Co-founder, Apple
Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Co-founder, Apple
Former President of France
Physicist, futurist, and science popularizer
The 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Chief Economist for the Europe and Central Asia region of the World Bank
Executive Director of Global Indices at INSEAD
Aubrey de Grey, British gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of “Rejuvenation Research,” will participate in the Forum’s Plenary Session.
Aubrey de Grey is the author of “Ending Aging,” a popular science book which carefully examines the question of defeating aging using medicine in the coming decades. Developer of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) theory.
Aubrey de Grey, British gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of “Rejuvenation Research,” will participate in the Forum’s Plenary Session.
Aubrey de Grey is the author of “Ending Aging,” a popular science book which carefully examines the question of defeating aging using medicine in the coming decades. Developer of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) theory.
Writer, gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation
Estonian politician, diplomat, journalist
Director of subsidiary funds of Russian Venture Company
Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the W. Boyce Professor and Chair of Urology at Wake Forest University
Director, Global Practice for Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy, World Bank
Global Chairman at BCG
Film director, screenwriter and producer. Laureate of the main prize of the Venice Film Festival "Golden Lion"
Lead Economist in the World Bank Group's Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice at Central Asia Regional Office
Dean of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Director of Strategic Planning and Design at AECOM
GVA President
GVA Kazakhstan Partner
CEO Open Longevity
Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan
Governor of Astana International Financial Center
Mayor of Astana
Former President of Estonia, World leader in the area of e-government
Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Comission
Georgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Author of «Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia»
The Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation
Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Author of the book "Asian Management Model"
Former Malaysian cabinet minister, CEO of PEMANDU
Senior fellow and the chair of the Russia in the Asia-Pacific Program at the Carnegie Moscow Center
President of Institute Choiseul
Senior Director of Development Economics World Bank
Senior Vice President Market Europe, Nokia and President of DIGITALEUROPE
General Manager Emerging Markets for Europe, Middle East and Asia at Amazon
World Bank Regional Director for Central Asia
Prime Minister of Estonia
Member of the Board - Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Competition and Antitrust Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission
President of Eurasian Patent Organization
Independent Director of Baiterek National Holding
EY Managing Partner for Kazakhstan and Central Asia
Country Head CIB Ukraine and Kazakhstan at BNP Paribas
Chairman of the Presidium of International Organization “EXPO&Women”
Member of Majilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan
BCG Partner and managing director
BCG Partner and managing director
Internet researcher at King's College, lecturer, new media consultant
Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Founder of e-Governance Academy
Executive Director of Global Indices at INSEAD
Chief of IT and electronics, WEF
Managing Vice President in Gartner Research
Vice President and Regional Managing Director for CIS at IDC
Practice Manager for Information and Communication Technologies at the World Bank
UK National Technology Adviser
Co-Founder, CEO & Member of the Board of Directors at DoctorAtWork.com