
Since 2008, the Astana Economic Forum brings together representatives from the world`s economic community, current and former heads of states, Nobel Prize laureates, outstanding figures from the scientific world and businessmen to consider the major global challenges of the day and brainstorm on solutions to address such challenges. For more detailed information concerning speakers, participants, programs and sponsors of the forums held since 2008 please click here.

Vice Rector of the Institute of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Russian Federation

Graduated from Namangan College of Agricultural Mechanization with a degree in “Agricultural Mechanization” in 1989. In 1994 graduated from Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering with a degree in “Mechanization of Water Management and Reclamation Works”. In 2000 graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration”.

1991-1995 – First-rate PCP Inspector, the 4th intermunicipal PSD DIA, Northern Administrative Okrug in Moscow.

1995-1996 – Manager, LLP Lena LTD.

1996-1998 – Sales Manager, LLC BILAR LTD.

Was recognized as the Peace Ambassador by the Spiritual University.

Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations

Graduated from Namangan College of Agricultural Mechanization with a degree in “Agricultural Mechanization” in 1989. In 1994 graduated from Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering with a degree in “Mechanization of Water Management and Reclamation Works”. In 2000 graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration”.

1991-1995 – First-rate PCP Inspector, the 4th intermunicipal PSD DIA, Northern Administrative Okrug in Moscow.

1995-1996 – Manager, LLP Lena LTD.

1996-1998 – Sales Manager, LLC BILAR LTD.

Was recognized as the Peace Ambassador by the Spiritual University.

Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations

Born in 1973. In 1995 graduated from Kazakh State Academy of Management with degree in “Finance and Credit”. In 1996-1997 studies at William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester, graduated with the MBA degree.

1997-2001 - DAB ABN AMRO Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

2001-2003 – Rating Advice Department, Global Financial Markets, ABN AMRO Bank N.V. in London.

2003-2005 – Chairman of the Board, member of Board of Directors of PPIMO JSC of ABN AMRO Asset Management.

2005-2006 – Head of Global Market Division in Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of JSC DAB ABN AMRO Bank of Kazakhstan.

2006-2007 – Deputy Chairman, Kazakhstan Agency on Regulation of Activities of Almaty Regional Financial Center.

2008 - Deputy Chairman, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations.

Chairman of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Bachelor of Science (King Saudi University, 1982) and Master of Economics (Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 1987).

1982-1995 - Analyst at the Ministry of Finance and National Economy of Saudi Arabia, Director of Environmental Department, Director of International Financial Institutions Department. In 1995 was appointed the Assistant to Saudi Executive Director at the World Bank and was later appointed the Executive Director of the Saudi Arabia to the World Bank`s Board of Directors until 2000. Later in 2000 went to work at Saudi Arabia`s Public Investment Fund as a Senior Economist. In November 2001 joined the Islamic Development Bank Group as a Deputy General Director of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, division of IDB on private sector; since 2007 chairs the Board of ICD.

Chairman of the Management Board of Korea Credit Guarantee Fund

Graduate of Seoul National University. Since June 2008 chairs the Management Board of Korea Credit Guarantee Fund. Previously, he was a member of Finance Committee of the 15th, 16th and 17th Korea Supreme People`s Assembly. In 1988-1990 served as Executive Finance Director of the National Pension Fund.

Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Director of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The physicist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the specialist dealing with atomic structure, electronic properties and diagnostics of low-dimensional solid state system, micro- and nanostructure; Deputy Chairman of the Joint Scientific Council of SB RAS on physical sciences; member of the Board of Directors of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center of SB RAS, Scientific Council of the Novosibirsk State University, editorial board of the leading Russian scientific and international magazines. In 1968 graduated from the Physics Department of the Novosibirsk State University.

1996-2005 – member of the Board, International Center for Material Science and Electron Microscopy (Germany).

2000 – Corresponding member, Department of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Automation.

2001 – Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific councils of RAS on semiconductor physics.

Since 2003 – Director, Institute of Semiconductor Physics of SB RAS.

Nobel Memorial Prize laureate in Economics 2005 “For having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis”

Born in 1930, graduated from the City College of New York and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he defended the doctoral dissertation on mathematics. Until retirement was a professor at the Center for the Study of Rationality, the Hebrew University. He headed the Game Theory Society, and in the early 1990s the Israel Mathematical Union; also was a managing editor of “Journal of the European Mathematical Society”; provided consulting services to the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. He was engaged in the game theory and its applications for about 40 years. In 1994 was awarded the Israel Prize in economics. Author of such works as “Almost Strictly Competitive Games” (1961), “Mixed and Behavior Strategies in Infinite Extensive Games” (1964).

Main Research Associate of JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Born in 1964; graduate of Karaganda Economic University (1985).

Doctor of Economics (2002, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In 1985-2002 she held such positions as teacher, senior teacher, lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management, Karaganda Economic University.

2002-2005 – Dean of Business and Law Faculty, Karaganda Economic University.

2005-2009 – Dean of the Faculty of Economics, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana.

In 2005 she joined the work group on cluster “Food Processing Industry”, in 2007 – international educational project under the “Tempus” program in Germany. Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She was awarded the “10 Years of Astana” commemorative medal.

Director of the Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS

Born on September 9, 1941 in Novosibirsk. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, graduate of Novosibirsk State University (1964). In 1965-1978 worked at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the SB RAS USSR, in 1978 – the Institute of Thermophysics, SB RAS USSR, since 1991 – the Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS. Full member of the RAS, Department of General

Physics and Astronomy, member of Presidium of RAS, member of the Bureau of the Department of Physical Sciences, member of the Executive Committee of the European Physical Society, International Commission on Quantum Electronics, member of the Public Council for Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center (since 2001), President of the Russian society “Znanie”. Also he is engaged in teaching at the Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.


Executive Director, Global Innovation Fund

Born in 1939 in Erfurt. Germany, PhD. He conducted scientific research in Sociology, General Psychology, Public Law, Economics at the universities on Frankfurt and Freiburg, also conducted empirical research in Algeria. Previously he was a Director of the United Nations` Center of Science and Technology, Senior Advisor to the German Federal Minister, United Nations` Coordinator on World Bank and IMF, Chairman of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal. He worked as an international coordinator of Kofi Annan and Director of the African Development Bank. Currently heads the Global Innovation Fund operations.

Director of the Center for Public–Private Partnership of State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs” (Vnesheconombank)

Graduate of N.E. Bauman Moscow Higher Technical Schools (1987). In 2002 he completed the retraining course at A. T. Kearney, Suez, J.F. School of Government Harvard University.

1992-1993 – Deputy General Director, DB “Salute”, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center.

1994-1999 – Consultant and Director, Moscow Branch of A.T.Kearney, the management consulting firm.

1999-2003 – Deputy Director on Central and Eastern Europe, “Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux” (Paris).

2003-2004 – Deputy Chairman of the Board on strategic development, OJSC Russian Communal Systems.

2005-2007 – Chairman of the Board of Directors, OJSC Institute for Urban Economics, First Vice President of Eurasian Water Partnership LLC.

2007-2008 – Deputy Director, Department for Infrastructure, Vnesheconombank.

Since 2008 – Director, Center for Public-Private Partnership of Vnesheconombank.

Vice Minister of Economy of Ukraine

Born on May 6, 1973; in 1996 graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University with a degree in “Jurisprudence”. Ph.D. in Economics.

1996-1997 – legal advisor, Head of the Centralized Legal Department, State Joint Stock Company “Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo”.

1997 – Deputy General Director, OJSC R.E. Energostroy.

1997-2000 – General Director, OJSC West Company.

2000-2001 – Deputy Director, Deputy General Director, OJSC Sigma Plus.

2001-2002 – Chief Editor, “Novaya Gazeta”.

2002-2004 – Economic Consultant, private enterprise “Lily”.

2004-2005 – External Relations Director, OJSC European Financial Group.

2005-2010 – Economic Director, OJSC European Financial Group.

Since March 2010 to the present time – First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.


First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences 

Born on May 15, 1947; graduate of S.M. Kirov Uralsk Polytechnic Institute, Alma-Ata Higher Party School and Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, statesman and politician of Kazakhstan, the diplomat, Major General.

1972-1976 – Engineer, Almaty Heavy Machinery Plant.

1976-1988 – Party Official.

1988 – Assistant Chairman, Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR.

1989-1990 – Assistant to First Secretary of CC, Communist Party of Kazakhstan. 1990-1995 – Head of Administrations of the President and Prime Minister of RK, member of Security Council of RK.

1995 – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with concurrent accreditation to Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

1996 – Chief Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1998-1999 – Chairman of NSC RK, Major General.

2000-2002 – First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of RK.

2002 – Head of Administration of the President of RK.

2004 – Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of RK of II convocation.

2007 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation.

Since 2008 – First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Director of the Center of the Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Doctor of Economics, Professor. In 1974 graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with degree in “Economics and Organization of the Machine-Building Industry”.

1976-1981 - Process Engineer, Heating equipment works.

1981-1989 - Research Fellow, Kazakh branch of Institute for Research on Labor.

1990-1992 – Senior Research Fellow, Center for Social Sciences of CKD AS RK.

1993-2000 – Deputy Scientific Director, Institute of Market Relations, MES RK. 2000-2001 – Deputy Director of SEC of economics, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University.

2001-2004 - Deputy Director of SEC of economics, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University.

2004-2008 – Director of Institute of Market Relations, E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University.

Member of Council of Economic Advisors under the Government of RK, member of Doctoral Dissertation Council at the Institute of Economics MES RK (Almaty); expert of International Studies of the Post-crisis World Institute; winner of the “Best university teacher” grant, issued by MES RK in 2007 for achievements and contribution to the development of national science and education.

Chief Scientific Supervisor of JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Doctor of Economics, professor, member of the International Academy of Management, member of the International Informatization Academy, graduate of the S. Kirov Kazakh State University, Department of Computational Mathematics.

1964-1976 - Software Department, Economic Research Institute.

1976-1985 – Deputy Director, Economic Research Institute.

Since May 1981 chairs the Union of Economists of Kazakhstan.

In 1991-1997 he was engaged in development of government programs and projects of national economics of Kazakhstan.

1986-1993 – Director, Research Institute of Management.

1994 – Chief Expert, National Securities Commission, Republic of Kazakhstan.

1996 – Director, Institute of Continuous Education of Civil Servants under the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2003 – Head oh Macroeconomic Group, Climate Change Coordination Center. 2004-2008 – Vice President for Science, JSC “Economic Research Institute”. Since 2008 to the present time – Chief Scientific Supervisor of JSC “Economic Research Institute”.

Director of the Research Institute of Finance and Bank Management, member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctor of Economics, scientist and economist, well-known in the country and abroad, prominent science organizer, leader of education, statesman and public figure, author of scientific papers concerning the efficiency of investments and

scientific and technological advance, nonlinear economics, social market-based economy, economic priorities and other theoretical and methodological studies; founder of several scientific schools. He is awarded the Ch.Valikhanov Prize for series of works “Efficiency of scientific research: (assessment methodology and problems of improvement)” and “Scientific production complex: (on Kazakhstan`s materials)”. He delivered the reports and lectures in Russia, USA, China, England, Sweden and other countries; participated in the international scientific congresses and forums of economists and political scientists, Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations and other international organizations. In recent years he is dealing with issues of reforming and development of monetary and financial system of Kazakhstan, the country`s integration into the global financial and economic system.

Head of PPP Center, Indonesia 

Born on December 9, 1960 in Indonesia; Bachelor of Architecture (Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia); Master of Planning (1990), Doctor of Planning and Development (School of Policy, University of Northern California, USA, 2001).

His professional interests cover such areas as urban development, urban governance, infrastructure development, housing and communal services development, architecture and urban design.

Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations

Born in 1962 in Rostov-on-Don, graduate of Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. In 1983-1993 she held various positions at the enterprises of the real sector of the economy.

1993-2001 – Head of the Budget Department, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2001-2002 – Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2002 – Director, Department on Regulation of Accumulative Pension Funds Activity, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2002-2004 – Director, Department for Financial Supervision, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2004-2008 – Deputy Chairman, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations.

Since 2008 chairs the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision of financial markets and financial organizations.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC National Scientific and Technological Holding Parasat

Born in 1949, graduate of Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (1971); doctor of technical science (1990).

1971-1992 - Karaganda Chemical-Metallurgy Institute.

1992-1997 – Deputy Head of Oblast Administration.

1992 – Deputy Academician-Secretary and member of the Bureau of Central Kazakhstan Division of NAS RK.

Full member of National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 1993), member of International Engineering Academy, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 1994).

1997-2000 – Vice Minister of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2001 – member of International Higher Education Academy of Sciences.

2000-2002 - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, General Director of RSE Center of Earth Sciences, Metallurgy and Ore Benefication, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC National Scientific and Technical Holding Samgau, since 2003 – member of NAS RK. Since 2009 chairs the Board of JSC National Scientific and Technological Holding Parasat. He was awarded the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Science and Technology.

Secretary-General, PPP Center, Ministry of Finance and Economics of France

Master of Arts (French Business School Ecole Nationale d’Administration), Master of Economics (Paris-Sorbonne University), graduate of Executive Program in Business Administration at the Columbia Business School (1991).

1989-1997 - Chief Financial Expert and Managing Director on the Technical Assistance of Caisse des Depots group in energy and the environment.

1997-2002 - Manager on infrastructure, World Investment Fund in the Southeast Asian and European countries. He was a member of various groups dealing with audit of international organizations, including UNDP, World Meteorological Organization, the UN's refugee agencies and OECD.

Since 2005 he is a Secretary –General of the PPP mission, experienced in the fields of public administration, engineering and infrastructural financing, due to holding of a position of Senior Accountant at the French National Audit Office. Author of a “PPP Guide” book.

Chairman of the Board of Al Hilal Bank

Master of Science

In February 2008 he was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Al Hilal Bank, has a 20-year experience in banking industry. Previously he headed private banking group of Arab Bank. Mohamed Jamil BERRO started his career at the Arthur Andersen Company in Kuwait and held various leading positions at the National Bank of Kuwait and Lebanon before moving to Egypt, where he worked at Credit Agricole.

Previous positions include: head of Arab Bank Private Banking group, member of the Board of Directors, Arabian Insurance Company, Beirut, Lebanon; member of the Board of Directors, Arab Islamic International Bank, Jordan; member of the Board of Directors, VISA, Jordan.

Vice Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on April 11, 1980; graduate of the Kazakh State Academy of Management in Almaty (1999), M.K. Dulati Taraz State University (2001). In 2001 received the MBA degree at the George Washington University under the “Bolashak” program. Ph.D. in Economics.

2001-2002 – General Manager of the Treasury, JSC Development Bank of Kazakhstan.

2002-2004 – Head of the Functional Analysis Division, Department of Budget Policy and Planning, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment Planning and Analysis of the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2003-2004- member of the Board of Directors, JSC National Innovative Fund. 2004-2005 – Deputy Chairman of the Board, Center for Marketing and Analytical Research JSC.

2005-2006 – Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006 – Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006-2007 - President of JSC Center for Trade Policy Development under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2007-2008 – Vice Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2008 – Head of the Social and Economic Monitoring Department of Presidential Administration.

Since 2010 he serves as Vice Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Environmental Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. One of the leaders of the Russian school of environmental economics and environmental protection, member of the Supreme Environmental Council of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Russian Ecological Academy, member of Environmental Advisory Council, Vice President of the Center for Russian Environmental Policy, visiting professor at the Vienna University of Economics (Austria, 1998, 2004), at the Paris Dauphine University (2007). He was engaged in the projects of World Bank, UNDP, Global Ecological Fund, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

and Russian regional projects in a position of Head and Expert. In 2004 he was awarded with the “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation” rank. He has published more than 200 scientific papers, including 14 monographs.

Director of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Born in September 21, 1934, graduate of the Ural State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor.

1998-1999 – Acting Vice President of RAS. Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidential Council for Science and Education. Recipient of the USSR State Prize, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, V.N. Sukachev Golden Medal for a series of works on the animal population ecology. Also awarded the “Knight of the White Cross” Order. The author of over the 500 scientific works, including 50 books.

Honorary President, Korea Business Incubation Association,

Chief Editor of the Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, South Korea

Born on November 8, 1946, Bachelor of Science (1970, Pusan National University), Master of Marketing (1973, University of Alabama Graduate School), Ph.D. in Marketing (1982, Pusan National University).

Since 1975 – Professor, Keimyung University.

1984-1986 - Dean on Financial Issues and Control.

1989-1991 – Dean, College of Business Administration.

1980-982 – Visiting Researcher, Temple University.

1985-1986 – Visiting Professor, Oklahoma State University.

1994-1996 – Visiting Professor, University of Oregon.

1997-2001 – Director, Research Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship. 1998-2003 – Director, Business Incubation Center, Keimyung University.

At the present time heads the Korea Business Incubator Association.

President of Korea Industrial Corporation

Since August 2008 heads the Korea Industrial Corporation. Previously, in 1981-1994 he held different positions at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, in 1995-1998 worked at the Presidential Secretariat.

1999-2003 – General Director on Trade and Investments Development, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

In 2003-2004 - Deputy Minister on issues concerning Trade and Investment Policy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

2004-2006 – President, Korea Industrial Technology Foundation.

2006-2008 - Vice Mayor, Daegu city.

Acting President of JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Doctor of Economics, Professor.  

Doctor of Economics, Professor.

In 1985-1994 – Economist, “Karaganda Melioration” company.

1994-2007 – Associate Professor, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University. She is currently an acting President of JSC “Economic Research Institute”, a certified Accounting Practitioner. In 2000 she upgraded skills in management accounting at the World Bank. In 2001 completed qualification courses on higher education management in the framework of joint program by Harvard University (USA) and the Galilee College (Israel). In 2007- training methods of evaluating the global competitiveness of the economy, IMD WCC. In 2008 - Training on the procedure for early detection of economic and financial shocks, UNDP.

A member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. Independent Director of JSC “Astana Finance and Economics College”, member of the International Program Evaluation Network IPEN, member of the Expert Council for research and advisory work of KMGC Company. She has scientific publications on economic topics.


Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Policy of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany

Born in 1952, graduated from the University with a degree in "Jurisprudence" in Belfild and Cambridge. Legum Doctor.

Since 1983 he worked at the Federal Ministry of Economy`s Central Legal Department, the Budget Department, also served as Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry.

August 1999 to August 2001 - Chief of Staff of the Central Unit.

Since August 2001- Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Policy, Federal Ministry of Economics.

At the present time he is a Vice-Minister of Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy and Technologies of Germany.

OSCE Secretary General

Born on October 29, 1948 in Morocco, graduate of the École nationale d'administration in Paris (1974), and then worked in the judicial system. In 1978 he took the position of Assistant to the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs.

In 1981 he returned to Paris and was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1986-1988 - Advisor to the French Embassy in Washington; then took a position of the Minister of Defense Advisor in Paris.

1991-1994 - Head of the French delegation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

1994-1998 – Head of one of the departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.

In 1998 he was appointed Director of the Strategic Department of the Ministry of Defense. Since 2005 he is the OSCE Secretary General. In 2008 he was elected to a second three-year term.

Researcher of Globalization Program, Chairman of the Scientific and Research Organization «Effective Intervention», Centre for Economic Performance

Doctor of Economics (Harvard University, 1990), professor.

1993-1997 – lecturer, London School of Economics and Director of the emerging markets funding program.

1995-1998 – Strategies analyst.

1991-1995 - Manager, responsible for brand development.

1997-2003 - Managing Partner and Research Director, Brunswick-UBS Investment Bank in Moscow.

1998-2003 – Director, Unilever.

2003-2006 - Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Unilever, Latin America. He is currently a Vice President of Brand Development Unilever. Actively participates in international forums and conferences, as well as in the implementation of international projects. He served as Chief Economist at the IMF.

Head of the Directorate of the First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum

Born on February 4, 1985. In 2007 he graduated with honors from the Ural State Economic University with degree in "World Economy". Also has degrees in “Translator in professional communications” and “The Chief Financial Officer of the Military Unit”.

2005-2008 - English teacher, translator, specialist on contract documentation, JSC “Bouygues Bâtiment International”.

2007-2009 - Head of CJSC “Corporation” Atomstroykomplex” projects.

2008-2010 - teacher of English at the OJSC “Tebodin Eastern Europe B.V.”. Currently heads the Directorate of the First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum. The International Management, Logistics and Marketing Department Assistant, Ural State Economic University.

He has scientific publications on the economic efficiency of investment projects, marketing project management and communication processes influence on the harmonization of the global economy

Director, ZENIT GmbH, Centre for Innovation and Technology of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

In 1973 he received a degree in economics and commerce teacher diploma (major: “Business management and economics”).

In 1974-1979 - Research Assistant, Department of Political Economy, University of Siegen.

1979-1983 - Research Assistant, Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research.

1983-1986 - Deputy Head, Department of National Economy, Landesbank, Germany.

Since 1986 – Senior Consultant and Managing Director; his responsibilities include strategic and financial advice, particularly federal, national funding and the issues concerning the European Union financing, policy advice to the European Union, regional and national government (small and medium businesses, innovations, technology and funding), EU projects management, consultancy for EU on technological and structural policies.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics SEI HPE Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

PhD in Economics (Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University), Master of Management in Education (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences).

Also she studied at the International School of Economics at the professional training program “Economic Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty” at the Tbilisi State University (ISET).

2004-2009 - Laboratory Assistant, Economics and Finance Department, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University.

Since 2009 she is an Associate Professor of Economics and Finance Department of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University.

 Head of the Cooperation and Partnership Department, the UNECE

Born on April 22, 1956. Dr. PhD (University of Glasgow, Scotland). He has experience in UNCTAD, the International Labor Organization. The main duties are to promote PPP for infrastructure development, to oversee the program for the development of PPPs. Other duties include public administration, foreign direct investment, the economic aspects of the strengthening of peace and security, the right of impoverished to property and property protection for innovations. Before UNECE he worked on Trade and Development Conference, the United Nations, the International Labor Association, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Scientific Research Institute for multinational societies and a number of international organizations.

Chairman of the Political Council of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia"

Born in 1977 in Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation.

Since 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the Students and Postgraduate Students Trade Union, SUSU. In 1999 he graduated from the Automotive and Tractor Faculty, South Ural State University. Since 2005 - one of the leaders of the “Young Guard” All-Russian public organization. Since June 2008 chairs the Political Council of the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard”.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region of IV convocation, coordinator of the Youth Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Head of the Sports Perfection Department, SUSU.

He received an official message of thanks from the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the “United Russia” party Boris Gryzlov for the contribution to the election of deputies of the State Duma of the V convocation, and also from the Head of the Election Campaign Team of D.A. Medvedev for campaigning for the elections of the Russian President.

Director of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS, Ukraine

Member of NAS of Ukraine, member of Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, member – secretary of the division of economy NAS of Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of National Bank of Ukraine. Currently his research activities focus on solving the problems of interaction between society, government and business in the development of effective mechanisms and their impact on the further capitalization of the Ukrainian economy, as well as on ensuring its self-sufficiency as a subject of international activities. Since 1991 he represents Ukraine in the international UN-LINK project; laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Laureate of the A.G. Schlichter Prize of NASU in Economics, V.S. Mikhailevich Prize in Computer Science. In 2005 was recognized as “Man of the Year”, in 2002 – Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, in 2004 was awarded the Order “for Merits”, III degree. Author of over 200 scientific papers, number of monographs on economic policy.

Head of the German Society of Technical Cooperation in Kazakhstan

He was born in 1948. In 1985-1998 headed the Agency of International Cooperation and Development, Ministry of Land, North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf.

Since 1985 – International Expert, Mission in China, Vietnam, Thailand and South Africa.

1990-1997 – Director, National Institute for International Education and Training.

1995-1998 - Lecturer, “Globalization of strategies for SME”, School of Economics, Paderborn and Bergisch Gladbach.

1998-2001 – Head of Indonesian-German programs “Economy and Employment”, “Development of the Indonesian-German Institute”.

2002-2006 – Head of the Office for Science, Research. Technology and Innovations, Ministry of Land.

2002-2008 – Head of Research and Policy Structures Department, EU.

2002-2007 – Federal representative of the working group, Council for Research and Innovations, EU.

Since 2007 – Lecturer, “Cross-cultural marketing”, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Cologne.

2008-2009 – manager of “Training and support of SME GTZ in Kazakhstan” program.

Since 2009 – Regional Director of GTZ in Kazakshtan.

Executive Director of the St. Petersburg Regional Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development, Russian Federation

Born in 1972; graduate of Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (1995); has 14 years of experience in the organization of innovative activity support (in RFSTD 1996). He participated in the creation of a technological infrastructure and information and methodological support to the scientific and technical areas of the company, searching, selection and preparation of innovative projects and companies to attract private investment; since 1996 participated in the creation and development, and since 2001 in the management of Innovative Technology Center RFSTD. He took part in organizing and conducting of the Russian Venture Fair as the companies Coordinating Director; participated in a number of research papers devoted to the analysis of venture capital functioning in Russia and the development of measures to stimulate the Russian venture industry and innovation. Works were carried out in the interest of the Ministry of Industry and Science and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the World Bank and others.

Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Economic Community

Born on January 1, 1961. In 1983 he graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with degree of “Economist-Cyberneticist”, then postgraduate training program of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, AS USSR. Doctor of Economics.

Since 2000 - Corresponding Member, RAS.

1992-1993 - Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Russian Federation.

1994-1995 – Chairman, Economic Policy Committee.

1996 - Head of Economic Security Department, RF Security Council.

1996-1999 - Head of the Information and Analytical Department, Federation Council.

2000-2003 – Chairman, Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship Committee. Currently he heads the Committee for Promotion of Foreign Trade, Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Union of Commodity Producers, Chairman of the Association of Foreign

Organizations; author of over 150 scientific works, awarded the commemorative N.D. Kondratiev medal.

Honorary Chairman of ADP Europe, Honorary Chairman of the HR Outsourcing Association Europe, President of the Paris Business Angels, Vice-President of French Business Angels, Professor

PhD in Management (Vanderbilt University, USA). Throughout his career, he served as CEO of large computer service companies. Also, he was responsible for large-scale merger of such companies as Alcatel-CIT (France) and I.T.T. Telecom (USA), which led to the creation of Alcatel Group, where he served as Chief Executive Officer in1986-1991. Currently he is the Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors of several major companies in the field of information technology. He is also a Director of the “l'Institut de l'Entreprise” and private research center “Think Tank”, sponsored by the world's largest companies headquartered in France.

Chairman of the Board of JSC RTS, Russian Federation

PhD in Management (Vanderbilt University, USA). Throughout his career, he served as CEO of large computer service companies. Also, he was responsible for large-scale merger of such companies as Alcatel-CIT (France) and I.T.T. Telecom (USA), which led to the creation of Alcatel Group, where he served as Chief Executive Officer in1986-1991. Currently he is the Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors of several major companies in the field of information technology. He is also a Director of the “l'Institut de l'Entreprise” and private research center “Think Tank”, sponsored by the world's largest companies headquartered in France.

Coordinator of the Directorate of the First Eurasian Economic Youth Forum

Born on August 8, 1989; student of the Ural State University of Economics, Faculty of World of Economy and Finance, major – “The world economy”. Additionally studies the specialty “Translator in professional communications” and by the “Psychology of management” program. In 2009-2010 - Office Assistant, OJSC “SK” Alexandria”. He is an organizer of international projects of USUE (Youth business game “SCO Summit-2039” All-Russian language Olympiad, “IMF Model” business game). At the present time he is the analyst at “Wheelabrator Allevard Ural” company. He has published articles on the following themes: “Time Management: practical advice for students”, “World Economic Outlook - Canada's position”, “Youth - small business - social and psychological techniques”.

Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute, Canada

Born on February 26, 1934 in Frankfurt, Germany; BA in Economics (Rutgers University, 1958), PhD in Economics (Yale University, 1962).

1961-1966 - Assistant Professor at Yale, Stanford and the University of Chicago.

1966-1970 - Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania.

1969-1971 - Research Fellow, Australian National University.

1971-1974 - Senior Analyst, International Department of the US Treasury.

1974-1975 Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford.

1978-1979 - Lecturer Professor, University of Nairobi, Kenya.

1984-1989 - Lecturer Professor, University of Cape Town.

1990 – Lecturer Professor of international finance, the Bundesbank, Free University of Berlin. 20.10.1993 to 01.06.1997 - Member of the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa. 1972-1999 - Professor of Economics, Fraser University, received the title of Honorary Professor in 1999.

1999- 2004 - a Leading Expert on taxation and finance, Fraser Institute.

2008 - Head of the Department of International Economics (Agip), Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Italy.

Since 1998 he is a Senior Fellow of Fraser Institute.

Director of the International Education Center “Arena multimedia” 

Born on February 21, 1985; graduated in 2006 from Ural State University with degree in “Condensed Matter Physics”.

February 2004 - January 2005 – designer, “Butterfly” marketing group. January 2005 - March 2007- Head of Division, “Butterfly” marketing group.

April 2007 - November 2008 - Art Director, “Dmitry and Partners” marketing agency. 2007 – Lecturer, “Arena Multimedia” center, Ural State Economic University. June 2007 - December 2008 - Head of “Arena Multimedia” Graphic Design Department, Ural State University of Economics. Since December 2008 – Director, “Arena Multimedia”, Ural State Economic University.

Chairman of the UNECE Group of specialists in the field of innovation and competitiveness, Director of the Strategy Department, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland


Master of Nuclear Physics, also has a Diploma in Intellectual Property received at the University of Warsaw. He has five years of project management experience (business management, academic communication and academic entrepreneurship promotion).

2003-2006 – Director, Department of Innovation, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labor, Poland. Since 2006 - Deputy Director, Economic Development Department, Ministry of Economy of Poland. Then he served as Director of Economic Development Department at the Ministry of Economy. He is currently working at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.

Director of Department of International Institute for Sustainable Development, United Kingdom

Previously, he worked as an advisor to the President of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda. He is currently the Director of the International Institute for Sustainable Development Department, dealing with issues of sustainable development strategy, strategic environmental assessment and sustainability assessment.

President of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) JSC

Kadyrzhan K. Damitov graduated from Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy in 1982 majoring in Engineering and Economics; PhD in Economics (Moscow Financial Institute, 1984).

1984-1990 – teacher, AINE and Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.

1991-1994 - Chief Economist, Head of Sector, Deputy Head, First Deputy Chairman of the Board, JB “Alem Bank Kazakhstan”. 1994-1997 - Deputy Chairman of the Board, National Bank of Kazakhstan, Vice Minister of Economy and Trade.

1997-1998 - Advisor to the Prime Minister.

1998-1999 – Chairman, National Bank of Kazakhstan.

1999-2000 - Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan.

2000-2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Board, “DAB “ABN AMRO Bank Kazakhstan” CJSC.

In 2004 - member of the Board of Directors and Advisor to the President of Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium Magnesium Plant JSC. 2007-2009 - Chairman of the Board, JSC “NC” SEC “Ertis”.

Since 2009 to the present time - President of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC.

Chairman of Edbiz Consulting Limited, London, Great Britain, Professor

Bachelor of Islamic Economics (International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan), Master of Islamic Economics (International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan), expert of Islamic Banking and Finance, Chairman of the Board of the two global Islamic consulting firms. 2003 - Markfield Institute of Higher Education, UK. 2005 - Loughborough University, UK. 2007 - Universitas 21 Global, Singapore. 2007 - Cass Business School, London, UK. 2008 - Durham University. Dar al-Istithmar (a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG), UK, 2.5 years. Since 2007 to the present time - BMB Islamic (a subsidiary of BMB Group), United Kingdom. Since 2007 - Hong Leong Islamic Bank (Hong Leong Islamic Bank), Malaysia. Since 2008 - Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg.

President, European Company of Strategic Intelligence CEIS, France

Chairman, Executive Director and founder of the European private company of Strategic Intelligence (CEIS), founded in Paris in 1997; Master of Law (École Nationale D'administration); member of the Cabinet of Ministers of France in 1986-1988.

1990 to 1993 - Managing Director, SVP, a French private company providing advice on business management. After the election to the Parliament (National Assembly, 1993-1997) he was a member of the Defence Committee, the Air Force budget Speaker and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Military Reform Committee. On March 3, 2007 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Higher National Defense. Since July 2007, he is one of the 19 experts working on the French defense perspective.

CEO, ALSHAMSCAPITAL, RussianFederation

Born in 1961 in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1984 graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (former LIFMO, engineer-physicist for the optical and optic-electronic systems). Doctor of Technical Sciences (1999, the scope of research - the methodology and an optical monitoring systems development), Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998).Postdoctoral work in economics and international relations.In 1984-1987 - teaching and experimental design organization, Leningrad Institute of Aviation, Leningrad. 1994-2006 – Chairman, Board of ICB "Badr-Forte Bank", Moscow. 1991-1994 - Chairman, Board of Directors of "Forte Bank", Moscow. Since 2000 to the present time - Professor LIFMO, St. Petersburg. 1989-1991 - First Deputy General Director of the Association for Economic and Cultural Development, Baku.

1987-1990 - Founder of the first laser cabinet to treat gastroenterological diseases, Cancer Center, Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, Baku. At the present time chairs the Board of Al Shams Capital.

Head of Economic Cooperation and IntegrationDepartment, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Mainly operates in such areas as science advancement, innovation and competition policy, innovative development financing, economic cooperation and integration in Europe. Carries out duties of external expert of the European Commission in Brussels, a consultant of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), external expert of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Sofia University, member of the editorial board of the “Economic Systems” journal, member of the European Economic Association and the European forum of economic policy, participant of international research projects. He has published 3 books, over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and chapters in edited books.

Vice President, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)

Chief Engineer, graduated from China University of Petroleum (Huadong) with degree in well-drilling, has 20 years of experience in the oil and gas sector in China. Former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Petroleum Exploration Bureau, Deputy General Manager of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation, the President of CNPC Nile Petroleum Operating Company (Sudan) and the General Manager of CNPC International (Nile) LTD. In December 2002, he held at the same time the positions of General Manager of CNPC International (Kazakhstan) Co., Ltd. and General Manager of AktobeMunayGazCorp.

In October 2002, he was appointed the Director-General of the China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation CNODC and since 2004 – Assistant President of CNPC. Since September 2008 serves as Vice President of CNPC.

Director, Higher Party School, “NurOtan” Doctor of Economics, Professor

1999-2001- National Coordinator of the First Interstate report on testing of sustainable development indicators for the Aral Sea basin. 2002-2004 - Member of the working group on preparation of the UNDP report - the National Agenda -21.

2003-2006 - Deputy Director, Institute of External Economic Relations.

2006-2009 – Director, Research Institute of Theory and Practice of Public Administration, the Institute of Public and Local Administration, Vice-Rector, the rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2008-2009 - National coordinator of country reports (with the support of ECOSOC) on achieving the MDGs and the use and implementation of the "green growth" principles in the strategic planning system. Under her leadership, the National School of Public Policy on training elite managers was opened in cooperation with Singapore School of Public Policy.

She was awarded the badge of honor “For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and certificates of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Honorary President, JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Doctor of Economics, “Honored Person of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

1989-1996 – Head of Economic Research Institute.

1996-1999 – Manager of the Majilis, counselor of Majilis`s Chairman M. Ospanov.

2002-2004 –Counselor of the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. Dr.Yessentugelov has actively participated in the development of many economic policy issues: prices liberalization, state property privatization, tax, budget and industry policy in period of market economy formation, focused on problems of planned economy transition to the market, macroeconomic stabilization and small and medium business promotion. Currently he focuses on diversification of the Kazakhstani economy, competitive recovery, macroeconomic risks and contestation with world crisis consequences. He is currently the Honorary President of JSC “Economic Research Institute”.

Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born in 1963, graduate of the Kyrgyz State University, St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance; Doctor of Economics, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of I class; since 1985 he is engaged in scientific works.

Since 1993 – 3rd, 2ndSecretary of the Department of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 1996 - Head of the CIS Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 1998 - First Secretary, Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Baltic countries.

Since August 2000 - Deputy Chief of the Protocol of the President, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since July 2003 - Head of the Department for Interreligious Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since October 2004 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan.

From October 2007 serves as Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the “Dostyk” order, commemorative medals “10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “10 years of Kazakhstan`s Constitution”, “10 years of Kazakhstan Parliament”.

Rector, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Graduate of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Scientist-Mathematician, Doctor of Engineering; professor, member of NAS RK, Laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education, “Honored Person of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Honorary Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He began his career with research and teaching work at the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, worked his way up from assistant to professor, Head of Department, Vice-Rector (1979 - 1991), President of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 1991), former first Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department for Domestic Policy of the Presidential Administration, Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Development of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001-2005). On August 18, 2007 he was elected a Deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Majilis, and Head of the faction of “NurOtan” People's Democratic Party in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the Grand Gold Medal by UNESCO, a special sign of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries and the high international award – “Engineering glory”.

Integration Studies Management, JSC “Economic Research Institute”, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Republic of Kazakhstan

Graduate of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Economics.

2006-2007 - Assistant Professor of “Accounting and audit”, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University. 2007-2008 - Head of the Department of Assessment and General Economic Disciplines, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotreb. 2008-2009 – Head of the Strategic Development Department, JSC “Economic Research Institute”. Since 2009 to the present time serves as Head of Integration Studies Management, JSC “Economic Research Institute”.

Head of European Commission representative office in Kazakhstan

Born in 1947, works at the European Commission since 1980, worked in Luxembourg, Brussels, Vienna. 2001-2004 - Head of European Commission representative offices in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova with residence in Kiev. 2004-2008 - Executive Director, International Science and Technology Center in Moscow. Master of Science in Physics, University of Liege, Doctor PhD in Management, Institute of St. Louis, Brussels.

Chairman, Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Support Center

Graduate of Department of Applied Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, degree in “Mathematical methods and the use of computer technology in economy”. In 1984 graduated from the graduate school of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; in 2008 completed the doctoral program of Scientific Research Finance Institute under the Ministry of Finance, majoring in “Finance and Credit”; Doctor of Economics. Until 2007 she worked as Director, Head of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Social and Economic Strategies, an assistant to the MP, the chief editor of the “Theory and practice of management” journal, scientific consultant of the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Expert at UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), at the National Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Ukraine, the Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine.

2005-2007 - Deputy Director of the Research Institute, the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance.

2007-2010 - Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

Director, NanoTech Institute, the University of Texas at Dallas

Born in 1953 in Tashkent; graduate of the Physical Electronics Department, the Faculty of Physical Engineering, Tashkent Technical University.

1975-1977 – Research Fellow of the Physical-Technical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Spectroscopy, AS USSR, Troitsk. From 1977 to 1980 he studied at the graduate school of the Institute for Spectroscopy AS, USSR.

1981-1984 - Senior Researcher, Center for scientific instruments construction UAS, Science campus, Tashkent.

1984-1988 - Head of the research group, Organic Radiation Physics of Solids, Institute of Nuclear Physics, UAS.

1988 - Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Systems, Faculty of Thermo physics, UAS. In 1990 he defended the candidate`s dissertation at the Institute for Spectroscopy, USSR Academy of Sciences, Troitsk.

1996-2001 - Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Materials, Honeywell Intl (former AlliedSignal Inc), Morristown, USA.

Since 2001 - Professor of Physics, Associate Director of the UTD-NanoTech Institute, an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Director, Center for Advanced Materials, the University of Houston

1966-1967 - Assistant Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

1967-1971 - Assistant Researcher, Cornell University. 1972-1974 - Researcher of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

1974-1983 - Professor of Physics, University of Houston. Holder of “Fulbright” scholarship, University of Split, Yugoslavia (1983). 1984-1989 - Associate Director of the Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center, University of Houston.

1987-2008 - Head of the Texas Center for Superconductivity.

1988-2002 – Director, Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center, University of Houston. 2002-2005 – Director, Texas Center for Superconductivity and Advanced Materials, University of Houston.

2005 - Director of the Center of breakthrough materials, University of Houston.

In 2007 – member of technical service, SanJose, Canada.

In 2008 - Director of the Institute for Energy Research, University of Houston.

Managing Partner, “Strategy Partners”, First President of the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts, Russia

Russian representative in the European Federation of Associations of Financial Analysts (EFFAS) and the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (CIIA) (1998-2002), member of the Council for Public-Private Partnership of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), member of the Civic Council under the Russian Ministry of Regional Development, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Development Policy, Russian Engineering Union.

Author of “Project Expert” and “Audit Expert” software programs, used in the field of business planning and corporate finance, widely represented in the international market; managed the project for the acquisition of the world's leading manufacturer of equipment for the forest industry, the project for the preparation of “Cherkizovo” to enter the IPO, projects on generation of long-term development strategies for Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk regions, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, on development of strategic concepts of the Irkutsk Region`s tourist and recreational areas, the Krasnodar Krai, the Republic of Buryatia.

Acting Head, Department of Economics, Director of the Center for Research on International Financial and Energy Security, Pennsylvania State University

Born in 1955, PhD in Economics (University of California, Berkeley), Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University. Previously he was an Assistant Professor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow, Brookings Institution, Director of the Center for Research on International Financial and Energy Security, Pennsylvania. Specialist on transition countries, one of the founders of modern Russian economic science and education. In particular, he stood at the origins of the NES. Chair of the Research Committee, New Economic School in Moscow, President, American Friends of the New Economic School in Moscow, author of "Russia`s Virtual Economy" and "Russia`s Addiction: The Political Economy of Resource Dependence" (with Clifford Gaddy).

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan.

Born on August 17, 1971 in Karaganda; graduate of Department of Law, the Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University (1994), of the Higher School of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998).

In 1998-1999 he held the post of the Chief Officer at the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms. In 1999-2000 Asset Issekeshev headed the Department of the Ministry of Justice. From 2000 to 2001 he was the President of the National Legal Service CJSC under the Ministry of Justice. From 2002 to 2003 he served as the Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning, in 2003 held the position of the Vice Minister of Industry and Trade. From 2006 he held the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Board at Kazyna Fund for Sustainable Development. From 2007 to 2008 he was the Director for Marketing of financial projects in Credit Swiss LLP (Kazakhstan). From 2008 to 2009 he served as the Aide to the President of Kazakhstan. In 2009 he was appointed the Minister of Industry and Trade. In March 2010 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Secretary General, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK)

In 1995 he graduated from the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Middle East Technical University. From August 2000 to January 2001 he studied at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA). In October 2003 he graduated from Columbia University (New York, United States). In 1995 he began his career as an Assistant Specialist at the Capital Markets Board of Turkey. In 1999, he wrote a thesis on “Formation of securities centers in Turkey”. From September 2003 to November 2004, he headed the Department of International Relations & EU, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey. Since 2006 to the present time he serves as the Secretary General, Foreign Economic Relations, Board of Turkey (DEIK).

Professor, Higher School of Economics, Italy

Ian Campbell was born in the Czech Republic. He got a technical education, holds PhD, delivers speeches at the various international conferences held in Europe, Russia and Asia. He delivers speeches at many international conferences in Europe, Russia and Asia, is experienced in the development, implementation and management of complex projects (more than 90 projects in various European countries), also in the process optimization and production privatization (due diligence, the second largest steel works in Germany, Weselwerke, Bonn, and others). In addition, in 2006, under his leadership the unique medical device of Russian origin for non-invasive, cost-effective and safety diagnosis of breast diseases was certified in EU (electrical impedance tomography).

Prior to that, in Novosibirsk in the NSTU, ITP SD RAS and Sib-Elektroterm, project for the destruction of waste by means of high-temperature plasma had been created (stationary and mobile unit). In 2007 he was authorized by the owner of the OKIN group (Prague) to create the OKIN facility RU in Moscow.

Deputy Chairman, Kazakhstan Agency on Regulation of Activities of Almaty Regional Financial Center

Born in 1978 in Almaty. He graduated in 2000 from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Faculty of International Economic Relations (Bachelor of Economics), in 2002 - from MGIMO University with honors with master`s degree in “World Economy”, in 2005 – from London School of Economics (LSE Executive). 2002 - Investment Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2002 – Attaché of the American Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2003 - diplomatic work in the Republic of Kazakhstan Embassy in Great Britain,

with responsibility to establish the bilateral economic relations, cooperation with the financial sector and structures in the City, London, and relationships with business media. Since October 2007 he serves as Deputy Chairman of Kazakhstan Agency on Regulation of Activities of Almaty Regional Financial Center.

Senior Economic Advisor to the President

Chairman, Korean Presidential Competiveness Council

He was born in 1945, received a bachelor's degree in law from Seoul National University in 1969, a Master's degree in Economics from New York University in 1987. He began his career at the Ministry of Finance in 1970, where he worked until 1996.

1996-1997 – Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy.

1997-1998 – Vice Minister of Finance and Economy.

1999 - Executive Vice Chairman, Korea International Trade Association. 2008-2009 - Minister of Strategy and Finance. As President of Seoul Development Institute he participated in a feasibility study of the projects on Cheonggyecheon restoration and major overhaul of the general transport system. He is awarded “Red Stripes Order” of civil servant of the Republic of Korea. In 2005 he wrote the book “An Insider's Look into 30 Years of Korean Economic History”.

President, Kazakhstan Press Club

Managing Partner of the PG Communications, IPRA member of IPRA (International Public Relations Association), co-founder of the PR Club, a member of NASO, co-founder of KIMEP Alumni Association. Graduate of the Kazakh State University, Faculty of Journalism, MBA in International Marketing (KIMEP), MPA (Master of Public Affairs) (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA), member of Edmund Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program. She stood at the origins of domestic PR market development, has 15 years of experience in the field of PR and communications. Member of the External Image Group of the Foreign Investors Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an author of articles on PR market issues, communications coach, a teacher of the leading business schools. As head of the Kazakhstan Press Club, she was awarded the gratitude of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Senator Hillary Clinton. She is the winner of the “National Award of Public Recognition of Achievements” of Kazakhstan's Women “Azhar”, the holder of many honorary certificates.

Assistant, Department of Tourism, Ural State University of Economics

Born on November 7, 1987; in 2009 graduated from the Ural State University of Economics with a degree in “National Economy”. In the period from 2008 to 2009 she worked as an Advertising Projects Specialist at “Art – Media”. She has

published articles on the organizational and economic mechanisms in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Executive Secretary, Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on November 10, 1974 in Karaganda; graduate of the International Institute of Tourism and Management (1995, Austria, Semmering) and of Abay Almaty State University (1997).

1997 - Senior Expert of the Secretariat of the Supreme Economic Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1997-2001 - Head of the Strategic Development Department, Deputy Director of the Department of Social and Economic Analysis, Agency on Strategic Planning.

2001 to 2002 – Head, Department for Small Business Support, Agency for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Competition Protection and Small Business Support.

2002 to 2003 - Deputy Director General for Financial Affairs, Economic Research Institute RSE.

2003 to 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of State Insurance Corporation for the Insurance of Export Credit and Investment JSC.

2006 to 2007 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Small Entrepreneurship Development Fund".

2007 to 2008 – activities in the private sector.

2008 to 2009 - State Inspector of the Presidential Administration.

Since August 2009 serves as Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chairman, Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund JSC

Born on January 28, 1969 in Alma-Ata. Graduate of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1993) with degree in “Mathematics”, the Institute of Market under Kazakh State Academy of Management (1996), National Higher School of Public Administration under the President of RK and the Georgetown University in Washington (1998).

1993 – Assistant, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University.

1996 - Senior Expert, Supreme Economic Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1997-1998 –Director, Agency department for Strategic Planning.

1998 - Head of the Department of Social and Economic Analysis of the Presidential Administration.

1999-2001 – Chairman, Agency for Strategic Planning.

2001-2002 - First Vice Minister of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2002-2006 - Minister of Economy and Budget Planning, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006-2008 - Chairman of the Board of JSC “Sustainable Development Fund” Kazyna”.

Since October 2008, he chairs the Board of National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

Head of the OSCE Center in Kazakhstan

Born in 1947 in Paris, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ph.D. in Russian Philology from the University of Paris. 1976-1980 – Economist, French Ministry of Finance, the Chief Economist of the French Embassy in Moscow (Trade Commission).

1980-1983 - Chief Economist of the French Embassy in New Delhi.

1984-1998 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France. 1998-2002 - Consul General of France in St. Petersburg.

2002-2007– Inspector, Foreign Affairs General Inspectorate. 2007-2008 - Special Advisor to the Director General of the France Cooperation Internationale, created by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana in June 2008.

President, International PPP Platform

Co-founder of Group Law firm, Turkey

Graduate of the Law Faculty of Istanbul University, Master of Legislation of the European Union (Marmara University), Doctor of Science in PPP legislation, member of the Istanbul Bar Association. Previously, he worked as a Senior Lecturer at Ataturk and Uludag universities, consulted the companies on leading projects in Turkey. He is the author of articles, publications and books in the fields of PPP, privatization, commercial law, project finance, intellectual property and competitiveness.

Laureate of Nobel Prize in Economics 2004 “for contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles”

Born on December 1, 1943 in Algard, Norway.

B.A. (Norwegian School of Economics and Economic Management, 1968), Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, USA, 1973). Since 1973 he serves as a teacher in the United States, retaining, however, the Norwegian nationality, and sometimes leaving for delivering the lectures. Since 1976 he is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Also teaches at the University of California, Santa Barbara, chairs F. Hanley Department, Board of Directors of the Oracle Company - one of the largest computer corporations in the world market. Kydland main works are the product of collective work with Edward Prescott, with whom he collaborated for over 30 years. They actually marked the beginning of

the modern theory of economic fluctuations.

Director General, Korea Development Institute

He began his career at the Korean Development Institute as an expert on the studies of regional and infrastructural development, public finance and urban planning; worked as Director of the Center for Public Investment Management and the Director of the PPP Program Department. From October 2003 to January 2005 he served as a senior evaluation expert at the World Bank, was responsible for assessing the effectiveness of World Bank projects, in particular for the completion of work on the projects in Algeria, Ghana, Mongolia, Nigeria, Poland and the Russian Federation, as well as for sector and thematic evaluation of the urban housing projects effectiveness. Since April 2006 he was appointed Managing Director of the Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center of the Korean Development Institute. B.A. and M.A. in Economics (Seoul National University), Ph.D. in Economics (University of Chicago). He has experience in various foreign countries.

Chairman, Agromash Holding JSC, member of the Board, The National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken Union”

Born in 1976 in Almaty. Along with studying at the university, he began working in trade since 1994. In 2000 he graduated with honors from the University “Kaynar” in “Jurisprudence”. During the years of work in the field of sales he worked his way up from sales assistant to the director of the trading house; stood at the origins of Almaty branch of Agromash JSC in 2003. April 2004 – 2006 – Director, Almaty branch of Agromash JSC February 2006-2008 - Commercial Director, Agromash JSC February 2008 - June 2008 - Vice-President, Agromash JSC June 2008 - March 2010 – President, Agromash JSC March 2010 - present – Chairman, Board of Directors, Agromash Holding JSC.

President, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI)

Mr. Suk Joon Kim was appointed the President of the Science and Technology Policy Institute in August 2008. He was a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea from 2004 to 2008, made a contribution to the development of policies while serving at the Committee of Science, Technology, Information and Telecommunications. In 2004, he served as President of the Korean Association for Public Administration; and by March 2002 he was an Executive Member of the Civil Association of Economic court. He was a professor of Public Administration at Ewha Womans University from 1989 to 2004. During 1993-1998 he served as a Dean of the Department of Information Systems, Ewha Womans University. Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Public Administration (Seoul National

University), Ph.D. in Political Sciences (University of California).

President, International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

President, Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Born on August 4, 1954; Ukrainian politician and statesman, businessman, professor emeritus of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University .

Since 1997 – President, Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

1997-2009 - First Vice-President of ICIE. In 2009 he was elected the Chairman of the Board of ICIE at a meeting of the IX Assembly of ICIE in Vilnius.

May 2001-November 2002 - Prime Minister of Ukraine.

February 2005 - First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Since September 2005 - Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

2007 - Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

Since November 2007 he heads the subcommittee for military-industrial complex development, Committee of Ukraine Supreme Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. 11 March 2010 - Advisor to the President of Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (V degree), the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (IV degree), Cross of Commander, the Republic of Lithuania.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to Kazakhstan

Headed the Political Section of the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United States in New York. Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996. Previously, he worked as the Director of Civil Crisis Management Council, Political Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Twice served in the Department of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, performing functions in the respective fields. He also worked at the Finnish Embassy in Moscow and Washington.

Chief Executive Officer of Russia, CIS and Turkey, Credit Suisse

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Russian, CIS and Turkey, Credit Suisse; co-Chairman of Emerging Markets Council, Credit Suisse and member of Operation Committee for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Permanent place of work is Moscow.

Prior to joining Credit Suisse in September 2006, Mr. Kyriakos-Saad had held various senior positions in JP Morgan Chase in the field of transactions with fixed income and work in emerging markets. Prior to JP Morgan he had worked for 8 years at Goldman Sachs in New York and London.

Member of Foreign Investors Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Coordination Council of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. He graduated from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon with degree in “Design and Construction of Civil Engineering Structures”, Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Columbia University); born in Beirut.


Ph.D., former Scientific Adviser at the Embassy of the GDR to the FRG, the former Vice-Minister of Science and Technology, GDR. Since 1991 he works at Tehnostart consulting company, which develops government programs of technological parks cultivation and promotion of technology-oriented small and medium businesses. There have been developed the concepts of more than 25 parks in Germany and other countries. Today he focuses on the modernization of industrial policy with clustering, commercialization of research results and development of international cooperation, coordinates the German-Bashkir major projects on modernization of the industrial policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan, developed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

World Bank Regional Director for Central Asia

Bachelor of International Economics (Claremont Graduate University (US), Master of Law and Diplomacy in Economics, International Law and International Business (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (USA). He began his career at the World Bank in 1981; in 1983 was engaged in a program of the World Bank in the field of transport development in the countries of Eastern and Southern Africa; in 1992-1995 was appointed as the Permanent Representative of the World Bank in Tanzania. From 1995 to 1997 as the Chief Specialist of the World Bank program in Kazakhstan was directly involved in planning the strategy of the World Bank's cooperation with Kazakhstan and supervised the preparation and implementation of projects on modernization of the treasury systems in Central Asia, including the project aimed at reforming of the Kazakhstan`s legislation. From 1997 to 2009 he worked at the Department of Infrastructure and Energy, Department of the Europe and Central Asia Region (EGA) of the World Bank, first as Chief Economist, in 2001-2003 - in a position of the Chief of the Water Supply and Sanitation, in 2003-2009 - Head of the Transport sector. On January 15, 2009 he was appointed World Bank`s Regional Director for Central Asia.

Member of Council of Ministers, Head of Department of Technology and Innovations Development, Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany

Born in Hanover, Master of Economics (University of Bonn), graduate of the Kalamazoo College, USA. 1983-1989 - Credit Expert, Dresdner Bank, Dusseldorf;

1989-1992 – Expert of European government subsidy program, Luxembourg.

1992-1997- Senior Officer on the privatization of East German companies, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology;

1997-1999 - Senior Official for Economic Affairs of East Germany;

1999-2003 - Senior Official on the technology and innovation policy,

Since 2003 to present time he heads the Department of Technologies and Innovations, Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany.

Adviser, “HeenanBlaikie”, Former Prime Minister of Canada

Law graduate from the University of Laval, and then was invited to the Bar of Quebec in 1958; member of the Ontario Bar Association. In January 2004, he joined the HB team as an advisor; mainly works at the company's office in Ottawa, but also actively cooperates with an office in Montreal and with other branches of NeenanVlaikie. Member of the House of Commons since 1963. During his public activity, he was appointed to the posts of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, the President of the Reserve Fund, the Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs, the Secretary of State for foreign activities, the Minister of social development. In 2007, he was appointed a Companion of the Order of Canada. In 2008 he became co-president of the Interaction Council. He was appointed to the Order of Merit by Queen Elizabeth II in 2009.

Deputy Economy Minister of Ukraine

Born in 1954, graduate of Department of Economics, Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko (1975).

1975-1985 - Engineer, Senior Engineer, All-Union Designing and Technological Institute.

1985-1988–Graduate Program, Scientific Research Institute of Economy under the State Planning Committee.

1988-1989 - Senior Engineer, Junior Research Fellow, Scientific Research Institute of Economy under the State Planning Committee.

1989-1998 - Junior Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Leading Research Fellow, Deputy Director of Science-Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

1998-2005 - Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Department of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2005-2008 - Head of the Department of the State Institution “The Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. Since January 2008 he serves as the Deputy Economy Minister of Ukraine.

Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

1993-1994 - Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations in Geneva and other international organizations, including the ECE. 1998-1999 - Special Representative of the Secretary-General of Tajikistan and head of the UN Mission of Observes in Tajikistan. 2000 - Personal Representative of the OSCE, Chairman-in-Office for Central Asia. 1994-1998 - Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre.

1995-2005 - Secretary General, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). 2005-2006- Special Representative of the European Council in Central Asia, based in Brussels.

2006-2009 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia.

2007-2008 - Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. On December 19, 2008 was appointed the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

President, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Born on August 29, 1938; in 1962 he graduated from the Geophysical Department of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute; Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1969); in 1974 defended doctoral thesis on “Geophysic”", in 1980 became a professor.

1962-1970 – Research Fellow, Institute of Geology and Development of Fossil Fuels

1970 – Head of laboratory of seismo-acoustics, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Geophysics and Geochemistry, Ministry of Geology, USSR.

1979 – Director, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Geophysics and Geochemistry.

1986 – General Director, GEOS ITC, Chief Designer of the State Geosystem (space – air – ground).

Since 1994 serves as a Director of State Research Center of the Russian Federation; Rector of the Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man, co-chairman of the Intellectual resources of Russia National Committee, Vice-President of the Russian National Committee of the UNEP.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, JSC “National Innovation Fund”

Candidate of Technical Sciences, worked in the local executive authorities, headed the departments in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Energy and

Mineral Resources.Deputy head of the Social and Economic Monitoring Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In September 2009 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of JSC “National Innovation Fund”.

Partner and Top Adviser, InnoPraxis International Ltd, Finland

Born in 1957 in Finland. Since 2009 she is a Director and major shareholder of InnoPraxis International Ltd, which specializes in providing consulting services for the establishment, management and development of science and technology parks. In the period from 2006 to 2008 she headed the Technopolis Consulting Unit, was responsible for sales of consulting services, development of division products, marketing. Chief Consultant in projects with different regions of Russia, New Zealand, South Korea, Poland, Uzbekistan and other countries. Main achievements are the development of materials to work with clients and conduct trainings, high level of customer satisfaction, increased sales in 2008 by 100% compared to 2007, expanding the geography of consulting division work.

Minister of National Infrastructure of Israel

Born on August 2, 1943 in Haifa.He served in the Paratroopers Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces, and reached the rank of Major. B.Sc. and M.A. of Mathematics (Technion), Ph.D. in engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He worked as a systems analyst, CEO of the Ministry of Transport, was a member of El Al Israel Airlines and of the Board of Directors of the Israel Airlines. Since February 24, 2009 he serves as Minister of National Infrastructure.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Russian Federation

Born on February 7, 1954; in 1976 graduated from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University with degree of “geologist-geophysicist”. 1976-1993 - Engineer, Research Fellow, All-Union Institute of Geophysical Prospecting Methods.

1993-1994 - Deputy Director-General, GEOMIDDLE LLP.

1994-1998. - Executive Director of the Russian division “Tereza” of the French Association “Medical and Social Assistance to Russia”.

1998-1999 – President, JSC Federal Fund Corporation.

1995-1998 - Assistant Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

2000-2003- First Deputy Head of the Russian Government.

2003-2004 - First Deputy Head, Secretariat of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

2004-2007 - Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development, Russian Federation.

From November 2007 serves as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Director of Software Development, CBORD Group, Inc.

Born in 1957, graduate of Southwestern University, Fort Worth, honorary member of the National Society, Bachelor of Mathematics and Physics (College of Dallas), Master of Physics (Baylor University). He worked as data transmission specialist at Baylor University, Assistant Director of the Center of Information Systems. Since 1995 he worked as a manager of Campus Systems Incorporated Diebold, as the Director of Software Development at SBORD Group in 2005. Founder and Director of ACM Network Services, and also worked in the Advisory Council of the Internet Society. He designed, built and implemented a wide card system in the campus in 1985, introduced an ICAM card product to the market in 1991; designed access control systems “Access 1000”, including a reader for Access 2005 cards; in 1998 introduced the card product CS Gold to the market; supervised the design and implementation of systems of access, applications for authorization, online storages, and designed the “Squadro” access control panel.

President, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)


PhD (1981).

1981-1986 - Assistant Professor, Kangrung University.

1986-2008– Professor, Department of Biology, Tohoku University.

1996-2000– President, Institute for Basic Sciences.

Since 1998 – President, Research Center.

1999-2000 - Vice-President, Botanical Society of Korea.

2002-2005 - President of the Ewha University-Industry Collaboration Foundation.

2004-2005 - President of the Korea Research Council, Cooperation Fund.

2004-2007 – President, BPI S & T Forum.

Since 2006 - President of the Seoul Industry-University Cooperation Committee, the Chairman of the Conciliation Committee of the Korean Federation of industrial and academic cooperation.

Since 2008 - Director of the Korea Polytechnic University, Director of the Korean Federation of S&T society, a member of the National Science and Technology Council, a member of the Fund Policy Committee, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, President, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP).

Since 2009 he serves as a Director of S&T Korea Research Council of Fundamental Science.

General Director, Lindholm-Consult, France

Has been providing advisory services to the states and international organizations in the areas of innovative systems for over twenty years, has worked in most European countries. His activities include both direct execution and management of specific projects and consulting at the highest level. This also includes the centers of commercialization of science and innovation finance (venture capital). Supervised projects aimed at restructuring of research centers. Recently he conducted a large transformation of the scientific program in Russia for the French government (G8GP) under the leadership of the CEA; participated in activity of groups of design and development of a number of science and technology parks based on the know-how of the famous Science Park Sophia Antipolis, located in the Southern France; served as keynote speaker at a conferences on innovation and competitiveness, has published a number of books that describe best practices in these areas.

Chief Economist, World Bank for Kazakhstan

Previously worked at the World Bank as Chief Economist in Russia, led the analytical work of the World Bank in Ukraine. 1995-2002 – Head of the Department for Russian and Bulgarian, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris. 1988-1995 - Member of the Department of Economics, Stanford University. PhD in economics (1998). From 1 July 2007 he serves as a Chief Economist of the World Bank for Kazakhstan. Publications of Mr. Litvak include research works on transition economy, fiscal federalism and theory of contracts.

Polytechnic University of Madrid, PPP Specialist

Since 1972, he has taught courses and seminars on the financing of infrastructure and public facilities in Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America and North America; has held various managerial positions at the Center for Research and Studies, the Ministry of Public Works from 1972 to 1987, the Ministry of Economy and Finance from 1987 to 1996 and the Ministry of Development from 2000 to 2004. In the period from 1996 to 2000 he was a member of the team of advisors of the Prime Minister for Economic and Budgetary Issues. He worked as a consultant for the World Bank, International Finance Corporation and the Inter-American Development Bank in various projects related to the provision and financing of infrastructure and public institutions in the framework of public-private partnership. He has also published several books on financial policy and economy of public works. The developer of the Law “On concessions” in Spain (2003), MBA, Bachelor of Laws (Complutense de Madrid University).

National Coordinating Center of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union in Kazakhstan on development of science, technology and innovation

National Coordinating Center of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union in Kazakhstan on development of science, technology and innovation.Director of the Independent Advisory Board to support Scientific Research in Kazakhstan.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Russian Federation

Born in 1949; graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1973), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, the Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation of the 1 class. From 1973 to 1989 - Engineer, graduate student, group leader, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Laboratory, Head of Department, Head of the F.V. Lukin Research Institute of Physical Problems.

From 1989 to 2002 - Deputy Director for scientific work - the chief engineer of the F.V.Lukin Research Institute of Physical Problems and head of the Department of Molecular Technology, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. From 2002 to 2004 - Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology.

Since 2004 - Head of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation.

Since March 2010 – Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the medal “In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow” (1997), the medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg” (2003), FITUR Jubilee Medal “100 years of Russian trade unions” (2004), Medal “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan” (2005), medal “For distinction in maritime activities” (2005), the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, I degree (2008).

President, European Investment Bank

Born in 1948 in Belgium; PhD, Master of Public Administration, Claremont Graduate University, Los Angeles, USA.

Since 1989 – Professor, Catholic University of Leuven. 1993-1998 – Chairman Interim Committee, IMF.

1988-1998 - Head of the European Investment Bank. 1996-1998 - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade, Belgium. 1988-1995 - Minister of Finance, Belgium.

1985-1988 - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs. 1981-1985 - Minister for Budget, Scientific Policy and Planning.

1980-1981 - Minister for the Civil Service and Scientific Policy.

1977-1991, 1995-1999 - Member of Parliament.

1991-1995, 1999 – Senator.

Since January 1, 2000 - President of the European Investment Bank.

Chief Executive Officer, HSBS, HSBC Amanah Berhad, Malaysia

Master of Business Administration (Ohio University, USA), has been working at HSBC Group for over 30 years. Throughout his career headed the different divisions, including branches, credit, enterprise relationship management, business development, debt financing on the debt market capitals of Hong Kong, product development and management. From 1979 to 2001 worked for HSBC Bank Malaysia. In the early 2000s, he was transferred to the department of Islamic finance and involved in the development of the HSBC Islamic banking in Malaysia; worked at HSBC Amanahon creation of now existing Islamic Bank affiliate. Since 2008 serves as Executive Director and President (CEO), HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad. As President, he is responsible for the overall management, growth of operations and profitability of HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad and compliance of Islamic Bank operations with the Sharia standards. He chaired the Working Committee of the Central Bank of Malaysia on the study and implementation of elements of Islamic finance in the industry.

President, Confederation of Polish Employers

Graduate of the Poznan University of Economics, PhD of Economics. Since 2001 has been working in a position of the President of the Confederation of Polish Employers, one of the first and largest organizations in Poland, representing more than 7,000 companies and providing jobs to more than 3 million people. Also worked as Deputy Minister of the internal market and a Minister of Agriculture. In 1996 the Prime Minister authorized him to head a mission on creation of the Ministry of Economy, where he was later appointed Executive Secretary. As a Member of Parliament, served as Vice-President for External Economic Relations

Commission. One of the most important professional achievements in public administration is participation in establishment of the Ministry of Economy. He is a Member of Parliament in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a member of the National Council for European Integration and a representative of Polish employers in the European Economic and Social Committee. In 2005 he was selected as Vice-President of the European Center of enterprises. He is also a representative of the Confederation of Polish Employers in the IOE.

Laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for “analysis of monetary and fiscal policy under different exchange rate regimes and analysis of optimum currency areas”

Born in 1932 in Kingston. In 1953, he earned his BA in Economics at the University of British Columbia; in 1956 graduated from the London School of Economics, then attended the MIT, where obtained his PhD in Economics. In 1961 he went on to staff the International Monetary Fund.

1966-1971 - Professor of Economics (University of Chicago) and editor of the “Journal of Political Economy”.

1965-1975 - Visiting Professor, Center for International Studies in Geneva.

1997-1998 - the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University at the School of International Studies, Paul H. Nitze. Professor of Economics (Columbia University), known as the creator of the theory of optimum currency areas. He received the “Docteur Honoris Causa” from the University of Paris, honorary professor of the Brookings Institution and many universities. In 2005 he was awarded the Global Economics Prize by the World Economics Institute in Kiel.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus

Born on February 22, 1953; graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, summa cum laude, in 1975.

1975-1980 - Department of International Economic Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1980-1988 - Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1988-1991 - Deputy Head, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1991-1992 - Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations, New York.

1992-1993 - Charge d'Affairesa.i. of Belarus in the United States.

1993-1997 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the United States.

1997-2001 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Belarus.

2001-2003 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the Kingdom of Belgium, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the European Union, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Since March 2003 serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Belarus.

Secretary General, ECO

Born in 1940 in Kandahar, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRA), Master of Law and International Relations, Kabul University (IRA); Master of International Relations, University of Sydney (Australia), Master of International Law, Farleigh Dickinson University (USA). 1997-2001 - Special Envoy, Director for Asia in the International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland. 2002-2004 - Special Advisor to the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

2004-2007 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the States of Scandinavian Peninsula. 2007-2009 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since 2009 serves as Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization.

Prime Minister, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Born in 1965; graduate of Beijing Language and Culture University, Wuhan University (School of Law) and Kazakh State Academy of Management; international lawyer and economist, Doctor of Economics, speaks English, Chinese, and Arabic. He worked his way up from Chief Economist, head of Department of the Ministry of Labor, Senior Specialist, representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic in Urumqi (China), Executive Director of the Kazakh Trading House in Hong Kong, Chairman of the Board of Almaty Trade and Finance and the National Savings Banks, Minister of Transport and Communications, Deputy Prime Minister, the Assistant of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since January 2006 - Deputy Prime Minister, and from April 2006 - Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. Since January 2007 he serves as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chief, Transport Infrastructure Section, UNESCAP

John Moon joined UNESCAP in 1988 in a position of Expert for Economic Affairs, Department of the Transport and Tourism, Directorate of Transport, Ports & Inland Waterways. Later, he held senior positions of head of Transport Policy and Development Division from 1999 to 2003 and head of the Division of Transport Infrastructure of from 2003 to 2005. Prior to UNESCAP he headed the Group of Economic Studies RPT in London and managed the project of the Center for Marine Economic Research in Rotterdam. In addition, he worked as a lecturer and research fellow at the Marine Studies Department, Liverpool John Moores University. Open University Bachelor of Mathematics and Bachelor of Engineering Sciences in the field of marine research, UWIST, PhD, John Moores University.

First Vice President, National Engineering Academy, Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, member of the NAS RK, National Engineering Academy, graduate of Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute (1953).

1956-1959 - Post-graduate student, Moscow State V.I. Lenin Pedagogical Institute.

1959-1968 – Head, Department of Chemistry, Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute.

1968-1975 - Vice-rector, Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology.

1975-1984 – Director, Institute of Chemistry of Oil and Natural Salts, AS Kazakh SSR, Guriev.

1977-1986 - Chief Scientific Secretary and member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.

1977 - Head of the Kazakhstan`s Division of the All Russian Oil and Gas Scientific-Research Institute after Academician A. P.Krylov, First President of the Scientific and Production Center “Oil”, member of the International Academy of Ecological Reconstruction, member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor.

President, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on July 6, 1940.After leaving school he took up a one-year, government-funded scholarship at the Karaganda Steel Mill. Doctor of Economics, member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Engineering Academy and Academy of Social Sciences of the Russian Federation. Honorary Professor of the Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, honorary professor of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 1960-1969 the President worked at Karaganda Metallurgical Combine. In 1969-1973 was engaged in party and komsomol works in Temirtau.

1973-1977 –Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.

1977-1979 - Secretary, Second Secretary of the Karaganda Regional Party Committee.

1979-1984 - Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakh SSR.

1984-1989 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.

1989-1991 - First secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakh SSR.

February to April 1990 - Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. Since April 1990 serves as the President of Kazakhstan. An April 29 1995 referendum extended his term until 2000. He was re-elected in December 4, 2005, receiving 91.15 percent of votes. President of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs.

Deputy Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, JSC “Economic Research Institute”, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on April 7, 1977, graduate of L.N. Gumilyov ENU (Astana).

2000-2001 - Chief Specialist, Budgeting Department, RSE “Kazakhstan TemirZholy”.

2001-2006 - Chief Specialist, Deputy Head of the Division of Standardization, Certification and Licensing, branch of JSC “NC” Kazakhstan TemirZholy”.

2006-2008 – Head of Technical Standards Control Department, branch of JSC “NC” Kazakhstan TemirZholy.

01.2008-04.2008 - Senior Specialist, Directorate of Operational Monitoring, JSC “Economic Research Institute”.

04.2008-01.2009 - Head of Directorate of Operational Monitoring, JSC “Economic Research Institute”.

Executive Director, Centre of High Technologies, EurAsEC

Born on June 23, 1945 in Moscow, Russia. In 1968 graduated from the I.M. Gubkin Oil Institute of Moscow, from the graduate school of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the USSR. Candidate of economic sciences, professor. He worked at the Central Economic Mathematical Institute (CEMI) AS USSR, the Institute of forecasting, Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Study of Science and Technology and the Center for Science Research and Statistics of the Ministry of

Equipment and Science. From 2009 to present serves as Executive Director of the Center of High Technologies of EurAsEC.

UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation

UNIDO-EurAsEC project coordinator

Graduate of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, has ten years of experience in defense RD; worked in the administration of Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations , where was responsible for engineering education, and in the organization of Russian President Administration. Was involved in the development of administrative reform concept and in projects aimed at advancement of organizational management. From 2004 to 2008 worked at the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, including in the position of Deputy Director of Economic Analysis and Perspective Planning Department. He participated in the development of sector development strategies, organization and conduction of the Russian industry and energy foresight. At the present time he serves as the coordinator of the regional project of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the Eurasian Economic Community aimed at building of a network of UNIDO offices to promote investment and technology transfer in the EurAsEC countries.

General Director, Russian Association of Direct and Venture Investment

Since 1998 he is the Executive Director of RVCA whose mission is to promote the establishment and development of venture capital industry in Russia; one of the organizers of the Venture Innovation Fund (VIF). In 2006 joined the working group dealing with the development of the concept of Russian Venture Company (RVC) activities. One of the developers and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Russian Venture Fair (since 2000) and the Russian Venture Forum (since 2005). In 2005, under her leadership there were created in Russia the regional coaching centers to promote the venture business, thanks to the activity of which RVCA annually holds 5-6 Venture Fairs in the regions of the country. She initiated the translation and dissemination of the Entrepreneurship Training

Course “Private Equity and Venture Capital” among Russian universities, prepared by the European Venture Capital Association (EVCA) for European universities.

International Projects Coordinator, Ural State University of Economics

Born on July 29, 1988, student of the Ural State University of Economics, Faculty of World Economy and Finance, Finance and Credit Department. Since 2009 serves at the Department of Audit Services “Ernst & Young”. Holder of Russian government scholarship. He has 12 scientific publications, including 2 internationally accredited magazines, dealing with state corporations, post-crisis development, insurance and tax systems.

Director, National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken Union”, branch in Astana, Deputy of Maslikhat of Astana

Born on August 13, 1958, graduate of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute. Ph.D. in Economics.

1987-1993 - Lecturer, Associate Professor of Organization of Agricultural Production Department, TAI. 1993-1995 - Head of Department, Turanbank, Kazakhstan. 1995-1997 – Manager, Adilet Law Firm, Akmola.

1997-1998 - Head of the Planning and Forecasting Department, Akmola special economic zone, Akmola city Akimat. 1998 - Head of the new financial technology, credit and tax policy of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, Astana.

Since 1999 - Deputy Director of Adilet LLP Law Firm. Currently heads the “O`Azamat” Holding Company, Branch Director of the National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Union “Atameken” in Astana. Deputy of maslikhat of Astana.

Founder and CEO, Innovative Technologies Centre for high-tech enterprises development, Israel

Graduate of the Chernivtsi University, Ukraine, Master of Mathematics. In 1993 founded the incubator “L.N. Innovative Technologies”, served for 17 years in the Israeli Air Force as a scientific officer, responsible for the field of physics and mathematics in the Air Force. Former director of several companies - leaders in the Israeli market.

Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Academy of Ecology, an expert of the Center for Russian Environmental Policy, member of the Russian Committee, International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, the International Society for Ecological Economics, an expert of UNEP, UNESCO, UNECE, European Union, World Bank, NATO, the World Wildlife Fund, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Harvard University, USA, projects, member of the

Russian governmental delegation at the World Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Professional interests include the economics and management of sustainable development of the environment, in particular economics of biodiversity, global environmental problems, environmental safety.

Chairman, Association of Scientific Parks and Business Incubators, UK

Director, the Surrey Research Park, UK

After having started the career at the University of Surrey in 1977, he developed the successful commercial research group and was appointed the Senior Lecturer in a field of industry. Along with work he founded the network of industrial and research laboratories.

In 1984 joined the Surrey Research Park as the 7th member and chaired in 2003 and 2004. Author of articles concerning design, development and operation of scientific parks and business incubators.

Chairman, National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken Union”,Chairman, National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken Union”,

Born in 1967, graduate of the A.M. Gorky Ural State University (1991), the National School of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan (1996), Zhetysu Economic Institute (2000). Trained in Central officers training Institute (Seoul, 1997), in the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 1998). Winner of “Cultural Initiative” Soviet-American Foundation young scientists prize (Moscow, 1991), Doctor of Political Sciences. He worked as a consultant manager, manager of sector of Taldykorgan regional administration (1992-1995). In 1995-1996 attended the NVSU.

1996-1998–Consultant, Chief sector of the Administration of the President.

Since 1998 - Vice-President of “Kazakhstan Aluminum” JSC.

1998 - 2006 - Head of the Civil Party of Kazakhstan.

Since 2006 – Chairman, “Atameken” NECK. He was an international observer at the presidential elections in the United States (2000 and 2004) and Russia (2004). Member of the State Commission on Democratization under the leadership of

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Standing Committee of the International Organization of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) (Beijing, 2004), Vice-President of the ICAPP General Assembly (Seoul, 2006). In 2001 he was awarded the Order of “Dostyk”, 2nd degree.

Head, Europe and Central Asia, IFC

MBA (Harvard University), has 12 years of experience in managing the IFC, Barents Group, KPMG; was involved in the projects on the private sector implemented in the emerging countries of Eastern Europe. Currently holds a post of IFC Regional Director for Southern Europe and Central Asia in the infrastructural projects.

Honorary Director, International Road Federation

Honorary Director of the International Road Federation (IRF) and Senior Advisor on the development of road infrastructure and transport; worked on projects implemented in the UK, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya and Turkey. In 1991 he founded the first pan-European Group on addressing the relationship of business and government. From 2004 to 2007 headed the office of the International Road Federation in Geneva and Brussels. Previously, was a partner in the consulting firm International Development and Strategies EEIG, which is a member of the IRF. Mr. Pierce is an expert of the European Union on political issues, in particular on the EU enlargement. He taught for 5 years at the School of Commerce in Rouen, France. Since 2007 he is a senior advisor of the transport policy in Central Asia, coordinates the logistics centers. Since 2008 serves as senior advisor for the project of Ukraine joining the Trans-European transport system; member of the Business Advisory Board of the UN European Economic Commission, a member of the Group of Experts on the UNECE PPP.

Director, Center of Business Communications, Ural State University of Economics

Graduate of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, A.M. Gorky Ural State University (1999). Currently is a graduate student of USUE program “Corporate Economics and Management”. In 2003 trained at IBLF, London, Manchester, by the program “Study of the UK experience in the field of social responsibility of business development”, IBLF, London, Manchester.

2001-2005– Consultant-Analyst, International Consulting Center ANO, Executive Director of City of the citizens ANO.

2005 - Director General of WTO-center of training, consulting and implementation the organization LLC, dealing with development and promotion of consulting services for the preparation of the industrial enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region to work in the conditions of Russia's accession to the WTO. She has scientific publications on “approach to corporate and social responsibility in the different models of corporate governance”, “corporate non-financial reporting as an innovative management process of the modern Russian enterprise”, “Innovative risk management tools: stakeholder approach”.

Innovations expert, partner of “Strategy Partners”

World Bank Consultant, participated in consulting projects, mainly on competitiveness, economic development and productivity of the public sector; also participated in research projects in the field of national competitiveness, including the planning of Russian clusters; recommendations for the development of a national cluster policy; International and national competitiveness indicator for the Russian regions; evaluation of entrepreneurship and SMEs in the Russian regions; draft of national SME policy; creation of an international image of Russia and its positioning; currently supports pilot Canada-Russian cluster, coordinates the World Competitiveness Program of World Economic Forum (WEF) in Russia. Doctor of Sciences, Russian Academy of Public Administration, and the candidate of technical sciences.

Deputy Director, Institute of Semiconductor Physics of SB RAS

Born in 1946, graduate of the Novosibirsk State University (1971), Professor, Doctor of Science (Physics of condensed mater), the Russian State Prize winner, Member of the United Scientific Council on Nano- and Information Technol. of SB RAS, Member of Academic Council on Space Material Science of Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials.

1971-2008 - Researcher, Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Laboratory, Head of Department, Professor of Solid State Physics at Tomsk State University.

2008 - Deputy Director and Head of Department, Dean of the Department of Physics of Semiconductors of the Omsk State University, Dean of the Department of Technical Physics, Siberian Aerospace University. His research interests are: Micro-nano-morphological and structural features of semiconductor thin film and nanostructures, Design of MBE installations and

individual analytical units, Space material science, Solar cell science and technology.

Managing Director, IFAAS, London, UK

Founder and Managing Director of IFAAS company which provides advisory and audit professional services according to Sharia to a wide range of financial institutions covering retail and investment sector, capital markets and Takaful sector through its offices in Birmingham (UK) and Paris (France). PhD, Durham University (UK) and an MBA in strategic management, member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK), the Islamic Finance Experts Group(UK), Paris Europlace Commission for Islamic Finance, the Committee of Business and Economy of the Muslim Council of Britain. Previously headed sales and marketing at the Islamic Bank of Britain, where he developed and launched the first proposals for public, private and business banking in accordance with Sharia principles. He worked as a consultant in many financial institutions and supervisory authorities across Europe, North Africa, North and South America and the Middle East.

First Vice Minister of Industry and New Technologies

Born in 1960, graduate of Department of Mining Engineer, Rudny Industrial Institute (1982), Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Department of Public and Municipal Administration (2004), Doctor of Economics.

1984 – Power engineer, chairman of trade union committee of the Kurzhunkul Mine Administration, SSMPA, Lisakovsk, Kostanay Region.

1991-1993 - Deputy Head, Chairman of the Lisakovsk Municipal Council of People`s Deputies in Kostanay Oblast.

1993-1994 - Deputy Head, Head of the Lisakovsk city administration.

1995-2004 - Akim of Lisakovsk.

2004-2007 - Deputy Akim of Kostanay Region.

2007-2008 г.г. – Chairman of the Board, JSC National Company “Social-Entrepreneurship Corporation “Saryarka”.

2008-2010 - Akim of Akmola region.

Since March 16, 2010 serves as the First Vice-Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan, was awarded the “Dostyk” Order of the II degrees

and medals.

IMD`s World Competitiveness Center Deputy Director, co-author of an annual report on the competitiveness

Graduate of universities of USA, England and Switzerland, received degree in economics from Stanford University, California; then received a scholarship of Rotary Foundation for postgraduate studies at the Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) at the University of Lausanne. Prior to the IMD, taught the economics for five years as a professor of economics (BS and MBA) at the Business School Lausanne; also worked at Morgan Stanley, (New York) in the field of corporate finance and at EF Hutton, Geneva in the field of finance. Co-author of IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY), published in the IMD (Lausanne, Switzerland), author of the “Methodology and principles of analysis” book in the WCY, the analyzes are included in the IMD special countries / regional reports (Oman, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, France, Abu Dhabi, some Malaysian states); author of several articles on competitiveness, themes of research: “Best practices to maintain competitiveness” and “Study of Regional Competitiveness”.

Member of NEA, Director of the Institute of Economics, MES RK

Born in 1947, graduate of Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology (1970), Doctor of Economics, member of IEA and NEA RK (1992), member of AS HS RK and IAS HS (1996), member of the Eurasia IEA (1998), President of the Republican public association Union of Scientists (2006). 1973-1990 - Senior Economist, Junior, Senior, Chief Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.

1990-2001 - Deputy of the Kazakh Parliament (served 4 terms). Chairman of the Committee on economic reforms, on the development of science and public education.

2001-2003 - President of the K.A. Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University.

2004-2006– Professor, M.Tynyshpayev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, President of the Institute for Analysis and Forecasting "Kazakhstan - United States."

Since 2006 serves as a Director of the Institute of Economy MES RK. Author of over 450 scientific publications, Master of Sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling.

Member of NAS RK, Deputy of IV convocation of the Parliament Majilis

Born in 1938, graduate of the Department of Economics and Industry, the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University and of the G.V. Plekhanov Moscow Institute of the National Economy, Doctor of Economics, professor, member of NAS RK, member of the New York National Academy of Sciences, member of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. He began his career in 1960 as a senior lecturer of the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University; headed Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Kazakh State Academy of Management; was a President of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, rector of Kazakh State Agricultural University, President of the University of International Business. In October 2004 he was elected a deputy of III convocation of the Parliament`s Majilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Chaired the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Majilis. Since August 2007 serves as Deputy of IV convocation of the Parliament Majilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, joined the Committee on Ecology and the Environment. The Chairman of the Board on economic diversification, faction of NurOtan People's Democratic Party.

Senior Advisor to the President of KBTU

Born in 1937, Doctor of Economics, professor, member of NAS RK, graduate of the S. Kirov Kazakh State University (1960), of the graduate school of M. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1967), in 1980 completed a doctoral program at M.Lomonosov MSU. In 1996 joined the “Eurasia” International Economic Academy; trained at the universities and research centers of the US, UK, Pakistan; headed the Department of Economic Analysis, AIPE.

1985-1989 – Rector, Ural Pedagogical Institute.

1993 – Director, International Centre for the training of scientific personnel of high qualification, Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Scientific Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, NAS RK.

Since 1993 - First Deputy Executive Director, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research.

Since 1998 - the Executive Director of KIMEP. At the present time serves as Senior Advisor to the President of KBTU, has government awards, diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR; winner of the Ch.Valikhanov State Prize, author and developer of the foundations of the theory and practice of financial and management accounting issues.

Executive Secretary, Ministry of Oil and Gas

Born in 1962 in Zhambyl region, graduated from the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University in 1985; Doctor of Law.

1992-1994 - Deputy Director General, the company of foreign trade, “Kazakhstan Service”, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

1994-1996 - Deputy Trade Representative, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1996-1997 - Vice-President for External Relations of the National Airline Company “Kazakhstan AueZholy”.

1997-2002 - worked at the Office of the RK Prime-Minister.

2002-2002 - Deputy General Director, CJSC NC KazTransOil.

2002-2006 - Managing Director, JSC NC KazMunayGas.

2006-2009 - Managing Director, JSC “Kazakhstan Holding for the Management of State Assets Samruk”.

November 2008 - June 2009 - Managing Director, Member of the Board of JSC National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna. Since June 5, 2009 hold a position of Executive Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department

PhD in Economics, New York University (1990). Advisor and Deputy Senior HR Manager at the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund. Her current work focuses on macroeconomic policy, the fund's programs and poverty problems. Department Director Consultant, Economic Adviser in the developing countries, in charge of promoting, coordinating and carrying out research in developing and transition economies. Reviewer of fund`s articles and programs and surveys of countries (Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, India, Turkey and Malaysia), co-editor of the IMF apparatus articles. Her area of expertise includes transient economy and international economy.

Director of “Meridian Technologies” company (Great Britain) in Russian and CIS

Graduate of the Institute of Management, International Marketing Department (Pune, India, 2001). In 1990-1997 studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Department of Informatics.

1997-1998 – Regional Manager, AMTEL Exports Company in St. Petersburg.

1999-2003 – Business Development Director, E-Lagoon Softcom Solutions, India.

2003-2005 – Chief Representative, Meridian Technologies, Russia and CIS, responsible for centers of IT education, Aptech Worldwide`s.

Since 2006 heads the “Meridian Technologies” company, dealing with the management of training in the field of information technologies, software sales, consulting in Russia and CIS countries.

Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities

Born in 1963.

1999-2004 – President of Civil Alliance, Serbia.

2000-2004 - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (since 2003 - Serbia and Montenegro).

2000-2006 - Member of Parliament.

November 2004-2007 – Chairman of Working Table I (democratization and human rights) of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. He played a key role in the activities of a number of groups and organizations, including the Center for Antiwar Action, the International Commission on the Balkans and the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights. Most recently, he was a consultant to the UN European Economic Commission on South-Eastern Europe and taught law at the Union University (Belgrade). Candidate of Economic Sciences (Union University of Belgrade), BA and Master of Law (University of Belgrade). In addition, he studied at the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, Saarland University and the European University Centre for Peace Studies in Staadtschlaining (Austria); author of several books, articles and publications.

Vice President of Operations, Islamic Development Bank

Master of Science (Paris, France), has extensive experience in the Islamic banking development projects. On January 1, 2009 was appointed a Vice President of Operations of the Islamic Development Bank, oversees several bank departments, dealing with projects being implemented in the countries-members of IDB and Muslim communities of non-Muslim countries.

Being a citizen of Mali, Dr. Sidibe held managerial positions at the several financial institutions in Nairobi, Kenya. Also he has worked for 23 years at the African Development Bank.

Chairman of the Board, JSC “Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center”

Born in 1964, graduate of Department of Trade Economy, Karaganda Cooperative Institute (1987), was qualified as an economist-organizer, in 2001 received a degree in Jurisprudence. From 1982 to 1992 worked in various positions at District Consumers Society, Michurin. From June 1992 to April 1998 worked in business structures.

April 1998 - December 2001 – Akmola Branch Director, Agency for restructuring and liquidation of enterprises JSC.

Since December 2001 - Deputy Chairman, Insolvent Debtors Committee, Ministry of State Revenues, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since September 2002 - Deputy Chairman, Insolvent Debtors Committee, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since June 2003 – Chairman, Trade Committee, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since August 2003 – Vice Minister of Industry and Trade, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006-2008 – Deputy Akim of Astana.

June - August 2008 – Deputy Secretary General, Eurasian Economic Union.

In August 2008 he was elected the Chairman of the Board of JSC “Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center”.

President, NCPPP, USA

More than 30 years’ experience in the analysis and implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms. Chairman of the NCPPP USA and the US representative in the group of PPP UNECE experts. In February 2008 was elected Deputy Chairman of the Expert Group, PPP UNECE. Consultant and lecturer in PPP of such organizations as the UNDP (UN Development Programme), UNECE, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, the International Law Institute, the governments of various countries. In 2008 was a member of the delegation of the United States Department of Transport and the Association of Public Roads for a visit to Europe to study the best practices in PPPs in Europe. Author of UNECE publication “Management of PPP in infrastructure” and analytical notes on the legislation in the area of PPP for the US Agency for International Development, as well as of more than 30 articles concerning PPP published in more than 6 languages. Graduate and postgraduate of Maryland University.

Former Chairman, International Advisory Board EITplus

Born in 1944 in Chemnitz, PhD (Giessen University); system analyst and programmer, consultant on computer systems and networks, consultant for Research, Technology and Innovations, member of the Board of “Fund of the German Rectors' Conference”, member of the Editorial Board of “Science Management” journal, Chairman of the European research area of the European Research Council on road transport, President of the European consulting and research council of the European Commission, Honorary Member of the World Innovation Foundation (London), Chairman of the European Business Council, Chairman of the EIT-Plus International Advisory Board, Member of the Advisory Council of the European Platform Higher Education Modernization.

President, Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan

Deputy of IV convocation of Majilis, Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the “Support for small and medium enterprises” expert Group, member of the Board of National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken Union”, of Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy.

Born in 1952, graduate of the Kazakh State University, teacher of chemistry, Candidate of Technical Sciences. 1979-1993 - Junior, Senior, Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Silicate Scientific Research Institute Stromproekt.

1981-1983 - Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Research Institute Stromproekt.

1983-1987 - Chairman of the National Scientific and Technical Council of Young Scientists and Specialists Committee, CC LYCL, Kazakhstan.

1988-1993 - Scientific Secretary of the Master and Doctoral Board, specialty 05.17.11 “Technology of refractory and non-metallic materials”.

1993-2007 - General Director, Basalt-Int JSC.

1998-2002 –Atyrau Branch Director, Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan.

2000-2003 - Chairman of the Association of milk manufacturers, Kazakhstan. 2003-2006 - Co-chair of the Dairy Union of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Director General (Economics & Strategic Planning)

Master of Natural Sciences in the field of operational approach (London School of Economics). Since November 2000 works as Deputy Director General (Economics &Strategic Planning), guides activities of specialists on transport economic policy, budget management, economic regulation and monitoring. His department provides advice to managers at government and ministerial level on issues of budget planning. The main activities of Mr. Solomon include strategic planning, strengthening PPPs and private financing, development and management, economic and scientific expertise of projects. In 2007 he was appointed Chairman of the executive body responsible for Jerusalem Light Rail project. Chairman of the of PPP experts team, UNECE.

Chairman, Coordination Council, Eurasian Business Council NP

Born in 1949 in Taldykorgan. 1971-1991 - General Director, Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.

1989 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.

1991- Minister of Metallurgy, USSR.

1992 - President of “Roschermet” Corporation.

1992 - First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan - Minister of Industry.

1992-1993 - Chairman of the Russian Committee on Metallurgy.

1993-1996 - First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

1996 – President, Association of Russian Financial and Industrial Groups.

Since 2002 - Chairman of the Coordination Council of Eurasian Business Council NP. Vice-President of the Russian Union of Commodity Producers, a member of the Presidium of the European Business Congress, a member of the Board of Trustees, Charity Fund of CCI RF, member of the Engineering Academy,

Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of Friendship, Order of Peoples Friendship of II degree.

First Vice President, International Academy of Investments

Director, Institute of Strategic Studies of EurAsEC Integration Problems

Born in 1939 in Russia.

1978-1980– Deputy Chairman, Regional Executive Committee.

1980-1981 – First Deputy Chairman, Regional Executive Committee.

1981-1994 – Secretary, Turgai Regional Committee, North-Kazakhstan Region.

1994 -1996 – Advisor to the Chairman, Interstate Custom Union and EurAsEC.

1996-1998 – Expert, Government of RF.

1999 – Advisor, Committee on the economy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the editorial board of “The Economist” magazine, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Head of Scientific Research Department, Department of Concrete Economics and Finance of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. He has published a total more than 280 paged publications, including 12 monographs.

Associate Professor, Department of the Stock Market and Investments, Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation

Graduate of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, London School of Economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

1991-1993 – Institute for Organized Market Research.

1993-2003 – “MICRO-invest” investment company.

2004-2010 – Associate Professor, Department of the Stock Market and Investments, Higher School of Economics.

He participated in the World Bank studies on infrastructure financing problems in Russia, prospects of securitization development (by order of the Ministry of Economic Development) and other research projects. Author of monographs on the problems of the financial market development in Russia, provides consulting services to such organizations as the World Bank, the Federal Financial Markets Service, the National Association of Stock Market Participants.

Vice Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born in 1978; in 2000 graduated from the Pavlodar State University with a degree in "Management". Then studied under the program "Bolashak" at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland (MBA in Finance). In 2006 he received a second degree in Jurisprudence in Pavlodar State University. Currently he is being professionally certified at the Association of Chartered Accountants and Auditors of the United Kingdom. In 2002 was appointed the Senior Consultant in the “Ernst and Young Kazakhstan” audit company in Almaty; then headed the Department of tax accounting and tax planning of KazMunayGas Exploration Production JSC. At the present time serves as Vice-Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chairman, Coordinating Council, Association “Eurasian Economic Club of scientists”

Born in 1971, graduate of Kazakh National Technical University (1971), of Kazakh State Academy of Management, Department of Economics (1995).

1994 – Chief Economist, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.

1995 – Head of Division.

1996 – Deputy Head of Department.

1997 – Deputy Director of Budget Department.

1998 – Director, Procurement Department.

1999 – Deputy Director, Treasury Department.

2001 – Deputy Director, Budget Department.

2002 – Director, Department of State Budget, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2002-2003 – Director, Department of Budget Policy and Planning, Ministry of Economics and Budget Planning, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2003-2006 – Vice Minister of Economics and Budget Planning.

2006-2007 – Chairman, Agency of Statistics, Republic of Kazakhstan.

January 2007 – August 10, 2007 – Vice Minister of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.

August 2007 – March 2010 – Minister of Economy and Budget Planning, Republic of Kazakhstan.

By the Presidential Decree of March 13, 2010 he was appointed the Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Professor of Economy, Autonomous University of Madrid

Born on November 1, 1933; graduate of the French Lycée, Complutense University of Madrid and the London School of Economics, PhD. In 1968-1971 worked as a professor of economics, the University of Malaga.

Since 1975 serves a professor of economics at the Madrid Autonomous University. In 1983-1985 – Lecturer, the Paris-Sorbonne University.

In 1976 – member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). Deputy of the Spanish Parliament in 1977, 1979 and 1986; participated in the signing of the 1978 Constitution, served as deputy mayor of Madrid, a consultant of the United Nations Development Programme and the Institute for the Integration of Latin America. In 1992, the EU Commission recognized him as a professor of the Jean Monnet Department in the European Union.

Director, Physical-Technical Institute LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan

Born in 1956 in Balkhash, Kazakhstan; in 1980 graduated from Faculty of Physics, Leningrad State University. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1980 -1983 – Engineer, Institute of High Energies Physics, Academy of Sciences, Kazakh SSR.

1983 - Junior Research Fellow, the Institute of High Energies Physics.

1989-1991- Institute of High Energies Physics.

1991-1996. - Physical-Technical Institute (PTI), Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1999 - Deputy Director, PTI.

2000 - Director of the Regional Centre, Physical-Technical Institute.

2004 - Deputy Director of the SBE “PTI” RSE CCTS MES RK.

2007 - Director of the SBE “PTI” RSE CCTS MES RK.

Since 2008 serves as director of Physical-Technical Institute. Full member of the Academy of Natural Sciences.

Vice President, JSC “Economic Research Institute”

Director, International Research Center

Chairman, Executive Body of the Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists”

Born in 1960, graduate of Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Institute of Management, professor, Doctor of Economics, PhD in Economic Science, member of Eurasian International Academy, member of International Academy of Science and manufacturing practices, Chairman of the Executive Body of the Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists”, science editor of “Economics, Finance, Research”, international and national entrepreneurship expert, member of the working group of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration of UNECE on entrepreneurship, innovations and competitiveness.

1987-2007 – Head of Department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor of Kazakhstan universities.

1997-2006 – Student of Baylor University, Texas, USA, under the “Fulbright” program.

Manager of number of Kazakhstan and foreign research projects; has published more than 150 scientific works and study guides, considered as one of the hundred best women of Kazakhstan; winner of the republican contests named “Best Entrepreneurs of the Decade”, “Best teacher of the university”, “Fulbright” scholarship holder.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Born in 1963, Ph.D. in history, involved in diplomatic service since Kazakhstan gained independence; held such positions as Head of Department, Deputy Director of the Department for Europe and America, Council Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to USA, Ambassador-At-Large MFA RK and Chief Inspector of Foreign Policy Center of the Presidential Administration.

2004-2009 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of India with concurrent accreditation to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Since September 2009 serves as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2008 he was awarded the Order “Kurmet”.

Deputy Chairman, JSC “Arna Media” National Information Holding

Born in 1963, graduate of Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seifullin with degree in “Teaching of Russian Language and Literature”. In 2001 graduated from Turan University with degree in Jurisprudence. Ph.D. in Philology.

2000-2002 – Consultant, Documentation and Control Department, Office of Prime Minister, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2002-2003 – Director, Department of Youth Policy, Ministry of Culture, Information and Pubic Accord.

2003-2004 – Director, Department of Youth Policy, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2004-2006 – Deputy Head, Press Service, Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2006-2007 – Head, Expert Group, “KazEnergy” Public Fund.

2007-2008 – Chairman, Information and Archives Committee, Ministry of Culture and Information.

Since October 2008 – Managing Director, JSC “Arna Media” National Information Holding”.

Since February 2010 – Deputy Chairman, JSC “Arna Media” National Information Holding.

Executive Secretary, “Zhas Otan” Youth Branch, “Nur Otan” People`s Democratic Party

Born in 1977 in Almaty. Graduate of Kazakh State Law University, also graduated from graduate school of Kazakh State Law University, majoring in “Financial Law”; served as Deputy Director on Students Affairs of Almaty Law Academy.

2000-2002 – Vice-Rector on Students Affairs, Kazakh Humanitarian Law University.

2002-2005 – Executive Director, Association of Legal Entities “Youth Congress of Kazakhstan”.

2005-2007 – Director, Department of Youth Policy, MES RK.

2007-2008 – Director, Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy, MES RK.

2008 – Director, Department of Youth Policy and External Relations, central apparatus of “Nur Otan” People`s Democratic Party.

Since 2008 serves as Executive Secretary of “Zhas Otan” Youth Branch, “Nur Otan” People`s Democratic Party.

President, Association of Private Finance Initiative

Graduate of Department of International Trade, Faculty of Commerce, Meiji University. Since 1999 heads the Japan PFI Association, responsible for conducting workshops, symposiums, discussions on issues of PFI/PPP; develops proposals for deregulation, advancement of environment for PFI support; provides consulting services and quality evaluation for projects implemented by the members of the Association. Prior to his appointment to the post of President of PFI Association, he had already had large experience in the field of PFI and PPP. Such experience was gained at the previous jobs such as member of the PFI Promotion Committee, the Cabinet of Prime Minister of Japan, member of technical experts group and Managing Director responsible for projects on financial advice services of Price Water House Company, Japan. He held the position of Manager General at the Japanese organization of trade and investments insurance and at the Morgan Grenfell Japan Limited, Department of Foreign Affairs).

Head, Eurasian Competitiveness Program, OECD

Graduate of London School of Economics (Master of Economic Management), HEC Paris - The Community of European Management Schools (Master of International Management) and Master of Public Administration.

Head of the Eurasian competitiveness program, which focuses on increasing investment, competitiveness and private sector development in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. The program provides support for regional policy, advice to countries concerning improving the competitiveness and capacity building. Invited scholar and lecturer at Harvard University, where he teaches political economy at the Kennedy School of Public Administration. Prior to joining the OECD, he worked in the field of strategic consulting at Boston Consulting Group and AT Kearney. Professional interests are the development of the private sector and climate of business policy.

President, ANO “Great Eurasian university complex”

Deputy Chairman, Coordinating Council of the Association “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists”

Born in 1951, graduated from Sverdlovsk Mining Institute with degree in “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”. 1973-1989 - Sverdlovsk Mining Institute.

1989-1993 - Moscow State Geological Prospecting Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

1993-2000 - Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, Ural State University of Economics.

1998-2005 - Director General, Research Institute.

2000-2005 - Head of the Department, Ural State University of Economics. Currently serves as Rector of USEU, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has 5 patented inventions, including the Eurasian patent for grain grinding method.

Director of R&D Polymate, Director of R&D Nanotech Industries Inc.,

Member of European Academy of Sciences, member of RAASN and REA, Israel

Founder, Director of the International Center for Nanotechnology Research “Polymate”, President of the IAI (Israel), a member of the European Academy of Sciences, of the Presidium of the Russian Nanotechnology Society, foreign member of two Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the UNESCO Green Chemistry Department, Professor of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Chief Scientific Advisor of ISA (Israel), VIP-expert of the Russian Agency for Small and Medium Business Support. Invented by him Nanotechnologies became the basis for some of the industrial production in the US, Canada, Russia and Israel. At the “International Salon of Inventions” IENA-98 (Nuremberg, Germany) he was awarded gold and silver medals for inventions in nanotechnology. In 2006 he received the Gold Award at the “Genious-2006” exhibition and in 2007 NASA Nanotech Briefs® 'Nano 50 ™ Award. For the last 10 years he serves as the Chief Scientific Advisor to many investment institutions; has more than 500 patents. He is co-author of “The Encyclopedia of surface and

colloid science”. In 2008 chaired the symposium at the International Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures in Hong Kong and scientific meeting “Organic Nanotechnology” at the meeting of NATO in St. Petersburg.

Research Fellow, Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Water Resources Management Division

Born in 1988, student of the Ural State University of Economics; has published articles on the following themes: “Economic evaluation of oil deposits”, “Planning and financing of environmental activities at the enterprises of petrochemical complex of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

President of the “Neocon” company, Russian Federation

Born in 1962. In 1984 graduated from the Moscow State University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

1984-1991 – Research Fellow of Academy of Sciences, USSR. 1992 – Head of Analytics Department, Elbim Bank.

1993-1994 – member of Working Center for Economic Reform.

1994 – Ministry of Economics, Russian Federation.

1995-1997 – Head, Credit Policy Department, Ministry of Economy, Russian Federation. 1997- June 1998 – Deputy Head, Department of Economics.

1998-2000 – private consultant.

2000-2002 – Strategic Development Director, Audit and Consulting Company “Modern business technologies”.

Since 2002 heads the “Neocon” company, founder and author of Worldcrisis.ru website that hosts reviews of the state and forecasts for the world economy development, actual state counselor.

Director of the Moscow representative office of “InWEnt”

Born in 1960 in Stolberg, Germany; graduated from the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with degree in Psychology.

1984-1990 – Research Fellow, Institute of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. 1990-1991 - Head of the School Psychological Service in Berlin-Hellersdorf. Since 1992 – Manager of “InWEnt” projects. Since 2009 - Director of the Moscow Representative Office of “InWEnt”. During work at the “InWEnt” company she has developed various concepts of training programs for managerial personnel of enterprises, banks, administrations of economics in the field of vocational education; implemented them in the CIS countries.

President, European Academy of Retailers

Born in 1947 in Hamburg, Germany. Master of Economics (University of Hamburg); PhD (University of Hamburg). In the period from 1973 to 1984 he worked in the tobacco industry. He founded the German Institute of trade in 1988, in 1993renamed the European Trade Institute, which today brings together 64 large retail companies from 12 countries.

Since 2003 he is an honorary professor of the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow; the initiator of creation of the Orgainvent company (organization that developed and implemented a process of complete control of meat and meat products), on the basis of which the rules of work of the European Commission were developed; chaired the Board of the International exhibition #1 on investment products for EuroShop retail.

In 2005 he founded the European Academy of Retail, which comprises about 67 educational and research institutions from 23 countries. He received an award from the University of Prague (Czechoslovakia) for facilitating the process of international exchange of practical information between universities of Eastern and Western Europe.

Professor of Islamic Finance, Qatar Foundation

PhD (Loughborough University, UK).

1976-1983 - Dean of the Faculties, Economic Departments of Gomal University D. I. Khan and the International Islamic University, Islamabad.

1983 - 2009 - Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), head of the division of the Islamic banking and finance; the editor of “Islamic economic studies”, co-director of IFSI IDB development programs, the Islamic financial industry development programs, member of the thematic group on IDB IFSI development programs, leading author of “Development of the Islamic Financial Services Industry: Ten-year strategy and prospects - a joint initiative of IDB and the Council of the Islamic Financial Services (IFSB)”, member of the IFSB working group on risk management; contributed to the development of AAOIFI, IFSB and IIFM documents; participated in and founded the International Conference on the “Islamic Finance: risk management, regulation and supervision” theme, winner of the IDB President Award “For excellent performance” in 2007.

UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan

Bachelor of Political Sciences (1983) and Master of Sociology/Anthropology (1990, American University in Cairo), graduate of Bredford University (1992), specialty: “Decentralized Research Planning and Management”.

Ms. Singer has been successfully working at UNICEF in the field of development and humanitarian activities for 20 years. Prior to appointment to the Republic of Kazakhstan she represented UNICEF in Azerbaijan from July 2004 to August 2008; held the position of Regional Coordinator for Emergency Situations in the CIS countries, Central and Eastern Europe in Geneva, in 2001-2004 - Deputy Representative in Haiti, the Deputy Representative and Acting Representative in Burundi (1999-2000); Acting Representative in the Maldives (1996-1998); National Coordinator of the Rural Development Program in Egypt (1990-1996).

She was also engaged in teaching and research activities in the field of political sociology and international relations at the American University in Cairo, Cairo University and Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, the Faculty of Political Science. She is the author and co-author of several publications on social change in the Middle East.

Assistant Secretary-General, Islamic Financial Services Board, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

BSLAS degree in insurance (University of Illinois), MBA (Ohio University). Previously managed the project by preparation of risk management manual, control and ensuring of capital adequacy, also was member of the working groups, in particular for the production of paper in compliance with the prudential requirements for Regulation and Supervision for Takaful and in drawing on the basis of prudent management of institutions providing Islamic financial services. Previously he was engaged in the development of management structures and risk measurement, including prudential regulation and supervision.

Professor of Finance, University of New Orleans, USA

Bachelor of Economics and Mathematics (Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA), Master of Economics (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA); completed the doctoral program in Finance at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. Associate Professor and Associate Chairman of the Department of Doctoral studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the UN.

The economist and financier, experienced in research, training and advisory services in the field of development of finance, stock market, Islamic finance, corporate finance, investments, applied economics, macroeconomics and international trade and finance. He provided advisory services to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Islamic Development Bank, the African Development Bank and USAID, the Government of Bangladesh, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and number of universities and organizations worldwide. Member of the following Councils: Association for Asia and the Pacific, New Orleans Museum of Art, Academy of Financial Services, Association of Sciences on Economy and Development. Editor of the following magazines: “The Global Journal of Finance and Economics”, “Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance”.

Founder and Managing Director, Inno TSD, Professor, Germany

Born in 1964 in Germany. PhD (University of Karlsruhe, Germany), Associate Professor of Innovation Management at the Linkoping University, Managing Director of Inno AG,

Germany. Reviewer of large number of scientific journals; a member of the jury of the Award Committees; a member of the Administrative Board of CEDIM AG, Inno Germany AG.

Chairman of PPP Center, Poland

PhD, financial investment and building economics expert. Before appointment as Chairman of the Polish PPP Center she had worked mainly in the field of consulting.

1996-2002 - Deputy Chairman, Executive Board of the National Bank's holdings.

2002-2005 - Vice-Minister of Economy, Vice-Minister of Construction and Physical Planning.

2005-2006 - Vice-President of the Executive Board of the National Bank's holdings.

2006-2007 - Executive Advisory Board of the Bank of Social and Economic Initiatives.

In 2007 - Executive Advisory Board of the Polish Confederation of Private Employers. Currently, in addition to taking a position of senior lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics, Irena Herbst holds the position of Chairman of PPP Centre Foundation, which includes 41 both private and public organizations. PPP Center is promoting the idea of partnership in Poland and the new law on PPP, and compiles the databases on PPP projects. The center cooperates with national and foreign organizations on the issues concerning PPP.

Modernizing the Industrial Policy of the RB Project Consultant

For more than 10 years Dr. Hornschild worked as a senior manager at the German Institute for Economic Research (Berlin) and headed the Department of Innovation, Production and Service; also he is an experienced researcher in the field of economy. Dr. Hornschild is an activist in the field of innovation and a political consultant for development of government programs aimed at strengthening innovation systems and innovation enterprises. Currently works as a consultant of the Modernizing the Industrial Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan project in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Applied economist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA

University of California, Department of Economics faculty member; Executive employer of the Cato Institute in Washington DC; chaired the “Friedberg Mercantile Group” in New York and “Toronto Trust Argentina” investment fund. Buenos Aires.

1976-1980 – member of Council of Economic Advisers, Maryland.

1981-1982 – Senior Economist with President Ronald Reagan`s Council of Economic Advisers.

1984-1986 – Senior Adviser to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.

1990-1991 – Personal Economic Adviser to Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister.

1994-1996 – State Counselor on monetary and financial affairs (Lithuania).

1997-2001 – Adviser to President of Bulgaria.

1999-2003 – State Counselor and Advisor to Montenegrin President.

2001-2002 – Economic Adviser to Minister of Finance and Economy (Ecuador).

Currently he heads the Chicago Partners LLC, a financial expert witness consulting firm.

Nowadays he heads the Chicago Partners LLC, which provides consulting services in the field of security, intellectual property and other contentious issues. He advises the governments on issues concerning monetary and regulatory reforms, privatization, public finance, stock market development. He is also a columnist of “Forbes” and editor of “Forbes Global”, “Central Banking” and “The International Economy”, member of the G-7 Coordinating Committee in Washington. Hanke was also named one of the twenty-five most influential people in the world by “World Trade Magazine”.

Minister of Economy, Ukraine

Born February 1, 1963; in 1982 graduated from the Izmail Vocational school of Mechanics and Electronics of Agriculture. After completing the army course, he went to study at the economic faculty of the Odessa Agriculture Institute, from which he graduated in 1988. In 2005, graduated from the National University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the qualification of a lawyer.

1994-2006 – National Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada.

2005 – Member of the Coordination Council for the Public Service under the President of Ukraine.

2005-2006 – head of the Odessa Oblast Government Administration.

2006 – Member of the Committee of Bank and Financing.

December 2006 – September 2007 – Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Recipient of the Order of Merit, 3rd class.

2005 - Member of the Coordination Council of the Public Service under the President of Ukraine.

2005-2006 - Chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration.

Since 2006 - Member of the Committee on Finance and Banking.

December 2006 to September 2007 - Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

He was awarded the Order "For Merit" III degree (1997).

Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation with the CIS, Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Federation

Born in 1960; in 1982 graduated from the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Ph.D. in Economics, author of several scientific papers on trade policy and international economic integration. Since mid-1980s works in the field of external economic relations on the various positions of central apparatus and foreign governments.

1994-1999 - Counselor, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU. 2004 - 2006 - Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Canada.

2000-2004 – Volunteer Assistant to State Duma deputy, the drafter of a number of federal laws.

2006 - 2009 - Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Economic Development, Russia.

January 2009 - The Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation with CIS countries. His responsibilities include the preparation of proposals for the development of Russian state policy in the sphere of foreign economic activity in its relations with the CIS member states and their international organizations and regional associations; directly involved in the preparation and development of normative legal acts related to this area.

Partner, EMP (Emerging Markets Partnership) Fund, Middle East

Graduate and Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Financial Services, has degrees in economics and finance, member of various IDB Infrastructure Fund investment companies. Prior to joining EMP worked as a senior advisor / director at Credit Suisse Group, where supported the reorganization of the division (LPT) for research shares in Australia. Previously, he was Vice President and Director of Deutsche Bank Group, Australia, and was in charge of the management and structuring of infrastructure investments, real estate investments and investments secured by assets across the entire spectrum of products - listing securities, the interbank money market and private capital. Before that, he worked in the divisions of Corporate Banking, Structured Finance and the Office of the inter-bank investments in Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia.

Director, ESCAP Division for Sustainable Development

Graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the Sungkyunkwan University, Korea; Master of Arts (Georgetown University in Washington). Since the beginning of 1990s worked in the field of international politics, focusing on environmental issues. While serving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, participated in the meetings related to environmental issues, including the Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In the mid-1990s he joined the Permanent Mission of Korea to the USA and became a coordinator of technological exchange of the First Conference of parties of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Associate Director, Corporate Finance, KPMG in Russia and CIS

He completed the MA program in economics at Tel Aviv University, majoring in “Econometrics and Finance”. Prior to joining KPMG in 2009 he was engaged into financial counseling the participants of large PPP projects competitions and infrastructure development in Israel and abroad. Developed a financial model for the construction of a toll road in Israel for a leading Israeli construction group in the framework of tender preparation and subsequent application to attract funding and completing of the relevant transaction. Also participates in the workshops devoted to the issues of PPP and Infrastructure, has teaching experience; has published several papers on PPP and infrastructure.

Regional representative for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, USA

Regional Representative for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the World Bank, the United States; an innovation specialist, particularly in the field of sustainable innovation and competition in the Eastern European and Central Asian countries in such sectors as the ICT (information and communications technology), agriculture and bioenergy. He supports business incubation and innovation initiatives of development programs (World Bank) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Stefan Shander directs the development of research networks and cooperation between Eastern European and German scientists, as well as organizations researching bioenergy. As a student, he founded a company for public relations and directed it. During serving as the Executive Manager and Deputy Chairman, he supported the formation of a youth political organization in Saxony during the transitional period in East Germany. He also ran the first student company which provides business consulting services in East Germany. At the same time he taught marketing and management at the Dresden University. Since 2002 lives and works in the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine) on development of IBN and innovations. As a volunteer he supported the UN mission during incubation of SODBI in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Vice-President (Operations Group 1), Asian Development Bank

Works in the ADB since September 2008, is responsible for operating activities of the South Asia Department, Central and West Asia Department, as well as the Operations Department in the private sector. Master of Economics (George

Washington University), Bachelor of Science (Beijing University of Western languages and literature). Prior to joining the ADB, he was Deputy Manager at Export-Import Bank of China, and Chairman of the Asset and Liability Management Committee and the Centralized Procurement Assessment Committee. 1982-1984. - Assistant to the Executive Director, Chinese Office of Foreign Affairs, the World Bank Group, China.

1985-1986 - Deputy Director, Department of Programs, World Bank, Ministry of Finance, PRC.

1987-1994. - Director of Foreign Affairs Department, Ministry of Finance.

1994 - 1996 - Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance of the PRC.

January 1997 – February 1999 – Alternative Executive Director, World Bank, China.

March 1999 – September 2002 – Executive Director, ADB, China.

2002-2004 - General Director of the International Department of Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China.

Chairman of the Management Board, JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”

Bachelor of Economic Science – graduate of P. Lumumba Peoples` Friendship University of Russia; in 1996 completed the master program at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. 1997-1998 - Structured Finance Specialist, JSC SB “ABN AMRO Bank Kazakhstan”.

1998-2000 – Chairman, PAMC “ABN AMRO Asset Management”. 2000-2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of DB “ABN AMRO Bank Kazakhstan”.

2004-2009 - Deputy Chairman, JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”.

Since 2009 chairs the Board of JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”.

Chairman, Advisory Council, Fraunhoffer IFF

Born in 1948, Bachelor of Economics and Industrial Organization.

1973-1991 – managerial positions in the branch of BASF Wintershall AG, Kassel. 1991-1993 – Head, Privatization Administration, Department of State Property Management (Treuhandanstalt Berlin).

1993-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Medium Enterprises.

Since 2005 - freelancer. Mr. Scheele holds such positions as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the IFF Institute, a professor at the Graduate School of the Harz, Wernigerode and a freelance professor at the Graduate School of the Harz, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science. In 2000 he was awarded the Medal of the Association of German Engineers, in 2002 awarded the Prize of the Slovakia for “Contribution to the economic development of the city and the investment in a new manufacturing enterprise”; in 2008, he joined the Supervisory Board of the IBG in Saxony-Anhalt.

Head of the “New Independent States”, “InWEnt”, Bonn

Born July 27, 1947 in Bitterfeld, Germany. 1972 to 1988 - Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Potsdam. 1988 to 1990 - Head of the Department and a research fellow, Institute of International Relations and World Economy, Berlin.

1991 to 2002 - Head of the “New Independent States”, Carl Duisberg Society, Cologne.

Since 2002 - Head of the “New Independent States”, InWEnt Society, Head of Representative offices of InWEnt in Moscow, Kiev and Central Asia. PhD, professor emeritus of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Honored Economist of Ukraine, I rank. Developed the concept of the German contribution to the “presidential program of training the managerial personnel of the Russian Federation”. Based on this concept, under his leadership, in 2005, there was designed the managerial personnel training program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, an effective tool for promoting the development of the external economy, participating in the Programs of partner countries and their enterprises. Today the program has been successfully implemented in 13 countries, including Kazakhstan.

President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Graduate of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1974), Doctor of Economics, professor, President of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets, the Inter-departmental Commission on Economic Security of the Security Council of the Russian Federation , the Supervisory Board of “Renaissance Capital”, the Expert Council of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the Coordination Council of business associations, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Russia, member of the Board of Directors of LUKOIL JSC, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order “For Merits to the Fatherland” IV degree, the Order of Honor, the Medal “In commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree.

Deputy Head of Sverdlovsk regional branch, All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia”

Born on August 7, 1988, student of the Ural State University of Economics, faculty of Human Services and Information Technologies, specialty “Socio-cultural service and tourism”; has published several articles on improving the efficiency of business services and resource management.

Head of PPP Unit, Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management, Netherlands

Born in 1963 in Holland. Since 2004 - Chief Adviser to one of the first large PPP projects in the Netherlands - the unification of the human resources management system for civil servants. Since 2005 - Chief Adviser to another large PPP project “Expansion of the harbor in Rotterdam”, on issues of which he negotiated on behalf of the Government with private harbors and port authorities. Since 2006 - Head of the PPP Unit, Ministry of Transport. Headed by him PPP Unit was responsible for defining the PPP projects, advising the Minister of Transport Water Management on PPP issues, financing PPP projects in collaboration with major lenders and pension funds, PPP projects consulting, training of government employees. He took the initiative in the creation of Partnership NL, which is engaged in the promotion of PPP initiative at the local level.

Director, Centre for Macroeconomic Research, Sberbank, Russian Federation

Graduate of Faculty of Economics and Mathematics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1992), New Economic School, Moscow (1994, Master of Economics), doctorate PhD in Economics (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA).

1999-2000 - Leading Economist, Russian-European Centre for Economic Policy (RECEP).

Since 2000 – manager of the projects in the field of economic policy analysis, a senior economist at CEFIR.

2003-2006 - Member of the Scientific Council, the Co-Chair of the “Economic and Social Policy in Transition Period” program, Carnegie Moscow Center.

2006-2008 - Supervisor of the Center for Strategic Research.

In 2008 was appointed the Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council on the financial and banking sector issues, the government Commission on improving the efficiency of the Russian economy.

Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Chairman of UN-Energy – an interagency mechanism within the system of the United Nations related to energy. Born July 5, 1959, Bachelor of General Agriculture (Njala University College, Sierra Leone), Master of Agricultural

Economics (1986, Cornell University), Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics (University of Illinois). 1994 to 1995 – Minister for Trade, Industry and State Enterprises, Sierra Leone. 1996 Special – Advisor to UNIDO Director-General, Mauricio de Maria y Campos.

1996 to 2000 – Director of the Africa and Least Developed Countries Regional Bureau, UNIDO.

2000 to 2003 – UNIDO Representative and Director of the Regional Industrial Development Centre, Nigeria. 2003 to 2005 – Senior Advisor to UNIDO Director-General, Carlos Alfredo Magariños.

Since 2005 – Director General of UNIDO. Honorary Distinguished Visiting Professor, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) at the 150th Year Special Convocation and Valedictory Function, University of Madras, Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth International Alumni Award for Exceptional Achievement, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), The Prix de la Fondation of the Crans Montana Forum.

President, International Institute of P. Sorokin - N. Kondratieff

Born on January 1, 1929, in 1952 graduated from the law faculty of Leningrad University.

1954 to 1967 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Political Economy, Leningrad Mining Institute.

1967 to 1978 - Director of the Research Institute on Price Determination.

1978 to 1993 - Head of Department, Director of the Center of Academy of National Economy.

1975 to1978 - Member of the Prices Board, Council of Ministers of the USSR. 1994 to 1998 - Vice-president, Russian Financial Corporation.

1998 – Professor, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Doctor of Economics, professor, member of Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Informatization, Academy of Forecasting. Chairman of the Department of Forecasting and Cycles Research, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Association “Forecasts and Cycles”, Vice-President of the N.D. Kondratyev International Fund and Academy of Forecasting, a member of the World Federation of Future Studies, Honored Worker of Science. Recognized as the author of scientific discovery “Interaction of cycles and crises in the dynamics of society”. He was awarded the Kapitza medal of RANS.

Chairman of the Kazakhstan Agency on Regulation of Activities of Almaty Regional Financial Center.

Born in 1966 in Almaty, graduate of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1988), Doctor of Economics and member of International Business University Academic Council.

1992 – Senior Specialist, Department of Finance and Forecast of Regional Foreign Economic Association “Kazakhstan Commerce”.

1992-1993 – Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of “Kazkhlebproduct” concern.

1993-1994 – Head of Foreign Investments Agency of National Agency on Foreign Investments under the Ministry of Economics of RK.

1994-1996 – Director, International Relations Department, National Bank of RK.

1996-1998 – Deputy Chairman, Board of Almaty Trade and Finance Bank.

1998-2000 – Managing Director, JSC “Halyk Bank”.

2000-2006 – Chairman of the Board, JSC “Kazpost”.

Currently chairs the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for regulation of activity of Regional Financial Center of Almaty City. He was awarded a Railway 100th Anniversary Commemorative Medal (2004), Commemorative Medal “10 years of Kazakhstan`s Constitution” (2005), the Order “Kurmet” (2005).