Shanta Devarajan

Senior Director of Development Economics World Bank

participates in:
Aubrey de Grey

Aubrey de Grey, British gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of “Rejuvenation Research,” will participate in the Forum’s Plenary Session.
Aubrey de Grey is the author of “Ending Aging,” a popular science book which carefully examines the question of defeating aging using medicine in the coming decades. Developer of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) theory.
Aubrey de Grey, British gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation, and Editor-in-Chief of “Rejuvenation Research,” will participate in the Forum’s Plenary Session.
Aubrey de Grey is the author of “Ending Aging,” a popular science book which carefully examines the question of defeating aging using medicine in the coming decades. Developer of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) theory.

Writer, gerontologist, Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of the SENS Research Foundation

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