Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Kazakhstan and the World Practice

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Kazakhstan and the World Practice

19 March 2015

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is the largest single study of entrepreneurial dynamics in the world. The GEM represents a global survey conducted annually which covers all the regions of the world i.e. more than 70 countries that comprises three quarters of the world population and 90 % of the global GDP. More than 100 research teams from all over the world representing about 500 researchers analyze specifics of entrepreneurship activity and make a sound contribution to the project.

The GEM project possesses a colossal value:

· GEM is a source of high quality data needed for policy makers;

· GEM is a new step in the study of entrepreneurial activity within a broader global context;

· GEM is a unique cross-cultural approach to the entrepreneurship activity analysis.

Panel session “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Kazakhstan and the World Practice” represents a unique platform of communication for the leading experts in the field of entrepreneurial research who can share their experience and knowledge. Acting entrepreneurs and business owners joining the session will learn about the best cases of entrepreneurial activity while representatives of the public sector will present the new initiatives and policies on improving the business environment. The session uniting academia, business and politics will become a platform for productive dialogue.

Within the framework of the panel session the results of the first national report written by the national team are going to be presented for the broader audience.

The key speakers of the session:

1. Mike Herrington- Executive Director of GERA

2. Robert Rosenfelt – Chief Executive, Centre for Organizational Excellence (Faculty of Duke CE and Nazarbayev University)

3. Michael Enright – Sun Hung Kai Properties Professor, Hong-Kong University

4. Christian M. Ketels - - Harvard Business School faculty at Professor Michael E. Porter’s Institute.

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