "Wind Power Market Development Initiative."

General  Director of the State Agency on intellectual property of the Republic of Moldova;

1998-2000 - superior researcher of the Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences; 2000-2002 - Head of Human biology and psychology Cathedra of the Institute of Real Sciences of State University of Moldova; 2002 – 2005 - Superior lector of the State University of Moldova; 2005 – 2009 - Head of Psychology Cathedra of Institute of Continuum Training; 2008 – 2009 – Psychologist of the Centre for Personality Development «Lila»; 2009 - Member of the Psychotherapeutically Professional League of the Russian Federation; From December 24, 2009 - Director General of the State Agency on intellectual property of the Republic of Moldova;

PhD of Psychology, NLP – trainer, Trainer of specialized programs NLP


He oversees the AMRO’s work in the monitoring of the macroeconomic situation and financial soundness of the ASEAN+3 countries, the assessing of the financial vulnerabilities of these economies, as well ensuring the compliance of swap requesting parties with the lending covenants under the CMIM Agreement.

Prior to this appointment, Mr Wei was Deputy Chief of China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). He also previously worked at the People's Bank of China, the central bank of China, as the Director-General of its International Department.

Mr Wei’s international experiences include an appointment as China’s Alternate Executive Director at the ADB, ED at Caribbean Development Bank, and as China’s AED and ED at the IMF.

Mr Wei holds a Master’s Degree (Economics) from the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China.

Председатель Правления АО «Региональный центр ГЧП Карагандинской области»

Окончила Карагандинский технический университет по специальности «Организация перевозок и управления на транспорте», окончила Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюз по специальности «Юриспруденция». На государственной службе с 1999 года. Работала в структурах Министерства транспорта и коммуникации РК. В 2008-2009 гг. работала в АО «Казахстанский центр ГЧП». С 2010 года заместитель Председателя Правления АО «Региональный центр ГЧП Карагандинской области». В 2012 году назначена Председателем Правления АО «Региональный центр ГЧП Карагандинской области».

Associate professor, Bang College of Business, KIMEP

Director, Central Asian Tax Research Center

Dr. Balco is internationally known and recognized tax expert. He holds 3 law degrees - Magister in Law Degree, Postgraduate LL.M. Degree in International Tax Law and Doctor in Law degree from International Public Law. He came to Almaty back in late 2006, when he joined Tax & Legal Department of PricewaterhouseCoopers. He joined KIMEP in 2007 in the role of Adjunct Associate Professor. His public sector experience was with the Ministries of Finance in Chile and Czech Republic, as well as European Commission and until now is actively involved in the tax policy work with the UN and other international bodies. He is also carrying on research on Central Asian Tax Systems – Establishing a Central Asian Tax Research Center. He is active in the professional community both at local and global levels. Dr. Balco chairs the Tax Working Group of American Chamber of Commerce and regularly holds meetings in the cities of Almaty, Astana and Atyrau.

Professor, School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)

Prof. Bakenov has his international expertise in this field from work at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) and University of Waterloo (Canada), where he has been involved in the development of the National Projects supported by the Government of Japan (NEDO, New Energy and Industrial TechnologyDevelopment Organization) and the industrially funded projects with automobile and battery companies from Japan and China (Nissan Motors Co, NOF Co, Positec Co). Prof. Bakenov has published and presented a series of works in the field of energy storage systems in the international media and conferences, and awarded the 2010 Award of Ceramic Society of Japan for series of work in this field. Now Prof. Bakenov is developing his research at the School of Engineering Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan) and focuses on the high energy and power rechargeable batteries for renewable energy sources and ecological transportation applications.

Vice-Dean, School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University

Sarim is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Vice-Dean (Teaching and Learning) at the School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University. He has over thirty-five year experience in both senior academic and administrative positions in a variety of higher education institutions around the world. His expertise ranges from traditional to newly formed universities to those in transition from colleges and polytechnics. Sarim has reviewed numerous articles for internationally acclaimed journals and has over ninety journals and conference publications to his credit.

Sarim is a registered consultant, who has spent many years advising industry and has initiated and attracted large sums of funding for research projects. He acted as an external examiner for postgraduate students in over thirty countries. He has initiated several innovative postgraduate programmes and fostered efforts to forge closer links between higher education and industry.

Председатель правления, CNP Assurances, Бывший Министр экономики, Франция

Работал председателем Национального Резервного Фонда Страхования в Париже с 1998г.. Перед этим назначением он был Председателем «Electricité de France». С 1993-1995 гг. он работал Министром Экономики в Правительстве Эдуарда Балладюра, где он запустил широкомасштабную программу по приватизации, включая Британскую Национальную Партию (BNP), Ельф (Elf), и Рено (Renault). В 1966 г. окончил обучение в Институте Политических Исследований в Париже, а также после обучения в Университете Чикаго и Университете Калифорнии, Беркли, он получил научную степень доктора по экономике в 1969 г. и по политической экономии в 1971 г. Он начал свою университетскую карьеру в Университете Нантах и с 1974-1992гг. работал профессором Политической Экономики в Университете Парижа II. Бывший член Консультативного Комитета Рейнско-Вестфальской Электрической станции Германии. В настоящее время является Членом Правления Crédit Agricole CIB, в ГДФ-Суэц (GDF SUEZ), в NEOVACS, а также в Европейской Консультативной Группе NOMURA Securities. Он так же принимает участие в Консультативном Комитете «Banque de France» и состоит во Французской секции Трехсторонней комиссии «Trilateral Commission». Он является основателем «Euro50 Group», которая собирает ведущих Европейских личностей, связанных с валютной политикой Европейского Центрального Банка.

Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan

In 1996, he was graduated with honors from the Kazakh State Academy of Management by specialty economist (specialization – organization of banking system). Since 1996 to 2007 had taken part in courses and seminars which were hold by international organizations and institutes of different countries as USA, Japan, South Korea, Austria, Turkey and others. Since November of 1995 to November of 1996 he worked as a senior economist on Central-Asian stock market. Since November 1996 to august 2007 he worked at the Department of research and statistic of the National Bank of Kazakhstan on different positions. Since July 2003 to august 2007 he worked as a director of the Department of research and statistic. On August 28, 2007 he was appointed as the deputy Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan by decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Committee chairman of entrepreneurial development in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Managing Director and chairman of the National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna”. He graduated from Almaty Institute of National Economy majoring in labor economy and National High School of government management by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan majoring in state management. From 1993 till 1996 he occupied leading positions in Kustanai region. During 1997 and 1998 he worked in strategy planning agency. Then he contributed to the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection. From 2003 till 2006 was a Vice Minister of tourism and sports of the republic of Kazakhstan. From 2007 he worked deputy chairman of the board, Fund “Kazyna” JSC.

Vice-Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Madina Abylassymova was born in 1978. She is a graduate of Kazakh Academy of Public Administration majoring in International economic relations. In 2002 she graduated from Columbia University. She holds a Master’s degree in International relations majoring in Economic policy management.

Madina Abylassymova earned her Master’s degree in Public Administration in Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

From 1999 till2003 she worked in Agency of strategic planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of economy and budget planning.

From 2004 till 2006 was a Director of Department for public policy analysis, Center for Marketing and Analytical Research.

In February 2006 she was appointed Deputy Head of Social-Economic Division, Republic of Kazakhstan Prime-Minister's Office.

Since March 2008 she worked as a Deputy Head of Strategic Analysis Center, Republic of Kazakhstan President's Administration.

In September 2011 Madina Abylassymova was appointed Vice Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


President of Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences

Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, state politician of Kazakhstan, diplomat. 1995 - Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in combination - in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In 1996 - first assistant of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1998-1999 – a Chairman of the National Security Committee, has the rank of major general. 2000-2002 – 1-st Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. 2002 - Head of Presidential Administration RK. In 2004 - Chairman of the Senate of Parliament of RK. 
2007 – by Presidential Edict appointed to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation. 2008 – 2010 - 1-st Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Advisor of “Heenan Blaikie” company

Igor Abramov joined our firm’s International Business Law Group in 2008.

Mr. Abramov focuses his practice on international trade and investment, corporate governance and governance matters. He has extensive expertise advising individuals, businesses and governments on these issues, and serves as an invaluable asset to clients in a wide range of industries including oil and gas, mining, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, manufacturing, consumer products, and banking and financial services.

Mr. Abramov is editor, author and co-author of three books including Business Ethics: A Manual for Managing A Responsible Business Enterprise in Emerging Market Economies, which has been published in seven languages and adapted for more than 25 countries as well as for the World Bank Institute. He has also written and edited numerous articles on corporate governance, business ethics, commercial dispute resolution, intellectual property rights as well as international trade and investment.

Президент Республики Казахстан

Родился 6 июля 1940 года. В 1967 г. окончил завод-втуз при Карагандинском металлургическом комбинате. Доктор экономических наук. Академик Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, Международной инженерной академии, Академии социальных наук Российской Федерации. Почетный профессор Казахского государственного национального университета имени Аль-Фараби. Почетный член Белорусской академии наук. Почетный профессор Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова.

С 1960 по 1969 гг. работал на КарМет. комбинате. С 1969 по 1973 гг. - на партийной, комсомольской работе в городе Темиртау. В 1973-1977 годах - секретарь парткома Карагандинского металлургического комбината. С 1977 по 1979 гг. - секретарь, второй секретарь Карагандинского обкома партии. В 1979-1984 годах - секретарь Центрального Комитета Компартии Казахстана. С 1984 по 1989 годы - Председатель Совета Министров Казахской ССР. В 1989-1991 годах - первый секретарь Центрального Комитета Компартии Казахстана. Одновременно с февраля по апрель 1990 года - Председатель Верховного Совета Казахской ССР. С апреля 1990 года - Президент Республики Казахстан.

На первых всенародных выборах Президента Республики Казахстан в 1991 году Н.А. Назарбаев получил поддержку 98,7 процента избирателей. 29 апреля 1995 года в результате всенародного референдума полномочия Президента были продлены до 2000 года. На выборах 1999, 2005 и 2011 гг. вновь был избран на пост Президента Республики Казахстан, получив поддержку более 
90 % населения страны.

Председатель Ассамблеи народа Казахстана. Верховный Главнокомандующий Вооруженными Силами Казахстана. Председатель Всемирной ассоциации казахов.

American mathematician whose works mainly concerning game theory, differential geometry

After the school, Nash attended the Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he became interested in the theory of “problem of negotiations”, and then he studied in Princeton University, where he heard about the theory of games for the first time.

At the age of 21, he wrote his dissertation on the theory of games, the mathematics of competition, which is known as “Nash Equilibrium” later brought the Nobel Prize.

In 1987, Nash was awarded the John von Neumann Theory Prize for his discovery of non-cooperative equilibrium.

In 1994, at the age of 66 he received the Nobel Prize in Economic Science for “his analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games”, which he shared with Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.

Today he is working on new opportunities of computer usage. Princeton gave him the appropriate research position. Nash has developed work on the role of money in society.

Adviser of the Prime minister (the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan); Head, Eurasia Competitiveness Programme Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

MSc in Management Economics, London School of Economics; MSc in International Management, HEC Paris, Community of European Management Schools; MA in Government, Institut D'Etudes Politiques, Aix-en-Provence. Formerly: with Boston Consulting Group; Project Leader, AT Kearney Principal; Lecturer in Political Economy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. With OECD, leads policy advisory work for governments from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. Author of several books and publications related to competitiveness and globalization focusing on foreign direct investment strategies and policies for emerging markets including, Globalization Strategies: How to Crack New Markets with Harvard Business School. Expertise: private sector development and competitiveness policies for emerging markets.

Rector, Institute of Economy ECOMEN

Born July 30, 1933 in Saint Petersburg. He graduated from Saint Petersburg engineering economic institute the faculty of power and energy. He holds Ph.D. in economic.

He is the rector of ECOMEN Institute, the member of the Round table of national minorities at the president of Estonia, one of the leading scientists in the field of energy. Hanon Barabaner is the honorable professor of the International Academy of tourism, doctor of Petersburg state engineering economic university INZHEKOM and the academician of theInternational Academy of biospheric sciences.

Chairman, London Stock Exchange Group and The British Land Company PLC

Mr. Gibson-Smith has been Chairman of the London Stock

Exchange since 2003. He is a Director of the Qatar Financial Centre Authority, and a governor of the London Business School. He has experience of the oil and gas sector, including exploration, production, refining, and petrochemicals, plus the aviation, property, finance, banking and power sectors.

Chris has a BSc in Geology from Durham University (1967), a PhD in Geochemistry from Newcastle University (1970) and a Masters in Business from Stanford University (1985). He was a Sloan Fellow of the Stanford Business School (1984-85), and is an Honorary Fellow of University College, Durham.

In past Chairman of Business in the Arts Scotland, past Chairman of the California Marine Mammal Centre, past Council member of the CBI Scotland, past member of the UK Sustainability Commission, a past Trustee of the Institute of Public Policy Research, a past Trustee of the arts charity Arts and Business, and a past Business Ambassador of the UK.

Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, 2005 “for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis”

Born June 8, 1930. An Israeli-American mathematician, a professor at the Center for the Study of Rationality in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Aumann's greatest contribution was in the realm of repeated games, which are situations in which players encounter the same situation over and over again. Scientific researches of Yisrael Robert John Aumann were marked by a great number of honorable awards. In 1974 – Honorable member of the American Academy of Science and Art; in 1985-1995 – Member of the National Academy of Science, USA; member of Israel Academy of Science; correspondent-member of the British Academy. Has several Prizes: Harvey Prize in Science and Technology, Israel prize for Economics, Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics, Emet Prize for Economics.

In 2005 he shared the 2005 economics prize with Thomas Schelling of the USA for “having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis”.

Лауреат Нобелевской премии по экономике 2007 года «за создание основ теории оптимальных механизмов». Профессор Принстонского Университета.

Родился 12 декабря 1950 г. Американский экономист, бакалавр, магистр и доктор философии. В 26 лет Маскин стал научным сотрудником в Кембридже, в Колледже Иисуса. Затем преподавал в Массачусетском технологическом институте с 1977 по 1984 год, после чего он снова вернулся в Гарвард, где получил должность ассистента профессора Луиса Беркмана на факультете экономики. Он проработал в Гарварде 15 лет, а затем перешел на работу в Принстон, в Институт передовых исследований. Работал в различных областях экономической науки – таких, как теория игр, теория экономических стимулов, теория контрактов. Широко известен своими трудами в области теории механизмов распределения и динамических игр. В 2007 году был удостоен Нобелевской премии по экономике «За создание основ теории оптимальных механизмов» совместно с Роджером Майерсоном и Леонидом Гурвичем, Эрик Маскин – член Американской академии искусства и науки и Европейской экономической ассоциации, член Эконометрического общества, президентом которого был в 2003 году, и член-корреспондент Британской академии. В последнее время Маскин стал еще и главным редактором экономического журнала «Economics Letters».

Ex Prime Minister of Pakistan

His Excellency Mr. Shaukat Aziz was elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan and served from 2004 – 2007, following fi4ve years as Finance Minister from 1999. Mr. Aziz was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan to complete a full term in office. Mr. Aziz restored his country’s credibility at home and abroad and is renowned for his strategic approach, structural reforms, ransparency and ability to focus on what is best, not simply what is politically expedient. His policies were based on the principals of liberalization, deregulation and

privatization, accompanied by strong regulatory oversight. Mr. Aziz’s tenor was marked by high economic growth, increase in per capita income, eduction in poverty, an upsurge in investments and improved debt and economic indicators.

Having presided over impressive economic growth in his country, Mr. Aziz offers an expert view and is a frequent speaker on the challenges facing the world including structural reforms, diplomacy.

Head of the department of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associate professor of the MGIMO University

Was born in Moscow, in 1973. In 1994 graduated from the Economics department of the Moscow Lomonosov State University with excellent degree. He has PhD at economics. In 2002–2003 and 2004–2005 years he got a prize from The Russian Science Academy as “The best economists of Academy”.

Sergey Afontsev is one of the leading Russian specialists in politico-economic simulating and for analyzing international trade and investments process regulations area. He has more than 80 science publications regarding the global management of economic process, foreign economic policy of Russia and actual economic problems of transit economic countries.

Лауреат Нобелевской премии по экономике 2004 года «за вклад в изучение влияния фактора времени на экономическую политику и за исследования движущих сил деловых циклов», США

Профессор школы бизнеса Университета Аризоны.

Получил Нобелевскую премию в 2004 году, совместно с Финном Кидландом». В 1962 г., он получил степень бакалавра по математике в Колледже Свортмор, затем степень магистра в Университете CaseWesternReserve в 1963 г. и доктора наук по экономике в Университете Карнеги-Меллон в 1967 году. С 1966-1971 гг. преподавал в Университете Пенсильвании. С 1971-1980 гг. - в Университете Карнеги-Меллона. В 1978 г. - приглашенный профессор Университета Чикаго, где получил звание Профессора фонда Форда. С 1979-1982 гг. – преподавал в Северо-Западном Университете. С 1982-2003 гг. – в Университете Миннесоты. В 2004 возглавлял кафедру экономики в Университете Калифорнии.. В настоящее время занимает должность консультанта в Федеральном Резервном Банке штата Миннеаполис и является профессором Школы бизнеса Университета Аризоны. Входит в список «100 экономистов мира».

Director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University

Nick Bostrom (born 10 March 1973) is a Swedish philosopher at the University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk and the anthropic principle. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics (2000). He is currently the director of The Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University.

In addition to his writing for academic and popular press, Bostrom makes frequent media appearances in which he talks abouttranshumanism-related topics such as cloning, artificial intelligence, superintelligence, mind uploading, cryonics, nanotechnology, and the simulation argument. In 2005 he was appointed Director of the newly created Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford.

Bostrom is the 2009 recipient of the Eugene R. Gannon Award for the Continued Pursuit of Human Advancement and was named inForeign Policy's 2009 list of top global thinkers.

First Vice-Chairman, Banco Hipotecario, Argentina

Born June 11, 1948 in Córdoba, Argentina. Mario Blejer is a Founding Partner of Macroeconomic Advisory Group. Dr. Blejer was Director of the Centre for Central Banking Studies of the Bank of England and member of the Bank’s Financial Stability Committee. Previously, Dr. Blejer was Governor and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina (2001-02) and for more than 20 years he held various senior positions at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He has taught, among others, at the Hebrew, New York, Boston, and San Andres (Buenos Aires) Universities. He has published over 100 articles in professional journals and edited various books. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (1975).

Business Group Director, Southern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

In 1993, joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Merchant Banking Department as Director, Balkans; currently Business Group Director for Southern and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, Member of the Banking Department Senior Management responsible for EBRD’s overall strategy, government relationship, business development, project execution, and management of an €7.8 billion investment portfolio in 18 countries.

Additional specific responsibilities include a network of 19 Resident Offices, EBRD in-house Small Equity Fund; the EBRD Advisory Services to local enterprises, small business finance and the EBRD’s strategic approach to the poorest countries of operations under the Early Transition Countries Initiative. MBA in Applied Economics, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.

Chairman of the company «APCO Insight»

Chairman of the consulting company «APCO Insight», unit of the APCO organization, engaged in the study of global public opinion, and the Strategic Council for APCO Worldwide, an international consulting firm for public relations.

«APCO Insight» specializes in developing communications strategies, based on an analysis of public opinion. The Strategic Council for APCO Worldwide ensures the conduction of socio-political campaigns and corporate communications programs in 70 countries.

Under the leadership of Mr. Benson, the team of experts provides a wide range of services in consulting and public opinion research, using proprietary technologies that enhance the effectiveness of communication strategies.

Member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the European Association for the Study of the market, as well as the European Association for the standards of research.

Member of the Board of Directors «Healthstore», an organization which has expanded the micro franchising possibilities to build health clinics in Africa.

Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization

1985 – to present World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Before served as Deputy Director General, Assistant Director General, Special Assistant to the Director General Office of Director General. Consultant and Senior Program Officer of Development Cooperation and External Relations Bureau for Asia and the Pacific.

Doctor of Philosophy. Admitted Barrister and Solicitor (Australia). Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge; Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne; Indian Journal of Intellectual Property; International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law (IIC) (Munich, Germany); SCRIPT-ed – A Journal of Law, Technology & Society (Edinburgh, United Kingdom).

Генеральный секретарь Мадридского клуба

В 1966 г. вступил в ряды внешнеполитического ведомства Испании. С 1966 по 1969 работал вице-консулом в Сан-Паулу. В период с 1975-1979 коммерческим и экономическим советником Испанского посольства в Гааге, Нидерланды. С 1979 по 1985 год в Министерстве по делам Европы, он работал советником министра, начальником личной канцелярии министра и генерального секретаря. Также возглавлял Комитет постоянных представителей (COREPER) во время первого председательства Испании в ЕЭС в 1989 году. С 1991 по 1995 год был министром по делам Европейского Союза. В декабре 1995 года был назначен министром иностранных дел. В июле 1996 года был назначен Послом, Постоянным представителем Испании при Организации Объединенных Наций в Нью-Йорке. С 1997 по 1999 год занимал пост Верховного представителя международного сообщества в Боснии и Герцеговине. В 1999 году избран членом Европейского парламента.

Head of the Department of Applied Institutional  Economics, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State  University

Mr. Auzan graduated from Moscow State University, Ph.D. in Economics.

Since 2001 Head of the Department of Applied Institutional Economics, Faculty of Economics in Moscow State University. 
 He specializes at institutional economy. He is a  Member of the Board of Academics of Economics Faculty in MSU; and a member of the Board of Academics of Economics Faculty of Higher School of Economics; Member of the Board of Trustees of Carnegie Moscow Center. In 2005-2011 he was a president of Association of independent centers of economic analysis. Since 2007 he is a member of Governmental Commission on evaluation the impact of federal and regional authorities.

Since 2008 he is a member of the Board of Institute of modern development. Since 2010 he is the head of consulting group of commission on modernization and technological development of Russia.

Глава Центра ГЧП, Министерство транспорта, общественных работ и водоснабжения Нидерландов

В 2004 году он стал Главным советником по одному из первых больших проектов ГЧП в Голландии – унификация системы управления людскими ресурсами для государственных служащих. В 2005 г. стал Главным советником по другому большому проекту ГЧП «Расширение гавани Роттердама», по которому проводил переговоры от имени Правительства с частными гаванями и властями порта. В 2006 г. стал Главой основанного Отдела ГЧП Министерства транспорта. Руководимый им отдел ГЧП Нидерландов отвечает за определение ГЧП проектов, консультирование Министра управлением транспортом и водоснабжением по вопросам ГЧП, финансирование ГЧП проектов в сотрудничестве с крупными заемщиками и пенсионными фондами, консультирование по ГЧП проектам, обучение по ГЧП вопросам государственных служащих. Принимал инициативу в создании Partnership NL, который занимается продвижением инициативы ГЧП на местном уровне.

Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC)

He received his PhD in economics from Johns Hopkins University in 1997, and has taught at different universities in Turkey. Formerly, he has worked as a consultant for an international consultancy firm in the USA, and served on the Board of a Public Regulation Authority in Turkey. His research areas include interactions among economic growth, international trade and the environment with an emphasis on the design and implementation of policies towards sustainable growth in general. More recently, his research focuses on policies towards improving the socio-economic development of the communities, as well as the knowledge economics, science and technology policies and the vocational education and training programmes in the Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Управляющий партнер по СНГ, «Эрнст энд Янг»

В 1985 году он стал партнером по налогообложению в отделении «Эрнст энд Янг» в Миннеаполисе. С 1995 по 2000 гг. занимал должность Управляющего партнера «Эрнст энд Янг» в СНГ. После этого он был переведен в Вену на должность Регионального партнера по Восточной Европе, включая СНГ. Являлся Вице-председателем по налогообложению Международного совета «Эрнст энд Янг». Он также работал в Китае и внес значительный вклад в развитие и рост практики «Эрнст энд Янг» в этой стране. В апреле 2006 года возвратился в Москву в качестве Управляющего партнера «Эрнст энд Янг» в СНГ. Обладает обширным опытом в сфере оказания услуг транснациональным корпорациям, а также в области предоставления консультаций представителям высшего руководящего звена международных компаний. Он осуществлял координацию проектов по международному налогообложению, сделкам слияний и приобретений, а также руководил проведением комплексных проверок компаний, осуществляющих деятельность на основных международных рынках.

Director in PPP center at State Corporation “Bank of development and foreign economic activity (Vnesheconombank)”

He is an Independent Chairman of the Board of Directors, Economic Institute of Utilities, JSC, member of the Board of

Directors (state appointee), Zarubezhneft JSC. Since 2008 Director of PPP Center, “Vnesheconombank” Moscow. In 2007-2008 Deputy Director of Infrastructure “Vnesheconombank” Moscow. In 2005-2007 Executive Vice-President of “Eurasian Water Partnership” Ltd. Member of the Board of “Evraziyiskiy” JSC Moscow. In 2003-2004 Deputy CEO of “Russian Utility Systems” JSC, Moscow. In 1999-2003 Deputy Director, Central and Eastern Europe “Ondeo Services” Paris

1994-1999 Principal (since 1997), A.T. Kearney strategic management consultancy, Moscow.

President of Eurasian Patent Office

During 1971 to 1979 served as Patent Expert, Head of Group, Deputy Head of trademarks and industrial designs Division of All-Union research institute of state patent examination. 1979- 1995 served as Deputy Head of trademarks and industrial designs Division of State Committee of inventions, Head of Division – Counsellor on examination of inventions of Gospatent of USSR, Deputy Head of International legal relationships Department and Head of interstate relationships Department in the field of industrial property of Rospatent. From December 1995 – February 2004 served as Vice – President of EAPO. From February 2004 was appointed as a President of Eurasian Patent Office.

He is full member of the Russian Academy of natural sciences. Counselor of Global agenda on intellectual property system of World Economic Forum. For the contribution to the creation and development of Eurasian Patent Organization was awarded by Gold medal of World Intellectual Property Organization.

President of Exploration and Production, Total S.A.

Yves-Louis Darricarrère is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines engineering school and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris and also has a degree in economics. In 1998, he was appointed Vice President Europe and United States in Exploration & Production and a member of the Management Committee of Elf Aquitaine. In 2000, he was appointed Vice President, Northern Europe in Exploration & Production at Total and a member of Total’s Management Committee. He was named President of Gas & Power and a member of the Executive Committee in September 2003. Yves-Louis Darricarrère was appointed President, Exploration & Production in 2007. Since January 2012, he also serves as President, Gas & Power.He has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2003. He has extensive international experience, having worked in Australia, Egypt and Colombia over a ten-year period.

President of Exploration and Production, Total S.A.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Finmeccanica

Born in Castagneto Carducci (Livorno, Italy), on 25 February 1937. Graduate in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa; PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Tenured lecturer at the University of Rome. Married and father of three daughters. Pier is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Finmeccanica SpA, Italy’s leading

high-technology company (73.000 employees and 15 billion euros of revenues in 2008). In 2007 awarded honorary degree in management engineering by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa and in the same year the President of the Republic of France has appointed him“Officier de la Légion d’Honneur”. In 2008 the “Premio Leonardo” has been awarded to him by the President of the Republic of Italy: a recognition given annually to Italian or foreign personalities who best represented the image of Italy worldwide.

Managing Director Chief Investment Officer

Aaron Gurwitz is responsible for investment strategy and manager research and selection for the Wealth and Investment Management division of Barclays.

The investment strategy research team develops and communicates financial market analysis, asset allocation advice and regionally-customized investment strategies to high net worth clients globally. The manager research and selection function is responsible for evaluating, selecting and monitoring the third-party investment managers Barclays recommends to its wealth management clients.

Mr. Gurwitz holds a BA in Philosophy from the State University of New York at Binghamton, an MA in English language and literature from Adelphi University, an MA in Education from Stanford University, and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. He is the author of numerous publications including Managing.

Chairman of the Boardof Young Scientistsof the Academy ofSciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of law, Professor (Uzbekistan)

He was born on the 6th of October in 1976. In 1998 he graduated from Tashkent State Economic University and Edinburgh Napier University in the UK (BA). In 2001, the Tashkent State Institute of Law (Master’s degree). Published over 100 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 4 textbooks, a workbook, over 90 scientific articles. Areas of scientific interests: civil law, corporate and financial law, information technology, intellectual property law, etc. Under his supervision were defended 11 Ph.D. theses and six graduate students passed their documents to the Specialized Council on protection of Master's theses.

Senior researcher of Overrunning Research Institute after Shiffers

She is also the specialist of international projects and projects for youth in global context. She has graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia with the degree - Bachelor of political science and world policy. She is also the researcher of Science Institute of Innovation Strategies for developing general education under the Education Department of Moscow city, where she often participates at the educational innovative programs for youth, as well as at the international conferences. She is an active participant of international conferences and projects at the international political and economic researches like Stanford US-Russia Forum, APEC VoF (2009-2012), Globe Forum, etc.

Academician of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences, laureate of Lenin premium

He graduated animal health faculty, during 1953-1959 years he worked as an agriculturist, then during several years he worked as a junior research associate of the agrology department. From 1962 till 1969 he was the head of erosion preventive tools and sower laboratory. Then he became deputy director on science. He occupied leading positions during 1984 till 1992 including CEO of the first vice-president. Then he became an academician of land cultivation, water and forest issues. From 1996 he was associate professor in Kazakh State University on agriculture department.

General Director of Inovent Intellectual Property Rights Management and Investment Inc.

Mr. Görgün is the general manager of Inovent Intellectual Property Rights Management and Investment Inc. since November 2005, which is fully owned by Sabancι University.

Prior to his current job, Mr. Görgün was the founder and the general manager of GVZ Speech Technologies Inc., a Koç Holding company since 2000, which was the first and the only speech technologies company in Turkey. Before GVZ, Mr. Görgün was responsible for enterprise level customers of Microsoft Turkey as an account manager. He joined Microsoft from Turkey’s one of the largest system integrator company KoçSistem, a Koç Holding company where he served as sales specialist and sales manager between 1995 and 1999. Mr. Görgün has graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Management.

Deputy Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics

Michael Davies joined the ABS in 1984 and has experience in compilation of all aspects of ABS macroeconomic indicators, as well as in management and development of ABS statistical infrastructure. He worked for several years at the OECD working with the countries of the former Soviet Union setting up systems of macroeconomic accounts during their transition from centrally planned economies to market economies. 

Michael is a key player in the ABS's contribution to the development and maintenance of the international standards governing the compilation of macroeconomic statistics and has a strong interest in bridging the conceptual and practical aspects of macroeconomic accounting.

Director of public fund “National Internet-award AWARD.kz”

Konstantin Gorozhankin is a General Manager of internet-processor CNP Processing GmbH (Switzeland), Director of public fund «Национальная интернет-премия AWARD.KZ». Born on December 26, 1977 in Kuibyshev (today Samara).

Live in Almaty Kazakhstan. Has several research publications on the theme of Kaznet and the history of Internet in general. National Internet-award AWARD.KZ – Co-chairman of organizing committee «National Internet-award AWARD.KZ 2002 – 2011 гг.

Internet-conference i-Mix and i-Prof – organizer

Internet-banking Halykbank – manager, first profitable Kaznet project (in 2004). «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» – adviser, creator of e-tender platform. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on e-money – initiator Internet-processor Processing.kz – General Manager, and adviser in other projects.

Member of the German Bundestag, Ex-Federal Minister of Economics and Technologies

As a member of the conservative party CSU, based in Bavaria, Michael Glos since 1979 is Member of the German Bundestag. After being Chairman of the CSU Group and First Vice-Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary Group for 12 years since 1993 he has been Federal Minister of Economics and Technologies in the first Cabinet of Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel from 2005 to 2009. For years, he was one of the most influential conservative politicians in Germany.

Using his broad international network and contacts all over the world, Michael Glos today besides his political career is member of several boards of directors and senior consultant for German companies investing in emerging markets. His preferred interests are energy policy and commodity trade. He is familiar to the CEOs of nearly all large-scale enterprises in Germany.

Лауреат Нобелевской Премии 1969 года, «за достижения и открытия, связанные с классификацией элементарных частиц и их взаимодействий»

Окончил Йельский университет (1948 г.) и Массачусетсский технологический институт (1951 г.). В 1952-1954 гг. работал в Чикагском университете, с 1954 г. – в Калифорнийском технологическом институте. Американский физик-теоретик, член Национальной Академии Наук. Работы посвящены квантовой теории поля, ядерной физике, физике элементарных частиц (симметрии слабых и сильных взаимодействий, дисперсионные соотношения). В 1953 г. ввел понятие странности – нового квантового числа, являющегося одной из основных характеристик элементарной частицы, и открыл закон сохранения странности (независимо от К. Нишиджимы), разработал формализм изоспина. Совместно с другими учеными дал одну из формулировок формальной теории рассеяния и метода дисперсионных соотношений в квантовой теории поля, предложил метод ренормализационной группы, теорию слабого взаимодействия, выдвинул гипотезу глюонов и другие научные открытия. За достижения и открытия, удостоен премии Д. Хейнемана (1959 г.), медали Э. Лоуренса (1966 г.), Б. Франклина (1967 г.) и др.

Head of Development Cooperation, Statistics Norway

Previous positions include Senior Statistician, World Bank, Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of Consumer Research and short to long term consultancies for AfDB, NORAD, UNDP & WB.

He specializes at designing, conducting and analyzing household, agricultural, and community survey data for household economics, living conditions, poverty, agriculture and food security, health and epidemiology.

He worked with such countries as Angola, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mozambique, Palestine, Somalia, South-Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Доцент экономического факультета ГОУ ВПО Российско-Армянского (Славянского) университета

Училась в Российско-Армянском (Славянском) университете, где получила степень кандидата экономических наук по специальности «Финансы, денежное обращение и кредит». В Московской Высшей Школе социальных и экономических наук получила степень магистра по специальности «Менеджмент в образовании». Также училась в Международной школе экономики при Тбилисском государственном университете (ISET) по программе профессионального обучения «Принятие экономических решений в условиях риска и неопределенности». С 2004 по 2009гг. -лаборант кафедры «Экономики и финансов» Российско-Армянского (Славянского) государственного университета. С 2009 года является доцентом кафедры «Экономики и финансов» Российско-Армянского (Славянского) государственного университета.

Руководитель Дирекции Первого Евразийского экономического форума молодежи

Родился 4 февраля 1985 г. В 2007 году окончил с отличием Уральский Государственный экономический университет по специальности «Мировая экономика». Также получил образование по специальностям «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» и «Начальник финансовой службы воинской части». С 2005 по 2008 гг. – преподаватель английского языка, переводчик, специалист по контрактной документации в ОАО «Буиг Батиман Интернасиональ». С 2007 по 2009 гг. – руководитель проектов в ЗАО «Корпорация «Атомстройкомплекс». С 2008 по 2010 гг. – преподаватель английского языка в ООО «Тебодин Истерн Юроп Б.В.». В настоящее время – руководитель Дирекции Первого Евразийского экономического форума молодежи, а также ассистент кафедры международного менеджмента, логистики и маркетинга Уральского государственного экономического университета.

Имеет научные публикации по вопросам экономической эффективности инвестиционных проектов, маркетингового управления проектами, влияния коммуникативных процессов на гармонизацию мировой экономики.

Исполнительный директор Экспертного совета "Север-Юг", Директор Информационно-аналитического центра МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова

В 1987 году окончил исторический факультет МГУ. Кандидат исторических наук, доцент. Постоянный автор и участник проектов "АПН Казахстан", "Контур", "Республика", kginfo.ru. Ответственный редактор изданий, посвященных парламентским и президентским выборам в Азербайджане, Армении, Казахстане, Украине, Молдове. Один из авторов учебного пособия по проблемам евразийской интеграции. Постоянный участник и организатор российских и международных научных конференций и круглых столов. Область научных интересов: образ России на постсоветском пространстве, интеграционные процессы в странах ближнего зарубежья, история Центральной Азии и Кавказа, количественные методы в исторических исследованиях, историческая демография, историческая география.

Председатель и Руководитель, WethingtonInternationalLLC (Февраль 2009)

Окончил Гарвардскую Юридическую школу и Университет Пенсильвании.

Является членом Совета по международным отношениям, Совета попечителей фонда имени Джорджа К. Маршалла, а также совета управляющих Международного республиканского института. Управляющий и член, недавно созданного Совета по глобальному финансовому положению. Он также занимал руководящие посты некоммерческих структур, в том числе общества хорового искусства Вашингтона, Уэсли Heritage Foundation, организация работает по всему миру. В 2002-2003 гг. занимал пост генерального юрисконсульта Международного республиканского института. Является лауреатом премии Александра Гамильтона, высшая награда Министерства Финансов США.

Dean of the Saint Istvan, Hungary

2011 Dr. habil. (habilitation), Szent Istvan University, Habilitation Council.

2007 Master of Business Administration (MBA), Webster University (USA).

2005 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics and Management, Szent István University, PhD School of Management and Business Administration.

2000 German-Hungarian Translator (economics and agriculture), Szent István University, School of Economics and Social Sciences.

2000 Master (MSc) in Agricultural Economics and Management, Szent István University (legal successor of Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences), School of Economics and Social Sciences.

Curriculum development, training programs, textbooks, course booklets and case materials development and coordination, leading subjects: Advanced Economics, Home Economics, Sectorial Economics, Industrial Economics, Economics of Transition Countries, Resources of Tourism, Agricultural Economics, Basics of Agricultural and Regional Economics, Agricultural Policy, Innovation Management.

Accredited Architectural Engineer

Owner of Architectural Bureau of Civil Engineering "Valtiner"

Born 12th March 1964, Klagenfurt. Graduated from the Federal Technical Research Institute Villah in 1983. Received architectural education at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria in 1991. Has been licensed architect since 1995.


Important projects: Central offices of the East-Tyrolean Volksbank in Lienz; Biomasse heating plant in Lienz; BIOS National Park Centre, Mallnitz; 
Planning premises in East Tyrol; Building of business and residential centres; Social housing projects; Private homes and other housing.

Works primarily in property and real estate. Also works in conjunction with directors, operators, editors, sound engineers and set designers from the firm 'explore5d'.

Senate Deputy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Parliament

Born March 26, 1948 in Kustanai region, Kazakhstan. Graduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (RҺD).From 1998 to 1999, prorector of the Kazakh National Technical University. From 1999 to 2000 - Director of the National Center for retraining and advanced training at KazNTU. From 2000 to 2001 - prorector for Research and External Relations Commission of the North - Kazakhstan National Technical University. From 2001 to 2008 - Rector Kostanay State University named after A.Baytursynov. Since 2008 deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author of more than 120 scientific papers.

General Director Institute of Energy Strategy, Russia Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Engineering. Specialist in energy systems and the general energy. The founder of the School of energy security and energy efficiency. Supervisor to develop and monitor Energy strategy of Russia. The founder of a new scientific field – ergodynamics (the theory of sustainable development of socio-natural systems). Author of 214 scientific papers (12 of them are monographs), including papers in the field of philosophy and sustainable development of global energy. More than 15 years was the Director of the Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Energy, and then was deputy of the USSR, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy Development of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. Since 1998 is the General Director of the Institute of Energy Strategy. The Head of the Working Group on the formation of Energy Strategy 2020 and Energy Strategy 2030. Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation. Has 4 state awards.

Ambassador, Head of Delegation, European Union to the Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on 20 January 1960 in Paris, France.

During 1999 – 2003 was a Political Counsellor, French Embassy, Moscow. 2003 – 2005 Deputy Director for Central Europe, European Cooperation Directorate, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2005 – 2007 Deputy Director for CIS countries, Continental Europe Directorate, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs ; Senior Foreign Affairs Counsellor.

2007 – 2010 NATO – Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy. 2010 NATO - Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges. 2011 Special Counsellor for Strategic Affairs to the French Ambassador, Moscow. 2011 Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Senior Partner of KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Alun Bowen has worked for KPMG for over 35 years in the UK, Australia and China and has been in Kazakhstan for the last four years. He has an MA in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Trinity College, Cambridge, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England & Wales and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. In the UK he was a member of the London Regional Council of the Confederation of British Industry, Chairman of Business in the Community in Wales and a member of its UK board. He was also for a number of years KPMG’s delegate to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Chairman of Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Professor of Columbia University, New York, USA

Since July, 2010, he serves as the Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University, New York, NY. In 1991, he received the Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. In 1994 he was the recipient of the National Science Foundation Award: “National Young Investigator Award” while, in 1997, he received the Research Award for Foreign Specialists, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan. From 2003 to 2005, he was an associate editor for the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. His current research Interests focus on Structural Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, System Identification and Damage Detection, Health Monitoring of Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Vibration Control of Linear and Nonlinear Structures, Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Computational Mechanics, Bridge Engineering, Seismic Analysis of Bridges, Corrosion Processes and Hydrogen Embrittlement in High-Strength Bridge Wires. He is member of Scientific Committees on Dynamics, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, and Structural Health Monitoring, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador ofFranceto the Republic of Kazakhstan

He has Ph.D. in economic science. Work experience varies from Specialist of Economic development Mission, Embassy of France in Moscow to First Counselor, Embassy of France in Lithuania. Also in 1994-1995 he was a Specialist at International Office in London. In 1995-1998 he was a Deputy Director, Department for Central, Eastern, and Baltic Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France. Then he had the following positions: in 1998-2001 - First Counselor, Embassy of France in Hungary, in 2001-2004 Deputy Director, Department for Human Resources, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France. In June 2004 he was appointed an Adviser to Minister, Embassy of France in Russia. In November 2009 he occupied the position of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of France to Kazakhstan.

President of Research Institute of Transport and Communications (NII TK LLP)

He has Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian and International Academies of Transport, International and National Engineering Academies, Member of the Town-planning Council of Almaty City Administration.

Murat is an author over 180 scientific papers, 37 patents for inventions, of which 12 issued in the Russian Federation, 8 monographs focusing on the problems of transport and communications.

He was involved into development of conceptual ways of transport development and communications sector (Concept of Formation of the Integrated Transport Space EurAsEC, Concept of the State Transport Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Concept of Development of Transit Transport Corridors of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and Transport Strategy of Kazakhstan till 2015 and a number of other acts.

Vice Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK

Born in December 22, 1976. Has a basic degree in economics. Graduated from Abay Almaty State University, specializing in banking business. Graduated magistracy in the University of Golden Gate University (California, USA), majoring in marketing. Has a Master's degree in marketing. Holds a Diploma (University of California, Berkeley, USA) with a degree of business administration. Began his career analyst for e-business projects, Chevron Corporation in San Ramon (USA) in 2001-2002. In the years 2002-2004 held a post as a general manager, deputy director of the department, Director of Corporate Development Company close joint-stock company “KazTransGas”. In 2004-2006 worked as a Vice President of joint-stock company “Air Astana”. Since February 2006 has worked as a Vice Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK. Bekturov A.G. holds a Ph.D degree in “economics, management theory”. Awarded with the order “Kurmet”, medal "Astananyn 10 zhyldygy”, various diplomas and certificates.

Deputy chairman National Economic Chamber Kazakhstan “ATAMEKEN”.

He is a Candidate of Economic Sciences, protection in 2001, institute of economy of Academy of sciences RК, the Theme of dissertation: Efficiency management of natural monopolies". He made a good effort while working in “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” and became a General Director of it. He has experience in economic and management.

Chairman  of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Alikhan has PhD in Engineering and a member of the National Science Academy, Corresponding Member of National Engineering Academy.

During his professional path hew held different social positions, most recent are as follows: in 2000 he was appointed the Minister of Labour and Public Social protection of the RK by the Decree of the President of the RK. In November, 2001 he co-founded and became a member of Political Board of Public Association “Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan”. From March, 2002 he was co-chairman and from 2005 Chairman of Democratic Party of Kazakhstan “Ak Zhol”. In October, 2006 he was elected a deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the RK. In July, 2011 he was appointed Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the RK by the Decree of the President of the RK.

He is the author of a number of publications on social protection, public administration and civil service, management, political and party formation.

Vice-Minister of Health RK


He graduated from Almaty State Medical Institute, "surgeon" faculty, in 1998 - Middlesex University (UK), specializing in "health manager". 
From 1998 to 1999 - Deputy Chief of Economic Affairs in Enbekshikazakh CDH of Almaty region. In 1999 – Senior specialist of the organizational work of the State Institution "Center of payment for medical services," Ministry of Health, Education and Sports. 
From 1999 to 2000 - Deputy Head of Department of Statistics, Analysis and Information Systems of Center of payment for medical services. He worked as a head of «Densaulyk" health care institution, at the Agency for Health Affairs. He was a chief expert of social and cultural development. During 2008 till 2010 he was a Head of North-Kazakhstan region Health Care Department. By the Government Resolution dating November 11, 2010 he was appointed Vice-Minister of Health.

Deputy Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan President Administration



Baibek has PhD in Political Science, honorary Professor of the “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists”. In 1999-2002 he was a referent, attaché of the General Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Frankfurt-on-Maine and Third Secretary of Economic Department of Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the FRG.

Within 2002-2006 he took different positions in the Administration of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was an expert in the Center of Systemic Investigations, Head of the Sector of Information and Analysis, chief Protocol inspector of the Republic of Kazakhstan President.

From 2006 to 2009 he headed the Protocol of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In August, 2009 he was appointed Deputy Head of the President of the RK Administration. Possesses such state order as “Kurmet”, Jubilee Medals “10 years of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “10 years of Astana”, Certificates of Gratitude by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Director of P.A.Stolypyn Povolzhsk Institute of Civil Service, Branch of the Russian Academy of People’s Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation

He is a Doctor of Historic Sciences, Professor, former Assistant of the Russian Federation Administration Head of the President, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, former Governor of the Saratov Oblast. He is an actual state councilor of the Russian Federation of II rank (grade rank of the state civil service of the RF assigned by the Decree of the President of the RF as of January 4, 2009); Order “Honour Badge”, Order “For Merits for the Motherland” of II degree (2000), Order of Right-believing Prince Dniil Moskovskiy of II degree by the Russian Orthodox Church, Chevalier of the Golden Honor Badge “Public Acknowledgement”.

Deputy Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In 1991 he started his work in the prosecutor’s office of the Northern Kazakhstan as an assistant, special investigator, senior prosecutor of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions of this region. From 1998 he was a consultant of Legal Expertise Division, then Deputy Head of Legal Department of the Prime –Minister’s Office. He also supervised the division of Agency for Civil Service and then Head of Civil Service Judicial Support Department. From December 2003 till October 2005 he worked as Inherent Security Department Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2005 till September 2011 Mr. Akhmetzhanov worked as a chief specialist of Socio Economic Analysis Department, as a chief inspector, then Head of Law-Enforcement Division of the President’s Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From September 2007 till September 2011 he worked as a secretary and a member of the Commission on the fight against corruption.

President of Kazakhstan tourism Association

From 1999 year till now she is the President of Tourism association. During her career she occupied such positions as advisor, chancellor of the East Kazakhstan Mayor, mayor of Mangistay oblast advisor, president of Kazakhstani hotels restaurants association, and a chairman of tourism committee. In 2000 year occupied the position of the director of Tourism and sports agency. She is an author of books related to tourism. She has several orders and medals granted for a huge contribution to the tourism sector.

Dean of Faculty of Basic Education of New Bulgarian University (NBU)

Educational and scientific degree PhD in Economics

Professor at NBU, professional direction Administration and Management;

Nikolay Arabzhiyski was a member of The Council of the Centre of Public Administration; assoc. professor at Academy of Ministry of Interior “Administration activity of the police”; Dean of Faculty of Basic Education of New Bulgarian University (NBU); Director of Master Program “Public Administration”; Director of Bachelor Program “Administration and Management.

Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of the public management, organization of the public administration and management of the secret services and public order.

President, Fund of cultural and historical community «Eurasians - the new wave»

He graduated from political School, Kurgan Higher Military in 1986. The specialty he gained was military officer, teacher of history and social science. In 1996-1999 he studied in the Modern Humanitarian University by specialty lawyer.

He served in military forces, then was a Deputy General Director, Limited Liability Company «Leopard-Service». In 2006-2007 years he occupied the position of promotion Manager, Limited Liability Company “Accept” (TV channel REN TV). From 2007 till 2010 year he was an Acting Head, Department of promotion, Limited Liability Company «Accept» (TV channel REN TV).

Chief Marketing Officer, Effortel.

Graduated with a BsC in History from Vilnius University in 2002. In 2004, attended an executive MBA course in ISM business school, Lithuania. 1997-2000 worked as a product manager in Lietuvos Telekomas, Lithuanian incumbent fixed line operator.

In 2000 joined Bitė, a TDC-owned second largest mobile operator in Lithuania. Responsible for data, mobile data and business solutions.

In 2005 became the CEO of Eurocom, the first and the largest Baltic Mobile Virtual Operator (MVNO). Launched Telemaxima – an innovative service integrated with a retail loyalty program of Maxima, leading retailer of the Baltics.

In 2007 moved to Belgium to become a Chief Marketing Officer at Effortel, leading MVNO and MVNE (enabler) in Europe, Middle East and South East Asia. Effortel is managing 10 MVNOs on its centralized enablement. Effortel enabling MVNOs in Belgium, Italy, Malta, Poland, Taiwan and Oman Sultanate and runs 3 MVNOs in joint venture with Carrefour, French retail giant.

Vice President, Geo Expansion Director, IBM R/CIS

Leonid Altukhov leads geo expansion development in IBM Russia/CIS. Prior to that Leonid was responsible for competitive sales in growth markets at the headquarters of IBM Growth Markets Unit in Shanghai. From 2008 to 2010, Leonid was the director of the software department in IBM Russia/CIS. Since 1999, he served as a business development director in IBM. Leonid was responsible for software sales, marketing and business partners. He has got MBA degree at Open University, UK.

Dean of the Economic Faculty of Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD in Economics, associate professor, high achiever of education of Kazakhstan Republic, the owner of the «Best teacher of high school» state award (2011), independent auditor, chartered accountant, member Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific interests: - researches of business accounting reformation problems. Author of textbook, three tutorials, five tutorial kits, more than 90 scientific articles related to the accounting and audit reformation.

Director of BusinessOulu

03.2010 – Present – Director of BusinessOulu, City of Oulu

06.2009 – 12.2009 – Head of WCDMA HSPA R&D, Nokia Siemens Networks, Telecommunications industry.

01.2007 – 05.2009 – Head of (Multiradio) BTS R&D - Nokia Siemens Networks, Telecommunications industry.

01.2005 – 12.2006 – General Manager of BTS Product Management and R&D, Telecommunications industry, Nokia.

2000 – 2005 – Director, Nokia, Telecommunications industry.

2002 – 2004 – Director, Nokia Multimedia, Convergence Products, Telecommunications industry.

1998 – 2004 – Director, Nokia Mobile Phones, Telecommunications industry.

Rector of the Academy of the Public Administration under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Active Member of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Urkhan Kyazym ogly has great experience both in scientific research work and civil service.

His scientific achievements are related to conceptions of biodiversity preservation and ensuring of genetic systems stability through discovering, investigating and elaborating ways to practically apply anti-mutagens, anti-carcinogens and geroprotectors.

Mr.Urkhan was awarded Medal “For Distinction in Labour Activity” and Order “Honour Badge”.

He is an author of 300 published scientific works. Нe has 20 certificates of authorship and patents.

Secretary General of Turkic speaking countries co-operation Council

Born in 1945. Served as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkish Republic in Slovenia, India and Russian Federation, Councilor of MFA TR, General director on political issues of MFA TR. Currently is a Secretary General of Turkic speaking countries co-operation Council.

Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Judicial System and Law bodies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

He has a degree in Law. He worked as a judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a prosecutor of Karaganda region. Serik Baiseituly is a member of the Commission on Citizenship under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Inter parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, a member of the group on cooperation with the Senates of Canada, Czech Republic. Akylbai Serik Baiseituly was awarded 5 medals, the Order of “Kurmet”, Certificate of Honour of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

He is the author of a number of scientific papers and of the monograph “Counter-corruption policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Country Manager for Kazakhstan

Sebnem Akkaya is the World Bank’s Country Manager for the Republic of Kazakhstan. She provides leadership on the overall policy reform agenda for the country, including managing the delivery of the Joint Economic Research Program and overseeing the quality and delivery of the work program.

Sebnem joined the team in Astana in mid-2010, after serving as a Lead Economist for several countries in the Social and Economic Development Group of Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region during 2006-2010.

Prior to this, her work focused on transition economies in the Western Balkans and Central Asia in Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Group of Europe and Central Asia region. She has extensive experience in economic policy formulation and has written about a variety of issues, including economic growth and poverty, trade, public finance, and provision of social services. Before joining the World Bank in 1989, Akkaya served as a researcher at the Statistical, Economic Social Research and Training Center based in Ankara, Turkey.

Sebnem has a Master’s Degree and a PhD in Economics from the Middle East Technical University in Turkey, and also studied at Bilkent University.

Director of political analysis center


He graduated from Kzakh State University majoring in history. He holds Ph.D. in historical science. He started to work as a political observer in “Panorama” and “Delovaya nedelya” newspapers. In 1997-1998 he occupied the position in analytical center as a coordinator of the project. In 1998-2000 was a head of the department in Kazakh Institute of Strategic sciences under the president of Kazakhstan Republic. During 2000-2009 years he was an editor in Continent journal. In 2009 year he worked in “Central Asia” journal. In 2010-2011 he was a director in world economic Institute. From 2011 he was a director in political analysis center. He is an author of more than 500 articles and such publications as “Afghan conflict and issues on security in Central Asia” in Russian and Chinese languages, “Central Asia: coming storm”, “Conflict in Afghanistan: prospects, problems and conditions”, “Center for Asia”.

Chairman of the Economic Reform and Regional Development Committee of the Parliament Majilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan

From 1994-1995 - Chairman of Public Fiscal Control Department. From October 1995 till November 1996 Mr. Aimbetov worked as Minister of Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1996-1997 - First Deputy of the Labor and Social Protection Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1997 till 1998 – counselor in JSC “KazakhstanAudit”. From December 1998 till January 2001 – a state inspector of Administrative-Supervising Division of the President’s Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From January 2001- till January 2002 – Deputy Head of the RK Prime-Minister’s Office. January -November 2002 - Vice Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 2002- August 2007 – a state inspector of State Control and Logistics of the RK President’s Administration. Since September 2010 has been working as Chairman of the Economic Reform and Regional Development Committee.

He was honored with “Kurmet” award in 2005, “Parassat” award in 2011 and Certificate of Honour from Eurasian Economic Summit.


International Relations Committee member, Chairman of the Republican Social Council

Abdykarimov Oralbai has a great work experience in the sphere of civil service in the republican administrative bodies. He was appointed the assistant of the head and then the head of the Organizational and Inspectional Department of the President’s office, the head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Supreme Disciplinary Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the State Commission on the fight with corruption, the State secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the counselor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2007 Abdykarimov Oralbai is a deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan. He is a holder of the Orders of “Barys” of the 1st and 2nd degrees, “Commonwealth” MPA (МПА) of the Commonwealth of Independent States and he was also awarded 10 medals.

Vice-Rector of the Commonwealth of the Independent States, Institute Russian Federation

In 1989 graduated from the Namangan technical school of agricultural mechanization in the mentioned specialty. In 1994 graduated from the Moscow State University of Nature System by specialty “Mechanization of water-systems and irrigations works”. In 2000 finished Russian Academy of State Office (Russian Federation President Attachment) specializing in State and Municipal governance.

Peace Envoy under the Clergy University version.

Peace Envoy under the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum version.

Since 2010 is the Forum expert.

Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

He has Doctor’s degree in Biological Sciences. Honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of High School.

He made a significant contribution to the development of higher education system of independent Kazakhstan. He is one of the main developers of the State Educational Program for 2005-2010 years and 2011-2020 years as well as of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” and “On Science” adopted in 2011. 
Abdrassilov B.S. was awarded by the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Nobel laureate P. L. Kapitza for his scientific achievements in the field of biophysics. He is the author of over 60 scientific papers published in the top journals of the USA, Russia, Australia, Holland and South Korea.

Chairman of the Venezuelan Node of the Millennium Project, Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE – JETRO) in Tokyo, Japan, and Energy Advisor at Singularity University (SU) in NASA Ames, Silicon Valley, USA

He served In Latin America, as an advisor for some of the most important regional corporations and has taken part in the transformation and privatization of a number of oil companies in the continent.

Mr. Cordeiro is a founder of the World Future Society (Venezuela Chapter), director of the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA) and the Lifeboat Foundation, cofounder of the Venezuelan Trans humanist Association and of the Internet Society (ISOC, Venezuela Chapter), board advisor to the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN), member of the Academic Committee of the Center for the Dissemination of Economic Knowledge (CEDICE).

Officer-in-Charge Chief, Economic Cooperation and Integration Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva

Dr. Dinc is a Senior Economist/Statistician at the Development Economics Data Group of the World Bank.

He has been managing statistical capacity building projects in a number of developing countries. He has published journal articles and book chapters on subject related to regional development, regional policy analysis, efficiency and productivity assessment of different sectors and regions.

Founding Partner, Heenan Blaikie, former Secretary-General, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Mr. Johnston served in the Cabinet, first as President of the Treasury Board, and then as Minister of State for Economic and Regional Development, Minister of Science and Technology, Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada.

He was Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from 1996 to 2006.

After stepping down from the OECD in 2006 he resumed his legal career as Counsel to the national law firm of Heenan Blaikie ,( formerly Johnston Heenan Blaikie ), of which he was a founder in 1973 as well as being a senior advisor and now Chair of the McCall MacBain Foundation in Geneva, Chairman of the International Risk Governance Council ( Geneva) 2006-2009) as well as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Yonsei University in Seoul Korea 2006-2009.

He recently served as a Commissioner of the Euro Atlantic Security Initiative ( EASI) of the Carnegie Foundation which delivered its report to the Munich Security Conference in February 2012.

Director of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Research Department.

"Maria Jepsen is director of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Research Department.

Jepsen holds a PhD in Economics and DEA in Econometrics from the Free University of Brussels. Before joining the ETUI in 2001, Jepsen worked at the Applied Economics Department at the Free University of Brussels (DULBEA) as a researcher where her main research areas were gender economics and social protection.

In addition to leading the department, Jepsen is also a senior researcher with responsibility for research on comparative social policy, gender issues, and research policy. She is also an associate professor (chargée de cours) at the Free University of Brussels at the institute of labour science and associate researcher at DULBEA".

Head of project, Senior Adviser

USAID Macroeconomic Project Chief of Party (Deloitte Consulting LLP), Senior PPP Advisor

Ms. Jamieson has over twenty years of international experience managing projects and advising clients in all activities relating to infrastructure finance and public-private-partnerships (PPP). Successful transaction experience encompasses work across multiple infrastructure sectors, including transport, energy generation, water and sewerage, education, health, municipal works, environment, and cultural heritage. Since November 2010 Ms. Jamieson provided strategic advisory services to a variety of public authorities on the development of Kazakhstan’s multi-sector PPP program, as well as on targeted PPP transactions in the social sector. Amongst others, specific activities include advisory services relating to the strengthening of Kazakhstan’s legal, institutional, and regulatory framework for PPP; targeted transaction advisory services in priority projects (including, amongst others, the Karaganda oblast Kindergarten concession), technical assistance relating to contract governance and enforcement structures, and broad-based capacity building to public officials.

Vice –Minister of economic and sustainable development of Georgia

In 2011 year Mikheil was appointed deputy minister of economic and sustainable development of Georgia. Later he occupied the position of international trade and international relations director in ministry. During 2003-2009years he worked in private companies in Georgia and abroad. Also he founded his consulting company in Tbilisi. He studied in Tbilisi state university and got their bachelor’s degree in international affairs. He got master’s degree in international law studying at Diplomacy Academy of Russia (2003-2006years of study). In 2011 year Mikheil Janelidze was awarded with an honor order by Georgia President.

President and CEO, OLPC Europe

Walter De Brouwer (b.1957) has a PhD in Semiotics from the University of Tilburg (Netherlands). In 1995 De Brouwer invested in Eunet, the former European Unix Users Group, which merged with Qwest Communications International in April 1998. From 1996-2001, De Brouwer was a sponsor of the MIT Medialab. Inspired by Negroponte’s work, he set up the ‘Fundamental Research’ laboratory Starlab that together with Microsoft Founder Paul Allen’s Interval Research Corporation specialized in Blue-Sky research. In 2001, Jobscape, his electronic employment site was bought by Stepstone before going public on the London Stock Exchange. Since 2003, he has served as a Director of the Tau Zero Foundation. In 2008 Walter De Brouwer was elected Chairman of the (British) Royal Society of Arts Europe. The Sunday Times Magazine has called De Brouwer a 'collateral thinker’ and “Corriere della Sera” the ‘Woody Allen of business’.

General Manager of EBAN

With a background in youth entrepreneurship, Chiara becomes General Manager of EBAN in 2011. Most recently she worked as Director for YES, the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, Brussels-based pan European organization bringing together 16 national federations and representing 40.000 individual entrepreneurs. Prior to this she worked on Events and Communication at EBN, European Business and Innovation Centers Network in Brussels. Holding a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Political Science from the University of Perugia (Italy), Chiara furthered her studies in International Politics at the University Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).

Publisher, International Herald Tribune

Stephen Dunbar-Johnson was appointed publisher of the International Herald Tribune in January 2008. Previously, Mr. Dunbar-Johnson served as executive vice president of the IHT since September 2006. He had served as senior vice president and commercial director for the IHT since September 2000, and before that he was advertising director, a position held since joining the IHT in 1998.

Before joining the IHT, Mr. Dunbar-Johnson was the UK Advertisement Director of the Financial Times. During his twelve years at the Financial Times, Mr. Dunbar-Johnson held various positions in the paper’s advertising department, including advertising manager in France and vice president of advertising in the Americas based in New York. He was educated at Worth's School and Kent University in the U.K., and completed an executive management program at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

President, “Kazakhstan Stock Exchange” JSC

Kadyrzhan K. Damitov graduated from Almaty Institute of National Economy in 1982 majoring in Engenering and Economics (Almaty, Kazakhstan) and holds a PhD in Corporate Management and Finance (1988) from the Moscow Financial Institute (Moscow, Russia).

Mr. Damitov worked in various sectors: business, government and academia. He developed companies' operations, participated in policy-making processes in regards to the various sectors of economy, fostered development of the country's financial market regulatory system.

His career in private sector was not limited only to the banking sector, he also worked in other sectors of the economy. During 2000-2007 he was simultaneously a Member of the Board of Directors at such financial institutions as ABN AMRO Pension Fund and Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, as well as at the sovereign development institution - Fund for Sustainable Development "Kazyna".

Mr. Damitov holds national awards for his contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's economy.

Deputy to Chief Executive Officer of Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

Mr. Dariusz Szewczyk is a graduate of the Technical University of Lodz, University of Lodz and the University of Maryland. He has been responsible for the realisation of the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland since 2008. In 1999-2007 he supervised the support for business environment institutions within the framework of the Sectoral Operational Programme Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises and the realisation of infrastructural projects financed from Phare 2000 SSG (Social and Economic Cohesion) and Phare 2001 Reconstruction Programmes. From 1998 to 2002 he performed the function of the Management Board Member, the Director of Finance of the Polish Agency for Regional Development.

President of Small Business Corporation (SBC)

Born in Gyungju, Republic of Korea, Mr. Cheol-Kyu Park began his public service in 1981, as he passed the Executive Officials Entrance Examination. He earned his master’s degree in economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. He spent most of his career at the Economic Planning Board and the Ministry of Finance and Economy, with special interest in areas such as economic planning, policy coordination, public finance, trade and international cooperation.

He also served for 4 years, from 1997 to 2001, at the Asian Development Bank, Philippines, as the Advisor to Executive Director representing Korea and other 6 constituency countries. During that period, he had the opportunity to expand his interests in international finance and global policy issues such as development assistance, climate change, poverty alleviation, and social development.

He has a solid work record in policy coordination with respect to human resource development, employment promotion, labor-management relations, and poverty alleviation. As Director General for Future Strategy of the Ministry of Strategy of Finance, established with the merging the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Ministry of Planning and Budget in early 2008, he was actively involved in the development of the Korea’s long-term strategies and agenda in cooperation with the Presidential Council for National Future and Vision. This included exploring new growth engines such as green industries and developing lighthouse projects and policies to help vitalize the country, with the aim of transforming it into a first-class advanced nation.

Appointed Spokesperson of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance in 2009, Mr Park broadened his cooperative network with the domestic and foreign press, effectively promoting Korea’s committed efforts to cope with the global financial crisis.

From 2010 to 2011, as Deputy Minister for Planning and Coordination of the Ministry, he directed the government’s policy coordination and budget planning and played a key role in policy coordination with the National Assembly.

He has a special interest in socially inclusive economic development, in particular with respect to social trust enhancement, SME development, and reform in education & healthcare sectors. He enjoys running and has participated in several amateur long-distance competitions, finishing a total of seven marathons.

Professor Small Business and Entrepreneurship and Associate Director of the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University in the UK.

David Smallbone is Professor Small Business and Entrepreneurship and Associate Director of the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University in the UK. David is also Immediate Past President of the International Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ICSB) and a Past President of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB). He is also Visiting Professor in Entrepreneurship at the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, China and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Small Business Management. In 2005, he was awarded the degree of Doctoris Honoris Causa by the University of Lodz (Poland) for his contribution to the study of entrepreneurship in transition economies.

David has been involved in research relating to SMEs and SME policy since the late 1980s and has been a regular presenter at national and international conferences during this period. He has published widely on topics that include: entrepreneurship and small business development in transition economies; entrepreneurship and small business policy; high growth SMEs; enterprise development in rural areas; innovation and innovation policy; internationalisation and ethnic minority and immigrant entrepreneurship. He has extensive experience of research based consultancy for a range of national and international clients, including central government departments in different countries, the European Commission, UNDP and the OECD.

Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zhanar graduated from S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Joint Vienna Institute, Harvard Kennedy School. After graduation had work placements with Kazakh State University, Moscow State University, Charles University and Central European University. Coordinated programs at the UN Representation Office in Kazakhstan, was Assistant to UN Coordinator and UNDP Representative in Mongolia. Was Curator of programs implemented by UNDP's Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS in Central Asia. In September 2003 Ms. Aitzhanova was appointed Vice Minister of Industry and Trade. In 2005 she was appointed Special Representative of Kazakhstan to hold negotiations on accession to the WTO. In March 2010 she was appointed Minister of Economic Development and Trade. In April 2011 she was appointed Minister of Economic Integration.

Chairman of Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center

Has degrees in finance, law; received his Master’s degree in Public Management in the world renowned Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS (Singapore) and Harvard Kennedy School of Government (USA) (under the “Bolashak” scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan. From 2008 to May 2011 held the position of Managing Director, Director of HR at the National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC. From August 2011 occupied the position of Managing Director–Member of the Management Board of Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership JSC.

On 19 September 2011 Mr. Abiyessov was appointed Chairman of Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center (Ministry of economic development and trade of Kazakhstan).

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population of RK

Graduated from Dzhambul Technological Institute of light and food industry, Ph.D. in Economics.

During her professional carrier she held such positions as vice-minister of labour and social protection of RK 2007 till January 2008 - executive secretary of the Ministry of labour and social protection of population of RK. From January 2008 till March 2009 – advisor of President of RK, chairwoman of National commission on woman and family demographic policy under the President of RK. Since March 2009 Minister of labour and social protection of population of RK.

President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Born August 29, 1938 in Moscow. Graduated from the Geophysical Department of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. Ordzhonikidze in 1962. 1967-1969 – studied at Moscow State University named M.V. Lomonosov at the Physics Department, "engineering the flow" (the second special higher education).Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.1994 –rector of the International University of Nature, Society and Human “Dubna”, co-chair of the National Committee of the Intellectual Resources of Russia, Vice-president of the Russian National Committee of the UNEP UN.

Author of over 300 scientific publications in domestic and foreign editions.

Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International; Ex-Vice-President, AIG; Ex-Chairman, Central Bank of Israel

Born in 1943. 2004-2009 - Vice Chairman of American International Group, Inc., 2000-2004 - Chairman of Merrill Lynch International Inc., as well as Chairman of Merrill Lynch’s Sovereign Advisory and Global Financial Institutions Groups. 1991-2000 - Governor of the Bank of Israel.1987-1991 - Economic Counselor and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund.1973-1987 - Editor of the Journal of Political Economy at the faculty of the University of Chicago (the position of the David Rockefeller, Professor of International Economics).

1995-1996 - Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank, 1999-2000 - Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1991-2000 - Governor of the IMF and Alternate Governor of the World Bank for Israel.

Author of numerous books and articles in the fields of International Economics and Macro-Economics, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago.


Thomas Mirow, born in January 1953, is the fifth president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). He took up this position on 3 July 2008. The EBRD Board of Governors nominated Mr Mirow on 19 May 2008 to replace Jean Lemierre as President of the EBRD.

After graduating from the University of Bonn in 1975, Mr Mirow worked as the Assistant and then as Chef de cabinet to former German Chancellor Willy Brandt, then Chairman of Germany’s Social Democratic party.

After serving as Director of the Press Office of the city-state of Hamburg, Mr Mirow held several senior positions within the Hamburg administration between 1991 and 2001, including state minister for economics. He also held several senior management and advisory positions in the private sector.

President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics “for the analysis of monetary and fiscal policy under different exchange rate regimes and his analysis of optimum currency areas”, 1999

Achusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he obtained PhD in Economics in 1956.Professor of economics at Columbia University. Well known as creator of theory of optimum currency areas. He obtained the deserved recognition for the contribution to economic development. Mundell was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1971 and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1999. In 2002 he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada.In 1992, Mundell received the Docteur Honoris Causa from the University of Paris. Mundell's honorary professorships and fellowships were from Brookings Institution, the University of Chicago, the University of Southern California, McGill University, the University of Pennsylvania, the Bologna Center and Renmin University of China. He became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1998. In June 2005 he was awarded the Global Economics Prize World Economics Institute in Kiel, Germany.

President of the Republic of Ecuador

The leader of the PAIS Alliance political movement, Correa is a democratic socialist and his administration has focused on the implementation of leftist policies, poverty reduction, and combating the influence of the United States and multinational corporations in Ecuador. Internationally, he served as president pro tempore of the Union of South American Nations.

Born to a lower middle-class mestizo family in Guayaquil, Correa studied economics at the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, the Université catholique de Louvain, and the University of Illinois, where he received his PhD. Returning to Ecuador, in 2005 he became the Minister for the Economy in President Alfredo Palacio's government, successfully lobbying Congress for increased spending on health and education projects. Correa won the presidency in the 2006 general election on a platform criticizing the established political elites. Taking office in January 2007, he sought to move away from Ecuador's neoliberal economic model by reducing the influence of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. He declared Ecuador's national debt illegitimate and announced that the country would default on over $3 billion worth of bonds; he pledged to fight creditors in international courts and succeeded in reducing the price of outstanding bonds by more than 60%.

Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany

Köhler was born in Skierbieszów (then named Heidenstein), in the General Government area of German-occupied Poland, as the seventh child of Elisabeth and Eduard Köhler, into a family of Bessarabian Germans from Rîşcani in Romanian Bessarabia (near Bălţi, present-day Moldova). Horst Köhler's parents, ethnic Germans and Romanian citizens, had to leave their home in Bessarabia in 1940 during the Nazi-Soviet population transfers that followed the invasion of Poland and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which awarded Bessarabia to the Soviet Union. As part of the Generalplan Ost, they were resettled in 1942 at Skierbieszów, a village near Zamość, Poland (then part of the General Government). As the Wehrmacht was pushed back and the first parts of Poland had to be abandoned in 1944, the Köhler family fled to Leipzig. In 1953, they left the Soviet Zone – via West Berlin – to escape from the communist regime. The family lived in refugee camps until 1957, when they settled in Ludwigsburg. Horst Köhler hence spent most of his first 14 years as a refugee.

First Vice-President of the International Academy of Investments, Director of the Institute of Strategic Research of Integration Problems EurAsEC

Rector of the Ural State University of Economics

Mikhail Fedorov is a President of "The Big Eurasian University Complex", deputy chairman of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association coordination council, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, full-fledged member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Born January 1, 1951. Graduated of the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute in the field of geology and exploration of natural resources. 1973-1989 – the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. 1989-1993 – the Moscow State Geological Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. 1993-2000 – Professor of the Natural Resources Management Department at the Ural State University of Economics. 1998-2005 – Director General of the “Uralpischepromsertifikat” research institute. 2000-2005 – Head of the above mentioned department of the Ural State University of Economics. The author of over 300 scientific publications, 13 monographs, 5 textbooks. He has 5 patented inventions, including the Eurasian patent for a grain grinding technology.

Prime Minister of Turkey

Director, National Metrological Centre of the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent of Azerbaijan Republic

Prime Minister of Georgia

Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor, Academic of the Academy of Science of Republic of Tajikistan

Chairman of Dissertation Council in Economics (Institute for Economic researches under the Ministry of economy and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan). Chief editor of journal “Economy of Tajikistan: development strategy” and President of Economist League of Tajikistan, Member of International Economist League.

In 1961 graduated from the Tajik State University, Dushanbe (M.Sc., Economics Department).

Since 2010 is a professor of the Finance and Credit Department of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University. Was a Deputy Minister of economy and foreign affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (1998-2001). 1994 – was a State Advisor to the President of Republic of Tajikistan on social – economic problems. Project Research Activities are in macroeconomics, economics, regional economics.

Vice rector of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

Former President of the Republic of Poland

In 1977 graduated from the University of Gdansk; 1977-1981 worked in the structures of the Socialist Union of Polish Students, 1981-1984 - Editor in Chief of the student and popular weekly newspaper "Shtandar young"; 1985 - Minister of Youth, 1987-1990 - Chairman of the Committee on Youth, Sports and physical culture of the People's Republic of Poland, in 1988-1991 - President of the National Olympic Committee of Poland, in 1991-1995 - Member of the Seimas; 1995-2005 was the President of the Republic of Poland; in 2000 was re-elected to a five-year term.

Hungarian inventor, Professor of Architecture, President of the Hungarian Engineering Academy. He is best known for the invention of Rubik’s Cube


Ernő Rubik was born in Budapest, Hungary, 13 July 1944, during World War II, and has lived all his life in Hungary. His father, Ernő Rubik Sr., was a flight engineer at the Esztergom aircraft factory, and his mother, Magdolna Szántó, was a poet.


His father, Ernő Sr., was a highly respected engineer of gliders. His extensive work and expertise in this area gained him an international reputation as an expert in his field.

From 1958 to 1962, Rubik specialised in sculpture at the Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts. From 1962 to 1967, Rubik attended the Budapest University of Technology where he became a member of the Architecture Faculty. From 1967 to 1971, Rubik attended the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts and was on the Faculty of Interior Architecture and Design.


Rubik considers university and the education it afforded him as the decisive event which shaped his life. Rubik has stated that, "Schools offered me the opportunity to acquire knowledge of subjects or rather crafts that need a lot of practice, persistence and diligence with the direction of a mentor.

Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry 2009, “for her studies on the structure and function of the ribosome”. Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Yonath (née Lifshitz) was born in the Geula quarter of Jerusalem.Her parents, Hillel and Esther Lifshitz, were Zionist Jews who immigrated to Palestine from Zduńska Wola, Poland in 1933 before the establishment of Israel. Her father was a rabbi and came from a rabbinical family. They settled in Jerusalem and ran a grocery, but found it difficult to make ends meet. They lived in cramped quarters with several other families, and Yonath remembers "books" being the only thing she had to keep her occupied. Despite their poverty, her parents sent her to school in the upscale Beit HaKerem neighborhood to assure her a good education. When her father died at the age of 42, the family moved to Tel Aviv. Yonath was accepted to Tichon Hadash high school although her mother could not pay the tuition. She gave math lessons to students in return. As a youngster, she says she was inspired by the Polish and naturalized-French scientist Marie Curie. However, she stresses that Curie, whom she as a child was fascinated by after reading a well-written biography, was not her "role model". She returned to Jerusalem for college, graduating from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1962, and a master's degree in biochemistry in 1964. In 1968, she obtained her Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science for X-ray crystallographic studies on the structure of collagen, with Wolfie Traub as her Ph.D. advisor.

She has one daughter, Hagit Yonath, a doctor at Sheba Medical Center, and a granddaughter, Noa. She is the cousin of anti-occupation activist Dr Ruchama Marton.She has called for the unconditional release of all Hamas prisoners, saying that "holding Palestinians captive encourages and perpetuates their motivation to harm Israel and its citizens ... once we don't have any prisoners to release they will have no reason to kidnap soldiers".

Former President of the Croatia

Stjepan, commonly shortened to "Stipe", was born in Orahovica, Kingdom of Yugoslavia to Josip and Magdalena (née Pernar) Mesić. After his mother died in 1936, his older sister Marija was sent to their uncle Tomo Pernar in France, while Stjepan was put in the care of his grandmother Marija until his father was remarried in 1938 to Mileva Jović, an ethnic Serb who gave birth to Slavko and Jelica.

His father joined the Yugoslav Partisans in 1941. The Mesić family spent most of the Second World War in refuges in Mount Papuk and Orahovica when it was occasionally liberated. In 1945, the family took refuge from the final fighting of the war in Hungary, along with 10,000 other refugees, and subsequently settled in Našice, where Josip Mesić became the chairman of the District council. The family soon moved to Osijek, where Stipe graduated from 4-year elementary school and finished two years of 8-year gymnasium. In 1949, his father was reassigned back to Orahovica, and Stipe continued his education at the gymnasium in Požega. He graduated in 1955 and, as an exemplary student, was admitted to the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. The same year on 17 March, his father died of cancer.

He continued his studies at the Law Faculty at the University of Zagreb, where he graduated in 1961. Also in 1961, Mesić married Milka Dudundić, of Ukrainian and Serbian  ethnic origin from Hrvatska Kostajnica, with whom he has two daughters. After graduation, he worked as an intern at the municipal court in Orahovica and the public attorney's office at Našice. He served his compulsory military service in Bileća and Niš, becoming a reserve officer.

Former Prime Minister of Italy

Prodi was born in Scandiano, in the province of Reggio Emilia (Emilia-Romagna). He is the eighth of nine children of Mario Prodi, an engineer originally from a peasant family, and Enrica, a primary school teacher. He has two sisters and six brothers, five of them being like him university professors (one of whom, Vittorio Prodi, is also a Member of the European Parliament; see also Giorgio Prodi, an oncologist and biosemiotician).

Prodi married Flavia Franzoni in 1969. He was married by then-priest Camillo Ruini, now a well-known cardinal. They have two sons, Giorgio and Antonio. He and his family still live in Bologna.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Republic, Minister of Finance, Head of Economy and External Relations

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

After attending the Chorister School in Durham from 1961 to 1966, Blair boarded at Fettes College, a prestigious independent school in Edinburgh, during which time he met Charlie Falconer (a pupil at the rival Edinburgh Academy), whom he later appointed Lord Chancellor. Blair reportedly modelled himself on Mick Jagger. His teachers were unimpressed with him; his biographer, John Rentoul, reported that "All the teachers I spoke to when researching the book said he was a complete pain in the backside and they were very glad to see the back of him."


After Fettes, Blair spent a year in London, where he attempted to find fame as a rock music promoter before reading jurisprudence at St John's College, Oxford. As a student, he played guitar and sang in a rock band called Ugly Rumours.

He was influenced by fellow student and Anglican priest Peter Thomson, who awakened within Blair a deep concern for religious faith and left-wing politics. While Blair was at Oxford, his mother Hazel died of cancer, which greatly affected him. After graduating from Oxford in 1975 with a Second-Class Honours B.A. in Jurisprudence, Blair became a member of Lincoln's Inn, enrolled as a pupil barrister, and met his future wife, Cherie Booth (daughter of the actor Tony Booth) at the law chambers founded by Derry Irvine (who was to be Blair's first Lord Chancellor), 11 King's Bench Walk Chambers. He appears in a number of reported cases, for example as in Nethermere (St Neots) Ltd v Gardiner, where he represented employers unsuccessfully in an attempt to deny female factory workers their holiday pay.

Vice President, European Investment Bank

Molterer's birth name is Kletzmayr. He was born in Steyr, Upper Austria, on 14 May 1955.] He grew up in the Upper Austrian town of Sierning, and was raised by his aunt and her husband, Josef Molterer, who adopted him at the age of 14 years. He attended the College of Agriculture in Sankt Florian, graduated in 1974. He received a master's degree in Social Economics from the Johannes Kepler University Linz in 1981.

While a student Molterer first engaged in politics; he became head of the Österreichische Studentenunion (ÖSU) local branch at his university, and a member of the local students' council. By 1978, when a long-simmering policy conflict within the Austrian ÖSU developed towards a split in the party, Molterer supported liberal positions which sometimes were quite grossly at odds with the more conservative mainstream opinion of the ÖSU's main sponsor, the Austrian People's Party. Several Austrian journalists, consulters, entrepreneurs, academicians and finance people who enjoy national and international reputation today (for instance, Peter Adler, Helmut Brandstätter, Gerald Bast, Hermann Mucke and Wolfgang Pilarz) were Molterer's immediate peers in the ÖSU national executive board at this time. In 1980, he obtained his master's degree.

President of the European Academy of Retail, Director General of the European Commerce Institute

Dr. Bernd received a PhD and Master of Economics (the University of Hamburg). Studied in Institute of Self-Service, founded the German Institute of Commerce which was repositioned in 1993 to the European Institute of Commerce encompassing 64 large retail companies from 12 countries. In 2003 he was awarded the “professor honoris causa” at the Academy of Moscow Government and was a teacher of international trade marketing at the European University of Applied Sciences in Brule, Germany. He initiated the setting up of Orgainvent, the organization responsible for developing the process of tracking and tracing cows and beef (basis of current EU Commission regulations) and was Chairman of the Board of Euro Shop Fair, the global retail trade fair. Since 2005, he has been the founder and president of the European Academy of Retail, which includes around 67 education and research establishments from 23 countries. Awarded by the University of Prague for contribution to international information exchange between universities of Eastern and Western Europe.

Biochemist, professor of structural biology at Stanford University, and honorary doctor of Umea University

Roger Kornberg is the member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1997, Kornberg was awarded Harvey. In 2006, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry “for studies of the translation of genetic information from DNA to RNA molecules”.

The researches of Kornberg are mostly devoted to such questions, as transcription of eukaryotes, RNA polymerase, DNA spatial organization and other questions of genetics and molecular biology.

In April, 2010, Roger Kornberg became a co-chairman of the scientific and technical council of the Skolkovo innovation center in Russia.

Governor of the Central Bank, Russian Federation

Rector, People’s Friendship university of Russia

President “LUKOIL” JSC

Executive Vice President of Corporate Relations and Responsibility of the Nokia Corporation, Former Prime Minister of Finland

Rector, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Science, Erevan State University, Armenia

Governor of the Central Bank, Republic of Azerbaijan

General Director UC RUSAL