Sponsor of Business Event

10 000 000 kzt contributed amount

Core privileges and opportunities

  1. Sponsor`s video on the screens in the Conference Room prior to beginning of the sponsored event;
  2. Organization of business meetings with the key speakers of the sponsored event;
  3. “Standard” participant package for participation of 1 Sponsor`s delegate in the main business and cultural events;
  4. Sponsor`s roll-ups at the Hall where sponsored event is conducted;
  5. Gratuitous provision of 10 square meters of unbuilt area in the priority zone of AEF Exhibition space or Independence Palace;
  6. Sponsor`s logo and status on the Forum`s main program/schedule with indication of event being sponsored;
  7. Sponsor`s logo and status on the handout materials, programs issued for sponsored event participants (handout materials (branded packages) will be placed at the entrance to the hall or on the participants` seats).